Northwest Computer Society

The Northwest Computer Society started in early 1976. BYTE magazine had a "Clubs and Newsletters" section and April 1976 issue carried this notice:

Seattle Club Activity
Bob Wallace, PO Box 5415, Seattle WA 98105, reports that a club is forming in the Seattle area. For information, call (206) 524-6359 11 AM to 5 PM

The club met twice a month at the Pacific Science Center, near the Space Needle. The first meeting had a speaker or presentation, the second meeting was more informal. The club incorporated as a non-profit in February 1978. John Marshall was President and Bob Wallace was Program Manager. Roy Gillette, John Aurelius, Randyl Britten, Joe Pizzorno and Jay Wicklund were club officers. (The Northwest Computer Society disbanded in February 1987.)

The club newsletter started on 8.5 by 11 pages with the copy produced on typewriters. Several club members had computer controlled IBM Selectric typewriters; the Trendata 1000 printing terminal that local ComputerLand store was selling for $800. The newsletters had advertisements and were sold in local computer and electronics stores. Beginning in April 1978, the Northwest Computer News was printed on 16.6 by 11.5 pages with the front page professionally typeset. The rest of the 8 to 12 pages were produced on Trendata 1000 terminals. Club members had low-cost access to a timeshare computer (Nordata's PDP 11/70) and they could submit their articles to the newsletter staff via 300 baud dial-up modems. (See Computerists Edit Electronically InfoWorld September 29, 1980.)

The general public became aware of personal computers in 1977 with the introduction of the Apple, Radio Shack, and Commodore computers. The club partnered with the Pacific Science Center to hold an annual Computer Fair. The first on was held April 8-9 1978 at the Science Center and over 5000 people attended. There were 13 commercial exhibitors and numerous club member exhibits. There were over 60 computer and terminals available for the public to use.

In January 1979 the club meetings were moved to the Seattle University Library auditorium.

1979 Computer Fair Poster (1.323 MB)

Northwest Computer Society Newsletters

December 1977 (2.209 MB)

April 1978 (2.518 MB)

June 1978 (2,265 MB)

July 1978 (2.974 MB)

September 1978 (4019 MB)

April 1979 (3.218 MB)

June 1979 (3.605 MB)

October 1981 (3.826 MB)

Michael Holley's System

Michael Holley's SWTPC Collection Home Page
This page was last edited July 14, 2015