MP-A2 Microprocessor / System Board

The MP-A2 board is the primary logic board for the SWTPC 6800 Computer system. It is a 5 1/2 inch x 9 inch circuit board containing the 6800 microprocessor chip, the 6830 ROM which stores the Mini-Operating system and the 6810 128 byte scratch pad memory for the ROM. There is a crystal controlled baud rate generator providing serial interface baud rates of 110, 150, 300, 600 and 1200 baud. The board also contains a power up/manual reset circuit, which loads the ROM stored operating system when activated. Full I/O buffering is provided for the 16 address lines and 8 bi-directional data lines with these and other inter-connections made to the rest of the system thru a fifty-pin connector to the mother board (MP-B).

The new MP-A2 board superceded the MP-A board originally provided with the SWTPC 6800 Computer System and comes equipped with the following features:

Introduced by Southwest Technical Products Corporation in early 1978 and the MP-A2 kit cost $145.

 SWPTC MP-A2 6800 CPU Board

Board Photo High Resolution (271K JPG)

Assembly Instructions (115K PDF)

System Checkout (68K PDF)

Modifying the MP-A2 for 8K of RAM (170K PDF)

SWTBUG Users Guide (245K PDF)

Schematic (314K JPG)

MC6875 Data Sheet

SWTPC 6800 Index
Michael Holley's SWTPC Collection Home Page
This page was last edited August 14, 2013