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Links and Credits

These are some of the web sites and individuals who helped make this site possible.

Old Computers (www.old-computers.com) has pages on both the Poly-88 and 8813, as well as pictures of the Poly-88.

Vintage Computer (www.vintagecomputer.net) talks about restoring a Poly-88.

Old Computer Museum (www.oldcomputermuseum.com) has pages devoted to both the Poly-88 and the System 8813.

Ralph Kenyon (www.xenodochy.org) has a growing site at polyletter.info with old issues of Polyletter, and Poly vdisk images suitable for use with our Poly emulator.

Other web sites where Poly information may be found:

S-100 Computers (www.s100computers.com) talks about the Poly's hardware boards.

Harte Technologies (www.hartetechnologies.com) and their Poly documentation section.

Digibarn Computer Museum (www.digibarn.com) and their Poly-88 page.

Herb Johnson (www.retrotechnology.com) has a Poly page, numerous other articles related to the Poly (you can search for them here), and other S-100 systems.

When PCs Were Micros (rwebs.net/micros/) has a pair of articles about Poly equipment.

My thanks also to these kind Poly users who helped over the years:

Dwight K. Elvey
Frank Stearns (www.fsatools.com)
Mark Sutherland
Charles A. Thompson
Jim Ryan
Charles Steinhauser