TSC Micro Basic Plus

This is the most complete small Basic available to micro users. Statements include: PRINT, INPUT, READ, DATA, RESTORE, IF ... THEN, GOTO, GOSUB, LET, ON ...GOTO, ON ...GOSUB, RETURN, FOR (with + and - step), NEXT, DIM (single and double dimensioned arrays up to 98 by 98), REM and END. There are also several functions available which include TAB and SPC (for output formatting), RND, ABS, SGN and exponentiation. The commands available to the user are LIST, SCRATCH, RUN, and MONITOR. But the list does not stop here. MICRO BASIC PLUS also includes a complete line editor ability to have multiple statements per line, direct execution of most statements, large arithmetic range (integer only -99999 to +99999), and a very simple load and dump procedure for saving the user's BASIC program on paper tape or cassette and then reloading it at a later time. Also included is an EXTERNAL statement which allows the user to write 6800 machine language subroutines to be called during BASIC program execution.

You are probably thinking all this sounds great, but if the less extensive versions of small BASIC require 23K of memory then this version must require 5 or 6K because the capability is doubled. Well here is the icing on the cake. MICRO BASIC PLUS resides in a fraction over 3K which means that in a 4K system you still have room for a 30 to 60 line BASIC program. For more complex programs, we recommend a system with 8K or more of memory.

One more plus... you not only receive a complete manual and hex dump of the program, but also the fully commented source listing! This is a great aid for learning programming techniques as well as enabling you to alter the program should you so desire.

Micro Basic Plus was introduced by Technical Systems Consultants in 1976 and cost $15.95 for the manual and listing. A cassette tape was $6.95 and paper tape was $6.00

Thanks to Jack Rubin for providing this manual.

User Manual with Listing (124k PDF)

Source Code (34k TXT)

6800 S1 Load File (9k TXT)

This version requires a MP-C interface card and assumes 8 k of memory. (See Appendix C in the Manual.) The break routine (INTBRK at $0452) is hard coded for an MP-C card and $8004. This version will work with a MP-S interface card if you bypass INTBRK. Change the jump table at location $010E from $52 to $59. This points to a Return from Subroutine.

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