Radio Electronics April 1972

Radio Electronics April 1972, Guitar Preamp
Copyright © 1972 Poptronix, Inc.; used by permission.

From July 1970 to February 1974, the tag line under the title was "For Men With Ideas In Electronics". This April 1972 cover did not have the tag line and there was a letter to the editors from a female reader titled "Women With Ideas In Electronics." The editors asked readers to write in on what would be an appropriate tag line. The "For Men With Ideas In Electronics" returned the next month and stayed until early 1974 when the tag line was changed to "The Magazine with New Ideas in Electronics."  In one last affront to the feminist movement, the June 1974 cover of Radio-Electronics has a young lady in a bikini by a swimming pool with that months feature project, a guitar amplifier

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This page was last edited June 17, 2008