Japanese-American Radio Man

Dear Editor:
I was very glad to receive my first copy of Radio-Craft and once more become a subscriber to your magazine.

In accordance with your announcement in the November issue of Radio-Craft, I wish to make an application for radio work.

I am an American citizen of Japanese ancestry and thereby have been placed by military ruling in a WRA project camp. This, I now understand, has been done for my protection. However, ever since my arrival here I have wanted to do my part to help the United States win this war. We are permitted to leave this project upon assurance of employment and so a few months ago I volunteered in the harvesting of sugar beets in Idaho, where the scarcity of labor was becoming serious. This type of work is only seasonal and I feel that I can do more for the war effort by applying for employment in radio industries and list below my qualifications and experience.

I am twenty-seven years old and married. I majored in vocational electricity and shop in high school at Berkeley, California, and had two and one-half years of electrical engineering at Modesto Junior College. I have also taken a correspondence course in radio television. On this project I have been employed as a sound technician.

My records are now being cleared through the Army and FBI, pending the release of my permit to leave this project for any location outside of the Western Defense Area for employment.

I will greatly appreciate it if you will transmit my name to the available list for radio work.

Seiichi Otow,
Newell, Calif.

Radio-Craft February 1943

Arts Council of Placer County Perspectives - July August 2006 had a 2 page story on the Otow Orchard.

"During WW II, Helen and her new husband, Seiichi Otow, were interned at Tule Lake Relocation Center and later worked in Chicago. After the war they returned to the farm to find that it was not in condition to provide them an income, so Seiichi opened a radio repair shop in Sacramento while working to revive the orchard."

Radio-Craft February 1943
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This page was last edited July 20, 2013