RTL Cookbook

RTL Cookbook by Don LancasterA Complete guide to the understanding and using of Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) digital integrated circuits.

By Donald E. Lancaster
Published 1969
Howard W. Sams & Co.
ISBN 0-672-20715-X

This was the first of a series of "Cookbooks" from Don Lancaster. In 1975 when the personal computer revolution started his TV Typewriter Cookbook and TTL Cookbook were required reading. He went on to publish many more on video, analog and digital design such as the Active Filter Cookbook and CMOS Cookbook
From the back cover.

Over the past decade, digital integrated circuits have been brought to a high state of development in order to meet the requirements imposed by modern electronics technology. These devices have paved the way for many of the complex electronic marvels of our age. At the same time, they have made possible improved performance, easier design and construction, and reduced cost of many everyday electronic devices.

This book, concerned with the family of digital-logic integrated circuits called Resistor-Transistor Logic, or RTL, has been designed to provide information that can be put to practical use in the building of electronic devices. Applications ranging from simple switching through digital measuring circuits are covered fully, yet without involved mathematical developments. The author has been careful to point out unexpected complications that might arise in the reduction of theory to practice, and, where appropriate, he has included tabular design data or simple formulas. In addition to coverage of a multitude of digital applications, there is a full chapter on linear operation of RTL integrated circuits. Numerous illustrations are combined with a readable text to present the subject in a way that makes it easy to understand.

For the experimenter, this book provides an understanding of RTL IC's as they are used in everyday electronics projects. For the technician, it shows how these circuits work and how to design with them. And in addition, for the engineer, it provides in convenient form circuits that can be adapted easily for use as building blocks in larger systems.

The author is both an independent electronics consultant and an electronics-design engineer for a major aerospace firm. He has written numerous articles, both for technical journals and for hobby magazines.

Page 106, The JK Flip Flop
Page 212, Electronic Stop Watch

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This page was last edited September 12, 2005