Popular Electronics, July 1976

Popular Electronics, July 1976
Copyright © 1976 Poptronix, Inc.; used by permission.

SOL, An Intelligent Computer Terminal
Robert Marsh and Lee Felsenstein

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John T. Frye started writing Mac's Service Shop in the April 1948 issue of Radio News, the predecessor of this magazine. The main characters were Mac (Mr. McGregor), his young assistant Barney, and the shop clerk Miss Perkins. Frye did two more installments after this one, January 1977 and June 1977. Another character was in this story, Bart, an expert in 2 meter ham radio and CB radio. Mac is outside talking to Bart , who happens to be in wheelchair.

"I'm planning on doing some  traveling, and I'm checking out the relative effectiveness of these two modes of mobile communication for drivers in general and physically handicapped drivers in particular. Since that bout with polio, I figure I'm a representative 'worst case' of the latter group. Even a flat tire on my hand-controlled car means I must have help."

The real John T Frye was in wheelchair all his life, having contracted polio when he was 18 months old. More details can be found on Jeff Duntemann's web site

Popular Electronics January 1975 Page 79 Popular Electronics January 1975 Page 80

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This page was last edited October 27, 2008