Popular Electronics January 1967

Popular Electronics, January 1967, IC-67 Metal Locator
Copyright © 1967 Poptronix, Inc.; used by permission.

IC-67 Metal Locator
By Don Lancaster

This was the first complete kit that Don Lancaster sold through SWTPC. Don tells the story on his Guru's Lair web site here.

This is a picture of Don Lancaster on page 41

When this article was reprinted in the Winter 1968 Electronic Experimenter's Handbook the author was listed as Frank Gross. I asked Don about this and he said that often he would have 3 or more articles in a single magazine issue so he would make up author names. Frank Gross was a common name but he also used Ralph Genter, Alvin Snurdley, and Marcia Swampfelder.

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation for 1966.

Each page is a 150 dpi jpg image.
300 dpi tiff files are available.
Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 04 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 41, Don Lancaster Photo Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 42 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 43 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 44 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 45 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 46 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 47 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 48 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 94 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 96 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 98 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 99 Popular Electronics January 1967 Page 110

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This page was last edited August 20, 2005