Popular Electronics February 1971

Popular Electronics, February 1971, Build Music Composer Synthesizer SWTPC PSYCH-TONE Melody SynthesizerSWTPC PSYCH-TONE Melody Synthesizer back view
Copyright � 1971 Poptronix, Inc.; used by permission.

Build the PSYCH-TONE Melody Synthesizer
By Don Lancaster

Ultimate Decimal Counter
By Daniel Meyer

The PSYCH-TONE in the photos above sold on eBay for $360 in September 2005.

Here is a note I got from someone that shall remain nameless.
Thank you, sir. Your SWTPC site has been a time machine for me (and others, I'm sure).

Going over your SWTPC catalogs, it must have been 1971 when I saw the Psych-Tone - first in a Popular Electronics article and then in their catalog. I had to have it. I could handle a soldering iron - I had to build it! I saved (and begged my father) and ordered the kit. I must have fried a number of components because the thing never produced anything more than static (thank the Gawds it didn't start smoking). I'm fairly sure it got lost (or trashed) in the course of moving.

Each page is a 150 dpi jpg image.
300 dpi tiff files are available.

Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 04 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 25, PSYCH TONE Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 26 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 27 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 28 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 29 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 30 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 31 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 32 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 33 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 34 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 35 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 45, Nixie Decimal Counter Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 46 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 47 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 48 Popular Electronics February 1971 Page 98

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This page was last edited August 14, 2013