Poptronics, January 2000

Copyright © 2000 Poptronix, Inc.; used by permission.

First issue, January 2000. Last issue, January 2003.

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300 dpi tiff files are available

Poptronics, January 2000, page 01 Poptronics, January 2000, page 02 Poptronics, January 2000, page 03 Poptronics, January 2000, page 118


Gernsback Publications
500 Bi-County Boulevard - Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735
January 2000

The millennium is upon us. The year 2000 is right around the corner. What will it bring?
Poptronics - the magazine for the hands-on electronics activist!

Today's challenging electronics marketplace does not leave room for a variety of competitive publications aimed at the hands-on kind of electronics activist - the professionals who design, build, maintain, and repair all of the electronics gear that fills our lives, the experimenters who build projects, the computer enthusiasts who want to know what's in the latest gear, the activists who want to and are building robots, audiophiles who want to test new circuits and designs, ham-radio operators looking for what's out there to communicate with. 

That's why Gernsback Publications is melding our two publications - Electronics Now and Popular Electronics, into the new, exciting and timely monthly magazine - Poptronics - that you will soon be holding in your hands. Coincidentally it will be the January 2000 issue. What a way to enter the new millennium! (Yes I know the millennium actually starts January 1, 2001.)

It's evolution! Starting with the January 2000 issue Electronics Now will become Poptronics, the magazine for the hands-on electronics activist! No matter what your specific electronic interest; Poptronics will be the magazine for all electronics activists in the 21st Century. We've been here since the beginning, when we began in April 1908 with the first issue of Modern Electrics. We're still going to be here for the start of the next millennium, the year 3001, with Poptronics or its future descendant.

We have brought together all of the very best elements of our existing magazines into Poptronics. It is designed to deliver to you, our readers the very best editorial variety we can assemble. We have packaged Gizmo, Prototype, Hands-on Reports, Service Clinic, Peak Computing, Robotics Workshop, Amazing Science and other key columns; and wrapped them around a main editorial package of construction projects, product lab reviews, how it works and how to do it articles, to create a wonderful new world of electronics!

Our web site at www. gernsback. coin will still be there too. The forums, searchable index, and links will stay as they are, but you may find a lot of "under construction" signs in other areas. Keep logging in to keep up with what is happening. I believe that you will find it even more useful than before. We will continue the forums that bring thousands of readers to exchange ideas, get questions answered, and find the latest updates on contents in the magazine. It's a great place to search the index for old articles and to download current articles and art­work from the current issue.

If you are a current subscriber to Electronics Now, you will automatically receive upcoming issues of Poptronics (starting with January 2000) until your current subscription is fulfilled. If you also subscribe to Popular Electronics we will combine your subscriptions (if you have 10 more issues of Electronics Now to go, and 5 issues of Popular Electronics - for example - you will receive the next 15 issues of Poptronics).

If we goof and you get two copies of Poptronics next month, just cut off or copy the labels on the front cover of both magazines and send them to me. I'll see that your subscription is merged without you losing a single copy.

An exciting new world of electronics publishing begins with the January 2000 issue of Poptronics. Be our partner in progress. Stay with us and see just how great our electronics industry can be. We will be bringing you all of the latest electronics news as it happens.

Larry Steckler, EHF,CET Publisher

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This page was last edited November 15, 2006