MP-T Timer

The MP-T Interrupt Timer is a 5 1/4 inch x 3 1/2 inch circuit board implemented with the 5009 programmable counter/ divider and 6820 peripheral interface adapter integrated circuits. The board provides software selectable interrupts of 1 usec, 10 usec, 100 usec, 1 msec, 10 msec, 20 msec, 100 msec, 1 sec, 10 sec, 100 sec, 1 min, 10 min or 1 hour. Since only half of the 6820 peripheral interface adapter is used for the interrupt timer the other half has been fully buffered to provide a general purpose eight bit input port along with one buffered "data read" input line and one buffered "data accepted" output line for complete handshake control. The interface is completely software programmable by the user with interrupt control as well as polarity control of the input port handshake lines.

Introduced by Southwest Technical Products Corporation in 1976. The MP-T kit cost $40

 MP-T Timer

MP-T Board Photo (JPG 45K)

MP-T Board Photo High Resolution ( JPG 161K)

MP-T Assembly Instructions (15 pages PDF 150K)

MP-T Schematic (11x17 JPG 162K)

MP-T Schematic (PDF 236K)

MK5009 Data Sheet (JPG 210K)

INTCLK Program Source (TXT 1K)

INTCLK Program S1 Load (TXT 1K)

Michael Holley's SWTPC Collection Home Page