HiTerm VT100 Terminal Emulator

Hiterm is a DOS based VT100 terminal that was developed at Data I/O for the ABEL PLD design system. It was used to transfer PLD JEDEC files to the Model 29 programmer but we also used it to transfer files between our IBM PCs and a VAX computer. I used it to transfer files between my IBM PC and my 6800/6809 FLEX systems. I don't have the documentation for this version that shipped with ABEL 4, this information is based on memory and documents from older versions.

I have the rights to distribute ABEL as part of my book "Digital Design Using ABEL" by David Pellerin and Michael Holley, Prentice Hall 1994, ISBN 0-13-605874-4. I will stretch things a little bit to distribute this 10 year old DOS program.

Hiterm Program (ZIP 25K)

When you run the program you have to specify a configuration file on the command line. This is best done in a batch file. The ABELPROG.BAT batch file calls the configuration file ABELPROG.CFG. he is nothing magic about these names. I create several batch files. (Such as TERM300.BAT, TERM48.BAT. Each call a differnt CFG file.

Example: TERM48.BAT has a single line

Details of Configuration File

The BAUD rate and COM port are set with a configuration file like this.

G    Configuration file for HiTerm. First line is mode (General/Programmer).
9600 Second line is baud rate.
N    Third line is parity (None/Odd/Even).
8    Fourth line is number of bits per character (7/8).
1    Fifth line is number of stop bits (1/2).
1    Sixth line is the com port (1/2).
A    Computer type (I = IBM or compatible, N = NEC, A = automatic detection)

HiTerm Function Keys

 Alt  F1  Exit HiTerm
 Alt  F2  Togge file-transfer mode (binary/text)
Alt  F3  Help (Display this menu)
 Alt  F4  Set EOF Terminator (1 -1F)
Alt  F5  Change directory
 Alt  F6  Display directory
 Shift  F1  Transfer file from PC
  Shift  F2  Transfer file to PC
  Shift  F3  Close file
  Shift  F4  Toggle local echo (on/off)
  Shift  F5  Toggle on line/off line
 Ctrl  Break  Send break