GT-6144 Graphics Terminal Kit

The GT-6144 Graphics Terminal Kit is a low cost graphics display unit designed to display 96 lines of 64 small rectangles per line on a standard video monitor or a slightly modified television set.

The SWTPC GT-6144 can be connected to most computer systems on the market today. Communication to the GT-6144 is via eight parallel data lines and one DATA READY line. The DATA READY line must be at logic 0 for a character to load and must remain low for at least two microseconds. The parallel interface boards of most computer systems are capable of meeting the requirements of the GT-6144.

Introduced by Southwest Technical Products Corporation in 1976 and the GT-61 kit cost $98.50

TV Photo (200 PDF)

Board Photo (352K JPG)

GT-6144 Assembly Manual (110K PDF)

BARTST-1 Program (275 PDF)

ST-1 Program (650 PDF)

GT-6144 Red and Blue Layout (500K JPG)

GT-6144 Schematic (1.5M PDF)

Michael Holley's SWTPC Collection Home Page