TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 TYPE USER'S MANUAL - ADDENDUM 2 ************************************************************ * Addendum 2 to the TYPE USER'S MANUAL documents all * * changes and enhancements made to TYPE, Release * * Version 2.2 dated 12-15-80, up through the TYPE * * Release Version 2.3 dated 2-7-84. * * * * This document incorporates Addendum 1 dated 4-7-82. * ************************************************************ 1. NEW OPTION SWITCHES The following new option switches have been implemented. They are specified at the time the file specification is requested at the start of program execution. The requirement for comma separators for multiple switch specifications has been deleted, and they are now optional. For example, "MANUAL/R:10,E,M" and "MANUAL/R:10EM" are equivalent. I - INDEX MODE SWITCH. This switch is used in conjunction with the Index File Entry (.IX) Command to produce a rudimentary index file for subsequent processing by an index generator program. When this switch is specified, the normal output is inhibited and the output specification selects the index file. The default extension for the index file is ".IDX". Each time an Index File Entry Command is encountered in the input file, the .IX parameter is written to the index file, followed by a separate line containing the current page number at the time the .IX was encountered. M - MULTIFILE INPUT SWITCH. Specification of this switch allows multiple input files to be effectively concatenated and processed as a single file. When the end of file (or .EN command) is encountered in the input file, another file specification is requested from the user. Additional files will continue to be requested until the user responds with only a carriage return to signal end of processing. This option is exclusive of merge (.ME) processing; either merge processing or multifile processing may be specified, but not both. N - NON-STOP MODE SWITCH. Any Stop (.ST) or User Input (.UI) Commands in the Copyright 1980 AMS 1 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 input file are ignored and processing continues without stopping. This option is effectively an override of the .ST and .UI commands. R - RESTART SWITCH. Specification of this switch allows output to be inhibited until the specified page number has been reached. The entire input file is processed as usual; however, no data is written to the output until the restart page is encountered. The switch is specified in the format "R:p", where "p" is the page number at which output is to commence. The page number may be any valid page number; i.e., 5.708, 32, B.19, etc. Once the specified page number is encountered, output processing will commence and continue normally through the end of job. During the portion of the processing in which the output is inhibited (while searching for the restart page number), page stops (option 2 switch "P"), error stops (option switch "E"), and Stop (.ST) Commands are inhibited. Their function resumes when output processing commences. Processing for User Input (.UI) Commands continues normally throughout the restart process since user input is reflected on the output page and may affect paging. S - SELECTIVE OUTPUT SWITCH. This switch is used in conjunction with the Selective Output (.SO) Command. The switch is specified in the format "S:n:n:...:n"; where "n" is any number between 1 and 255. Up to nine switch parameters ("n") may be specified, and they may be in any order; i.e., "S:5:103:3:87:255:1". The only portions of the input text that are output are those that are "common" or preceded by a .SO command which matches one of the "S" switch parameters. If the input file contains .SO commands but the "S" switch is not specified, the entire input file is processed to the output. 2. NEW COMMANDS. .AC - ACCENT COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that accenting is to be enabled and that the characters specified by the parameter are to be used as accents. If the parameter is omitted, accent processing is cancelled. The parameter may specify a maximum of ten characters to be used as accents. The allowable number may be less than the maximum depending upon the number of characters specified in the Characters To Accent (.CA) Command. The number of accent characters (.AC) times the number of characters to accent (.CA) cannot exceed 32. For example, if eight characters to be accented are 3 Copyright 1980 AMS 2 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 specified, only four accent characters may be specified. No character may be specified as an accent character that has already been specified in a Characters To Accent (.CA) or Substitute Space Character (.SC) Command. Accents may be applied only to those characters specified in the .CA command; or to the default characters "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u" if no .CA command is specified. A diagnostic message is issued if an accent is applied to any other character. The accent must immediately precede the character to which it is to apply. For example: .AC `^ en ^etre l`a ^ ` appears on the output as "en etre la". The backspace code (hexadecimal 08) is utilized in accomplishing this function. Any device to which such output is directed must support backspacing. The command is specified as follows: .AC x Example: .AC ^ ` .AD - ADDRESS COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that following text lines are to be placed in an address table for subsequent output at end of job processing. The optional parameter specifies the number of spaces that the address is to be indented from the left page perforation when the envelope is output at the end of job. The end of the address is signified by specification of another .AD command without a parameter. Each line of input text encountered between the .AD command specifications is placed in the address table without change. No tabbing, accenting, or substitute 4 space character replacement is performed for the address lines placed in the table. No concatenation or justification is performed on any text encountered between the .AD commands. The address lines are truncated if they exceed the currently specified page width (.PW) at the time of output, minus the indentation specified in the .AD parameter. Only one address may be specified in any one TYPE execution. Any additional .AD specifications cause a diagnostic error message to be displayed and they are ignored. The maximum number of characters that may be specified for the address is 350, minus 1 for each line of the address. At the end of job processing, the operator is given the option of printing or not printing the address as desired. This command is designed for inside addressed letters where the printing of an envelope is normally required. The command is specified as follows: .AD n Example: .AD 35 Copyright 1980 AMS 3 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 .CA - CHARACTERS TO ACCENT COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies the characters to which accents are to be applied. This command is valid only in conjunction with the Accent (.AC) Command. The optional parameter specifies those characters which may be accented. If omitted, the accenting process is cancelled. If the .AC command has been specified, but no .CA command is specified, only the default characters "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u" may be accented. A maximum of 32 characters to be 5 accented may be specified. The allowable number may be less than the maximum depending upon the number of accents specified in the .AC command. The number of accent characters (.AC) times the number of characters to accent (.CA) cannot exceed 32. For example, if only one accent character is specified, up to 32 characters can be accented. Conversely, if ten accent characters are specified, only three characters to accent may be specified. No character may be specified that has already been specified in an Accent (.AC) or Substitute Space Character (.SC) Command. Refer to the description of the Accent (.AC) Command for further explanation of the accenting process. The command is specified as follows: .CA x Example: .CA aeioucn .CC - CONTROL CODES COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that the control codes specified in the parameter are to be passed directly to the output device. All formatting and page control by TYPE is bypassed. Except for the deletion of any formfeed codes, the parameter is output without change. This command is intended to provide a means of sending control codes to printers to initiate special effects, such as alternate fonts. The user must exercise care when using this command. If the parameter contains control codes which cause carriage movement to occur on the printer, the line and page formatting will become maladjusted. The command is specified as follows: .CC x Example: .CC ^G .CD - CURRENT DATE COMMAND. This command causes the current system date 6 to be written to the output in the format specified by the optional parameter. If a parameter value of "G" is specified, the date is output in Gregorian format (month day, year); i.e., June 2, 1981. If a parameter value of "E" is specified, the date is output in European format (day month year); i.e., 2 June 1981. If a parameter value of "N" is specified, the date is output in numerical format (mm-dd-yy); i.e., 06-02-81. If no parameter is specified, Copyright 1980 AMS 4 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 default is to Gregorian format "G". Any parameter value other than "E", "G", or "N" causes a diagnostic message to be issued and the command is ignored. The generated date is processed as though it had been obtained from the input text file in regards to any formatting that may be in effect. If concatenation or justification is in effect, the date is concatenated and justified in the usual manner. A space is inserted after the date in the normal manner, except as noted in the following paragraph. Specific parts of the date may be selected by appending "M" (month), "D" (day), or "Y" (year) to the "E", "G", or "N" format parameter. The command ".CD GM" outputs only the Gregorian month; for example, "February". If this option is specified, the date is processed differently so that punctuation may follow the date, if desired. The portion of the date selected is processed as though it occurred at the beginning of the following input line. If 7 the following input line begins with a period, it is not treated as a command, but as text data. If the following input line begins with a tab or space, it does not cause a break. No space is inserted in the output after the date. If a space is desired, it must be provided as the first character on the following input line. Please refer to Section 3 for examples of the use of this option. This command is valid only if your operating system supports a clock, and the system date is in the format "mmddyy" or "mm/dd/yy". The command is specified as follows: .CD x Example: .CD E .IM - IMAGE MODE COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that the number of input lines specified by the parameter is to be copied to the output exactly as is. The line is printed at the left margin (.LM) and is truncated if it exceeds the currently specified page width (.PW - .LM). Input lines beginning with periods are processed as data rather than as command lines. Embedded blank lines and multiple carriage returns are not ignored; they are processed as input data lines. No tabbing, substitute space character replacement, or accenting is performed. No formatting such as concatenation, justification, indentation, undentation, offsetting, etc., is performed. The command is specified as follows: .IM n Example: .IM 5 Copyright 1980 AMS 5 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 .IX - INDEX FILE ENTRY COMMAND. This command specifies that an index entry 8 is to be written to the output index file. The parameter is written to the output index file, followed by a carriage return. The current page number is then written to the output index file, followed by a carriage return. This command is ignored if the Index Mode Switch "I" was not specified when TYPE was run. The command is specified as follows: .IX x Example: .IX segmentation .LB - LINE BREAK COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that a break is to occur after each line of input text (after each carriage return). It is equivalent to inserting a Break (.BR) Command after each input text line. It is primarily intended to facilitate generation of lists of data where normal concatenation and/or justification is desired for each element of the list, but where each list element is to be treated as a separate entity and not concatenated to other elements of the list. Any formatting commands in effect prior to the specification of the line break command remain in effect. Concatenation, justification, offsetting, indentation, etc., are processed as usual. While in line break mode, the break for a selected text line may be inhibited by specifying the Ignore Next Break (.IB) Command preceding the line for which no break is desired. Line break mode is selected by specifying the .LB command with a parameter field of 1 (".LB 1"). Line break mode remains in effect until cancelled by a .LB command with a zero or null parameter field (".LB 0" or ".LB"). The command is specified as 9 follows: .LB n Example: .LB 1 .PO - POSITION TO LINE NUMBER COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies that the paper is to be positioned to the line number specified by the parameter prior to printing the next text line. If the current line position is already beyond the line specified by the parameter, the command is ignored. If the specified line number is within the top or bottom margin (.TM/.BM), or is greater than the currently specified page length (.PL), a diagnostic error message is displayed and the command is ignored. The command is specified as follows: .PO n Example: .PO 26 Copyright 1980 AMS 6 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 .RA - RIGHT ALIGNMENT COMMAND (BREAK). This command specifies the columns at which text words are to be aligned on the output report. The optional parameter may specify a starting position and up to 20 alignment columns. If the parameter is omitted, the right alignment process is cancelled. The first parameter is the starting position at which the alignment process is to begin. This allows text to the left of right-aligned columns to be processed normally. Alignment columns must be specified in ascending order and must be less than the current line length (.LL). If a parameter error is encountered, setting of the alignment columns ceases at the point the error occurred; i.e., if ".RA 1,5,10,9,20" is specified, alignment will occur only at columns 5 and 10. 10 All column specifications are relative to the left margin (.LM) and are independent of any indentation commands. The text is aligned at the next specified alignment column number that is greater than the current output column. If there is insufficient space to align the text, it is aligned at the next alignment column in which it will fit. If there are no further alignment columns specified, no alignment occurs. Text to be right aligned should be followed by tabs. All spaces or substitute space characters (.SC) following the word are treated as part of the word for alignment purposes. All other commands may be used in conjunction with the .RA command; including concatenation, justification, tabbing, underlining, and centering. The command is specified as follows: .RA s,n1,n2,... Example: .RA 5,10,20,30,40 .SO - SELECTIVE OUTPUT COMMAND. This command specifies that following input text data is to be treated as selective output. This command, in conjunction with the Selective Output Switch "S", allows the user to select portions of the input text to be processed depending upon the "S" switch parameters. The .SO command is used to bracket portions of the input, including command lines if so desired, for output selection. If the .SO parameter is zero or null, the data so bracketed is always selected as "common" data and is always output. If the parameter is other than null or zero, it is compared to the "S" switch parameters specified at the start of program execution. If an equal match occurs, the text is 11 output. If no match occurs, the text is bypassed. The specified parameter may be in the range of zero to 255. If the "S" switch has not been specified, all input text is processed Copyright 1980 AMS 7 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 as output regardless of any .SO commands. The command is specified as follows: .SO n Example: .SO 7 .ST - STOP COMMAND. This command specifies that processing is to be temporarily halted. If the optional parameter is specified, it is displayed on the console device at the time of the halt as a prompt to the operator. Execution is resumed when the operator presses the carriage return key. This command is useful when a change in paper or typewriter font is desired. The processing halt initiated by this command may be overridden by specification of the Non-Stop Mode Switch "N". The command is specified as follows: .ST x Example: .ST INSERT LETTERHEAD .UI - USER INPUT COMMAND. This command specifies that the next input text line is to be requested from the terminal operator rather than from the currently specified input file. If the optional parameter is specified, it is displayed as a prompt on the console device prior to requesting the input. The operator must terminate the input by entering a carriage return. All guidelines and restrictions pertaining to normal text input apply to operator keyboard input, except that a maximum of 136 characters may be entered. If a period (".") is 12 encountered as the first character of the input, it is processed as a command line rather than as text data. A null response may be entered; it is treated as though no operator input request had been specified. No break occurs if text data is input. If concatenation is in effect, the operator's input is concatenated as usual. If a command (preceded by a period) is input which normally causes a break, or line break mode (.LB) is in effect, then a break will occur. The command is specified as follows: .UI x Example: .UI ENTER INVOICE DATE .UL - UNDERLINE COMMAND. This command specifies that each word in the following input line is to be underlined. It applies only to the next input line and must be respecified prior to every line to which it is to apply. Only actual text data is underlined; spaces, substitute space characters, and tabs are not. If leading punctuation (single quote, double quote, left parenthesis, left bracket, left brace, or left angle bracket) precedes a word, only the text data is underlined, not the leading punctuation. If trailing punctuation Copyright 1980 AMS 8 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 (single quote, double quote, right parenthesis, right bracket, right brace, right angle bracket, period, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, or exclamation mark) follows a word, only the text data is underlined, not the trailing punctuation. Punctuation characters within a word are underlined. The backspace code (hexadecimal 08) is 13 utilized in accomplishing this function. Any device to which such output is directed must support backspacing. The command is specified as follows: .UL 3. MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING COMMANDS. .CE - CENTER COMMAND. Tabs are no longer expanded during processing of centered lines. .HE - HEADING LINE COMMAND. If no heading line is specified, none is printed. In prior versions, a blank line was printed if there was no header. .IB - IGNORE NEXT BREAK COMMAND. The name of this command has been changed from "IGNORE NEXT TAB/SPACE BREAK COMMAND" since it now also applies to breaks initiated by the Line Break (.LB) Command. .IL - IDENTIFICATION LEFT COMMAND. The maximum parameter length for this command has been increased to 56. The allowable length may be less than the maximum depending upon the page width (.PW); based on the calculation ((.PW - 11) / 2) - 5. If the left margin (.LM) is less than 5; the identification now prints at the left margin. .IR - IDENTIFICATION RIGHT COMMAND. The maximum parameter length for this command has been increased to 56. The allowable length may be less than the maximum depending upon the page width (.PW); based on the calculation ((.PW - 11) / 2) - 5. If the right margin (.PW - .LM - .LL) is less than 5; the identification now prints at the right margin. .PA - PAGE EJECT COMMAND. The parameter may now specify a plus or minus 14 increment to be added to the current page number. For example, if the current page number is "D.6" and the command ".PA +3" is specified, the next page is numbered "D.9". New Copyright 1980 AMS 9 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 parameter options have been added to allow the user to force the next printed page to be even or odd numbered. If the parameter "E" is specified, the next printed page is forced to an even page number; if "O" is specified, the next printed page is forced to an odd page number. If the next page number that would have been output normally is not odd or even as specified by the .PA parameter, a blank page is generated in order to force the page to be numbered appropriately. The page so generated contains only the headers, identifications, and page number. For example, in a bound book with chapters, the first page of each chapter can be forced to an odd page number. Normally, even page numbers appear on the left side and odd page numbers on the right side of bound volumes. If the last page of a chapter is numbered 27 and a ".PA O" command is specified; page number "27" is output, a blank page numbered "28" is generated, and the next page (first page of the new chapter) is numbered "29". .SH - SUBHEADING LINE COMMAND. If no subheading line is specified, none is printed. In prior versions, a blank line was printed if there was no subheader. .TM - TOP MARGIN COMMAND. The top margin may now be set to zero, if 15 desired. The user must insure that no heading, subheading, or top of page numbering (.AP/.TP) has been specified; otherwise, an error occurs and the command is ignored. 4. MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES. Upon completion of processing, TYPE returns to the asterisk prompt to input another file specification rather than terminating. The Address (.AD) Command and the table of contents processing share the same storage area for address lines and table of contents page numbers. If both features are selected, the maximum amount of storage for each is effectively reduced. Only ASCII printing characters (hexadecimal 20 - 7E) and tabs (hexadecimal 09) should be included in the input text file. All other codes may conflict with and affect the accenting and underlining processes. If accenting and underlining are not in effect, such codes are passed through to the output without change or alteration by TYPE. In such cases, they may cause undesired effects if acted upon by the Copyright 1980 AMS 10 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 output device. The only exception is the formfeed control-L (HEX 0C) code, which is commonly found in text files and is therefore ignored. 5. NEW OR MODIFIED EXECUTION MESSAGES. 5.1 DIAGNOSTIC ERROR MESSAGES. The following error messages have been added or modified for clarity. Each is preceded by the message "**ERROR:" and causes the bell or buzzer on the terminal to ring. The message may also be suffixed by "INPUT 16 LINE # nnn", where "nnn" is the input line number on which the error occurred. Most of the errors do not cause execution termination, the erroneous command or data is simply flagged as an error and ignored. ADDRESS TABLE OVERFLOW The address table has been filled and there is no space available for insertion of the current line of the address. The printing of the address on the envelope is inhibited. ALREADY SPECIFIED; INVALID The indicated command has already been specified. It may only be specified once. CHARACTER FOLLOWING ACCENT IS MISSING OR INVALID An accent has been improperly specified. There must be a valid character following the accent, and it must be one of those permitted to be accented. INTERNAL CHECKSUM ERROR The TYPE program has been damaged in some manner and the program has terminated. Possible reasons for this condition are: memory error, error in transfer to/from disk, file partially overwritten on disk. The program must be replaced with a copy from a master backup disk. INTERNAL LOGIC ERROR [ xx @ xxxx ] - CONTACT VENDOR An internal program logic error has occurred. Please advise your software vendor of the problem as soon as possible. Please provide a copy or listing of the file in which the problem occurred, and advise the Copyright 1980 AMS 11 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 values displayed within the brackets in the above message. Until the problem can be corrected, 17 it may be possible to avoid the error by changing the input text data slightly. This error should never occur. INVALID An invalid command, command format, or parameter has been specified. The error may be due to invalid syntax, parameter too long, no space following the command, etc. The command is ignored. An additional message line may be displayed if the error is due to an incompatibility with prior command settings rather than to syntactical errors. CANNOT SET .BM TO 5; ID/PAGE NUMBERS INHIBITED There is insufficient room on the page to set the bottom margin to 5. If identifications or bottom page numbers are specified, their output is inhibited. EXCEEDS DATA LINES ON PAGE The parameter specified is greater than the number of text lines printable on the page. INCOMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT .AC/.CA/.SC The specified parameter conflicts with current Accent (.AC), Characters to Accent (.CA), and/or Substitute Space Character (.SC) Command settings. INCOMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT .LL/.IN/.OF The specified parameter conflicts with current line length, indentation, and/or offset settings. INCOMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT .PL/.TM/.HM/.BM The specified parameter conflicts with current page length, top margin, heading margin, and/or bottom margin settings. INCOMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT .PW/.LM/.LL 18 The specified parameter conflicts with current page width, left margin, and/or line length settings. TOO MANY ACCENTS AND/OR ACCENTED CHARACTERS The number of accent characters (.AC) times the number of characters to be accented (.CA) exceeds the maximum of 32. Copyright 1980 AMS 12 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 INVALID SWITCH An invalid option switch or switch format was specified in the input file specification line. The asterisk prompt is redisplayed and the entire specification must be re-entered. OPERATOR REQUESTED ABORT The break or escape key has been pressed. Execution of TYPE is terminated. PAGE NUMBER > 9999; RESET TO ZERO The output page number has been incremented beyond the maximum of 9999. The page number is reset to zero. RESTART PAGE NOT FOUND Page Restart Switch "R" was specified, but the requested restart page was not encountered during processing of the input file. No output is generated. filetype ERROR - errortype The file specification is invalid or an error occurred while attempting to access the file or device. The asterisk prompt is redisplayed, and the specification must be re-entered. Refer to Section 1.2 for valid file specification formats. The type of file ("filetype") on which the error occurred is indicated as INPUT or OUTPUT. The type of error ("errortype") 19 that occurred is indicated as follows: CANNOT MERGE MULTIFILES Multifile processing (option switch "M") cannot be specified in conjunction with merge (.ME) processing. Input file 2 cannot be specified. DEVICE NOT READY Device is busy or not ready. DEVICE WRITE PROTECTED Device is protected or read-only is selected. EOF ON DEVICE There is insufficient space on the specified device for the output file; i.e., disk full. Copyright 1980 AMS 13 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 FILE NOT FOUND The file was not found on the specified device. ILLEGAL FILE SPEC The specified filename is too long, an invalid device is specified, illegal characters occurred in the filename, etc. ILLEGAL I/O OPERATION Attempted to read an output only device, attempted to write to an input only device, specified an output filename for a non-file structured device, etc. If "errortype" indicates a number rather than a message, the error is dependent upon the operating system. Refer to the operating system error codes to determine the cause of the error. UNABLE TO PROCESS SYSTEM DATE No clock was found on the system or the system date is not in the correct format. All commands requiring the system clock are ignored. 5.2 INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES. The following messages are for informational 20 purposes only. They do not necessarily indicate that errors have occurred. Specification of the carriage return key is indicated by the characters "". END PAGE; KEY TO CONTINUE: Page Option Switch "P" was specified at the start of program execution. Processing temporarily halts at the end of each page at the lower perforation to allow insertion of the next sheet of paper. When the paper has been loaded and the printer is ready, processing may be resumed by pressing the carriage return key. ENTER 'N' IF ENVELOPE NOT REQUIRED OR ALIGN ENVELOPE; PRESS TO CONTINUE: An address has been specified by use of the Address (.AD) Command. If it is desired to print out the address on an envelope, align the envelope and press the carriage return key to resume processing. If the envelope printout is not desired, enter an "N" followed by a carriage return to terminate processing. Copyright 1980 AMS 14 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 EOF; ENTER NEXT FILE OR TO END ? Multifile Input Switch "M" was specified at the start of program execution. Processing halts at the end of each input file to allow entry of another input file specification. Execution may be resumed by entering the requested file specification and then pressing the carriage return key. If only a carriage return is entered in response to this prompt, processing is terminated. 21 ERROR STOP; KEY TO CONTINUE: Error Stop Switch "E" was specified at the start of program execution and an error has occurred. Processing temporarily halts whenever an error is encountered; such as invalid command or input truncation. Processing may be resumed by pressing the carriage return key. KEYBOARD INPUT REQUESTED prompt ? A User Input (.UI) Command was encountered in the input file. If a parameter was supplied with the .UI command, it is displayed as "prompt". Upon entry of the requested data terminated by a carriage return, processing is resumed. prompt USER STOP; KEY TO CONTINUE: A Stop (.ST) Command was encountered in the input file. If a parameter was supplied with the .ST command, it is displayed as "prompt". Processing may be resumed by pressing the carriage return key. Copyright 1980 AMS 15 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 6. USAGE EXAMPLES. ACCENTING (.AC/.CA COMMANDS). The Accent (.AC) and Characters To Accent (.CA) Commands allow accenting of selected characters. The .AC command specifies the accent characters and enables the accenting process. Specification of the .AC command without a parameter causes accenting to be cancelled. The .CA command specifies the characters to which accents are to be applied. If no .CA command is specified; default is to the vowels "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u". Specifying an 22 accent for any other character causes a diagnostic to be displayed and the accent and the following character to be output without change. The maximum number of accent characters which may be specified is ten, and the maximum number of characters to be accented is 32. However, the number of accents times the number of characters to be accented cannot exceed 32. For example, the following combinations (number of accents : number of accented characters) are legal: 1:32, 2:16, 3:10, 4:8, 5:6, 6:5, 7:4, 8:4, 9:3, and 10:3. No character may be specified in the .AC command that has already been specified in the .CA command, and vice versa. No character may be specified in either command that is currently specified for use as the substitute space character (.SC). Care should be taken when selecting the characters to be used as accents. If the command ".AC m" is specified, any .CA characters following an "m" will overprint the "m". Additionally, a diagnostic is issued in all cases where any other character follows the "m". New .AC and .CA commands may be specified at any point to change the characters involved in the accenting process. When accenting is in effect, the processing overhead is significantly increased. While processing files with only a few accented characters, it is recommended that accenting be cancelled for portions of the text that do not contain any accents. Accenting utilizes backspace codes (hexadecimal 08). Any device to which accented output is directed must support backspacing. The following 23 examples illustrate the use of accenting. .AC ^` .CA aeioucAEIOUC .OP .BR g^ateau, n.m. (pl. g^ateaux). Cake; object or piece of material like a cake. Avoir part au g^ateau, to share in the booty, to have a finger in the pie; Copyright 1980 AMS 16 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 g^ateau de miel, honeycomb; g^ateau des rois, Twelfth-night cake; partager le g^ateau, to go halves; trouver la f`eve au g^ateau, to have good luck in anything. .SP 4 .LB 1 .UL A la Mi-Car^eme .SP Alfred de Musset (1810-1857) .SP 2 S'il est vrai qu'ici-bas l'adieu de ce qu'on aime Soit un si doux chagrin qu'on en voudrait mourir, C'est dans le mois de mars, c'est `a la mi-car^eme, Qu'au sortir d'un souper un enfant du plaisir Sur la valse et l'amour devrait faire un po`eme, Et saluer gaiement ses dieux pr^ets `a partir. .AC The preceding examples print as follows: ^ ^ gateau, n.m. (pl. gateaux). Cake; object or piece of ^ material like a cake. Avoir part au gateau, to share ^ in the booty, to have a finger in the pie; gateau de ^ miel, honeycomb; gateau des rois, Twelfth-night cake; ^ ` partager le gateau, to go halves; trouver la feve au ^ gateau, to have good luck in anything. 24 ^ A la Mi-Careme Alfred de Musset (1810-1857) S'il est vrai qu'ici-bas l'adieu de ce qu'on aime Soit un si doux chagrin qu'on en voudrait mourir, ` ^ C'est dans le mois de mars, c'est a la mi-careme, Qu'au sortir d'un souper un enfant du plaisir ` Sur la valse et l'amour devrait faire un poeme, ^ ` Et saluer gaiement ses dieux prets a partir. Copyright 1980 AMS 17 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 ENVELOPE ADDRESS GENERATION (.AD COMMAND). The Address (.AD) Command may be used to save an address for subsequent printing on an envelope after the input file has been processed. The optional parameter specifies the number of spaces the printed address is to be indented from the left page perforation. The end of the address is signified by specification of another .AD command without a parameter. Only one address may be specified. Any subsequently encountered .AD commands cause a diagnostic message to be displayed and are ignored. All lines of text between the two .AD commands are placed in an address table without change. No tabbing, substitute space character replacement, accenting, etc., is performed on the lines placed in the table. Additionally, no concatenation nor justification is performed on any text encountered between the .AD commands. When the end of the input file is encountered, the operator is given the option of printing or not printing the envelope address. If the envelope printing 25 is selected, the lines in the address table are printed in image mode (.IM). The following example illustrates the use of the Address Command. .CD .SP 2 .AD 45 Mr. H. C. Bradford 3636 Weldon Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 .AD .SP .NJ Dear Mr. Bradford, .SP Thank you for calling our attention to the imperfect copy of the book you received from us. We regret that you have been caused any inconvenience, and we assure you that we will gladly adjust the matter. We are sending you by parcel post another copy of the work, and we are enclosing with this letter postage for the return of the imperfect volume. .SP We thank you for this opportunity of making our service satisfactory. .SP Very truly yours, .SP 4 L. W. Glade Copyright 1980 AMS 18 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 USE OF THE CURRENT DATE COMMAND (.CD COMMAND). The Current Date (.CD) Command causes the current system date to be written to the output in the format specified by the optional parameter. The parameter can specify numeric ("N"), Gregorian ("G"), or European ("E") date format. If no parameter is specified, the default is to Gregorian format. 26 If only the month, day, or year is desired; that part may be selected by appending "M" (month), "D" (day), or "Y" (year) to the format parameter. The following table illustrates the various options and the resulting output date format for October 2, 1984: Command Date Output .CD October 2, 1984 .CD E 2 October 1984 .CD EM October .CD ED 2 .CD EY 1984 .CD G October 2, 1984 .CD GM October .CD GD 2 .CD GY 1984 .CD N 10-02-84 .CD NM 10 .CD ND 02 .CD NY 84 If the entire date is selected (no "M", "D", or "Y" option is specified), it is processed as though it were on a separate line in the input text file. If concatenation is in effect, it will be concatenated in the normal manner. If only a part of the date is selected, TYPE processes it in a different manner in order to allow punctuation to be appended to the date, if desired. Instead of writing the date directly to the output, it is processed as though it had been inserted at the beginning of the following input line. If the following input line begins with a period, it is treated as text data rather than as a command line. If you wish to follow the date with a period, it must occur as the first character of the following input line. Do not precede such lines with .IG commands. If the following input line begins with a tab or space, it does not cause a 27 break. No space is inserted in the output after the date. If a space is desired, it must be provided as the first character on the following input line. Copyright 1980 AMS 19 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 The following examples illustrate the use of the Current Date Command: The invoice was dated .CD N and was due and payable within one week. Mr. Brown wrote a letter on .CD G advising that the payment could not be sent by the date due. .SP On or about .CD E we will forward the property to the owner. .SP The note was payable on the .CD GD th day of .CD GM , .CD GY . .SP The taxes are already past due for fiscal year .CD NY . If they are not paid by the end of .CD EM , we must pay a penalty. The preceding examples print as follows: The invoice was dated 08-31-84 and was due and payable within one week. Mr. Brown wrote a letter on August 31, 1984 advising that the payment could not be sent by the date due. On or about 31 August 1984 we will forward the property to the owner. The note was payable on the 31th day of August, 1984. The taxes are already past due for fiscal year 84. If 28 they are not paid by the end of August, we must pay a penalty. Copyright 1980 AMS 20 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 CREATING AN INDEX FILE (.IX COMMAND). The following example illustrates the generation of a index file for a document. The Index File Entry (.IX) Command is specified at appropriate locations throughout the document to write a descriptive header and the current page number into an output index file. The index file may then be processed through an index generator program. The Index Mode Switch "I" must be specified when TYPE is run, otherwise all .IX commands are ignored. The .IX command parameter supplies a descriptive text header to be associated with the page number placed in the index file. The parameter is written to the index file, followed by a carriage return; then the current page number is written to the file, also followed by a carriage return. No formatting of the parameter or page number is performed. If page numbers are changed by the user by specification of .AN or .DD commands, the change should be initiated immediately after the prior page eject. The .IX command causes the current page number to be written to the index file. If the current page number is changed after the .IX command is specified, the page number in the index file will reflect the page number before the change rather than after. For example, if the page number is changed in the middle of the page, all .IX commands encountered in the 29 first half of the page will reflect the wrong page number. Care should always be taken when explicitly changing page numbers rather than allowing TYPE to automatically control page numbering. In the following example, explicit Page Eject (.PA) Commands with parameters are used to illustrate clearly the current page numbers at the time the .IX commands are specified. Normally, page ejects are due to normal page overflow rather than to explicit page ejects. .BP .IX Batch job initiation, TSS INITIATION OF BATCH JOBS IN TSS. .SP .IX Batch jobs utilizing tape handlers, TSS 1. TSS JOBS REQUIRING TAPES. All Time Sharing System (TSS) jobs requiring tapes will adhere to the following procedures: | etc. | Copyright 1980 AMS 21 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 .PA 2 .IX Batch jobs requiring removable disks, TSS 2. TSS JOBS REQUIRING REMOVABLE DISKS. All TSS jobs requiring removable disks must be cleared with the Operations Department prior to entry into the system. | etc. | .PA 4 .IX Batch jobs utilizing card punches, TSS 3. TSS JOBS REQUIRING CARD PUNCHES. All TSS jobs utilizing card punches at the central site for the punching of output must contain JCL cards advising the operator of the card stock to be used. | etc. 30 | .PA 6 .IX Batch jobs utilizing card readers, TSS 4. TSS JOBS REQUIRING CARD READERS. Jobs requiring card readers will not be initiated from remote terminals; they will be submitted as batch jobs, along with the accompanying card deck. | etc. | .PA 9 TSS DISK STORAGE ALLOCATION. .SP .IX Disk storage allocation, TSS userids 1. ALLOCATED STORAGE AREAS. All users will be allocated disk storage space under their individual USERID. | etc. | .PA 11 .IX Assignment of access permissions, TSS 2. THE INITIAL ASSIGNMENT OF ACCESS PERMISSIONS. The initial storage space will be allocated with permissions granted only to the individual user. | etc. | .PA 12 .IX Assignment of access permissions by users, TSS 3. OTHER USER ACCESS. Other authorized TSS users may be granted access to your individual USERID storage area only with your permission. | Copyright 1980 AMS 22 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 etc. | .IX Periodic saves of storage areas 4. BACKUP SAVES OF USER AREAS. Saves of all user areas will be performed on a daily basis. | etc. 31 | The following lines are written to the output index file for the preceding example: Batch job initiation, TSS 1 Batch jobs utilizing tape handlers, TSS 1 Batch jobs requiring removable disks, TSS 2 Batch jobs utilizing card punches, TSS 4 Batch jobs utilizing card readers, TSS 6 Disk storage allocation, TSS userids 9 Assignment of access permissions, TSS 11 Assignment of access permissions by users, TSS 12 Periodic saves of storage areas 12 Copyright 1980 AMS 23 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 LINE BREAK MODE (.LB COMMAND). The Line Break (.LB) Command may be used to facilitate generation of lists of data where normal concatenation and/or justification is desired for each element of the list, but where each list element is to be treated as a separate entity and not concatenated to other elements of the list. The end of the input text line, designated by a carriage return, causes a break to occur while in line break mode. This precludes the necessity for insertion of Break (.BR) Commands between each list element. Breaks between lines may be inhibited by use of the Ignore Next Break (.IB) Command, if desired. Line break mode is initiated by specification of the .LB command with a parameter of 1 (".LB 1"). Line break mode remains in effect until 32 cancelled by a .LB command with a null or zero parameter (".LB" or ".LB 0"). The following example illustrates the use of the Line Break Command. For purposes of illustration only, the carriage return marking the end of each input text line is indicated by the characters "". .OF 5 .LB 1 .FO ILLEGAL FILE SPEC - name too long, invalid device, etc. FILE NOT FOUND - the specified file was not found on the device. EOF ON DEVICE - not enough room on the device for the file. .IB This normally indicates a "disk full" condition. ILLEGAL I/O OPERATION - read device was specified as output, an output-only device was specified as input, etc. DEVICE NOT READY - device is busy or is not ready. DEVICE WRITE PROTECTED - disk is hardware write-protected or file is write protected. .LB .OF Copyright 1980 AMS 24 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 The preceding example prints as follows: ILLEGAL FILE SPEC - name too long, invalid device, etc. FILE NOT FOUND - the specified file was not found on the device. EOF ON DEVICE - not enough room on the device for the file. This normally indicates a "disk full" condition. ILLEGAL I/O OPERATION - read device was specified as output, an output-only device was 33 specified as input, etc. DEVICE NOT READY - device is busy or is not ready. DEVICE WRITE PROTECTED - disk is hardware write-protected or file is write protected. Copyright 1980 AMS 25 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 MERGING AND SELECTIVE OUTPUT (.ME/.SO COMMANDS). This example illustrates the use of selective output and merge processing. Input merge file ADDRESS.TYP is a customer address master file, which also contains additional information as to the product most recently purchased by the customer. Input merge file SALE-LTR.TYP is a form letter to be printed for each customer, announcing a sale and referencing the recently purchased product. Input merge file ME-EJECT.TYP is used to force a page eject when used with the ADDRESS.TYP master file to print envelopes or standard size 1-1/2 inch mailing labels. The information to be selected and printed in each case is determined through use of the Selective Output (.SO) Commands embedded in the input files, in conjunction with the Selective Output Switch S parameters specified when TYPE is run. The merging of the two input files is controlled by specification of Merge (.ME) Commands in each of the input files. Care must be taken to insure that the files match regarding merge points and the data to be merged. If punctuation is required immediately following a word obtained from a merge file, it must be included with the word in that file. 34 To print envelopes for each customer in the ADDRESS.TYP master file, files ADDRESS.TYP and ME-EJECT.TYP are used with S switch parameters "S:2:3". Switch parameter 2 selects the addresses, while switch parameter 3 indents the addresses on the envelopes by 37 spaces. Page Stop Switch P is also specified so that the printer will stop after each envelope and the next envelope may be inserted. The file specification is as follows: PR:=ME-EJECT,ADDRESS/S:2:3,P To print address labels for each customer instead of envelopes, files ADDRESS.TYP and ME-EJECT.TYP are used with S switch parameters "S:2:4". Switch parameter 2 selects the addresses, while switch parameter 4 sets the indentation to zero so the address will print at the left margin. The file specification is as follows: PR:=ME-EJECT,ADDRESS/S:2:4 To print the sales letter for each customer, files ADDRESS.TYP and SALE-LTR.TYP are used with S switch parameters "S:1:2", as follows: PR:=SALE-LTR,ADDRESS/S:1:2 Copyright 1980 AMS 26 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 The following shows the contents of the input files required for the merge processing, followed by the output produced by TYPE for each of the above three cases. Contents of the master file ADDRESS.TYP: .CM File ADDRESS.TYP .CM .CM To generate envelopes or labels for mass mailing .CM which contain only the address portion of this .CM file, use the Selective Output Switch 2 in .CM conjunction with the merge file ME-EJECT.TYP. .CM 35 .CM This merge file sets up a page length of 9 .CM lines for standard 1-1/2 inch mailing labels. .CM For envelopes, use the Page Stop Switch P. .CM Use Selective Output Switch 3 for 37-space .CM indentation on envelopes, or use Selective .CM Output Switch 4 for 0-space indentation on .CM mailing labels. .CM .CM Start of selective output 3 definition: .SO 3 .LL 37 .LM 37 .NP .BM 0 .HM 0 .TM 2 .PL 9 .NF .SO .CM ---------------End selective output 3. .CM .CM Start of selective output 4 definition: .SO 4 .LL 37 .LM 0 .NP .BM 0 .HM 0 .TM 2 .PL 9 .NF .SO .CM ---------------End selective output 4. Copyright 1980 AMS 27 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 .CM .CM J. J. JONES: .SO 2 Mr. J. J. Jones 8521 Jasper Street Hollywood, CA 90349 .ME .SO 1 Dear Mr. Jones, .ME SUNNY 876 .ME SUNNY .ME .CM MR. DONALD BROWN: .SO 2 36 Mr. Donald Brown 8732 Broad Street Highland Park, CA 90211 .ME .SO 1 Dear Mr. Brown, .ME TEACH 641 .ME TEACH .ME .CM MS. ARLENE GREEN: .SO 2 Ms. Arlene Green 920 West Alpine Happy Valley, CA 91890 .ME .SO 1 Dear Ms. Green, .ME PPS 550 .ME PPS .EN Contents of file ME-EJECT.TYP: .CM File ME-EJECT.TYP .ME .PA .EN Copyright 1980 AMS 28 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 Contents of file SALE-LTR.TYP: .CM File SALE-LTR.TYP .NP .NF .CD .SP 2 .CM Get name/address from master file: .ME .SP .CM Get salutation from master file: .ME .CO .SP The staff and myself here at Glorious Audio hope you have been enjoying the .CM Get product name/number from master file: .ME you recently purchased. .SP We would like to give you this special 37 notice of a sale on Maxim XAS 6800 tape this weekend. You will find that this tape is a perfect complement for your .CM Get product name from master file: .ME and the price this weekend is only $6.95 per 1800-foot reel, or three reels for $19.95. .SP I hope you can stop in this weekend and visit with us. We have several new products which may interest you along with our special price on the Maxim XAS 6800 tape. .SP .IN 31 Sincerely, .SP 3 Mr. R. M. Glorious .IN .PA .EN Copyright 1980 AMS 29 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 The output envelopes generated for the file specification PR:=ME-EJECT,ADDRESS/S:2:3,P are as follows: Mr. J. J. Jones 8521 Jasper Street Hollywood, CA 90349 Mr. Donald Brown 8732 Broad Street Highland Park, CA 90211 Ms. Arlene Green 920 West Alpine Happy Valley, CA 91890 The output mailing labels generated for the file specification PR:=ME-EJECT,ADDRESS/S:2:4 are as follows: Mr. J. J. Jones 8521 Jasper Street Hollywood, CA 90349 38 Mr. Donald Brown 8732 Broad Street Highland Park, CA 90211 Copyright 1980 AMS 30 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 Ms. Arlene Green 920 West Alpine Happy Valley, CA 91890 The output sales announcement letters generated for the file specification PR:=SALE-LTR,ADDRESS/S:1:2 are as follows: August 31, 1984 Mr. J. J. Jones 8521 Jasper Street Hollywood, CA 90349 Dear Mr. Jones, The staff and myself here at Glorious Audio hope you have been enjoying the SUNNY 876 you recently purchased. We would like to give you this special notice of a sale on Maxim XAS 6800 tape this weekend. You will find that this tape is a perfect complement for your SUNNY and the price this weekend is only $6.95 per 1800-foot reel, or three reels for $19.95. I hope you can stop in this weekend and visit with us. We have several new products which may interest you along with our special price on the Maxim XAS 6800 tape. Sincerely, Mr. R. M. Glorious Copyright 1980 AMS 31 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 August 31, 1984 Mr. Donald Brown 8732 Broad Street Highland Park, CA 90211 Dear Mr. Brown, The staff and myself here at Glorious Audio hope 39 you have been enjoying the TEACH 641 you recently purchased. We would like to give you this special notice of a sale on Maxim XAS 6800 tape this weekend. You will find that this tape is a perfect complement for your TEACH and the price this weekend is only $6.95 per 1800-foot reel, or three reels for $19.95. I hope you can stop in this weekend and visit with us. We have several new products which may interest you along with our special price on the Maxim XAS 6800 tape. Sincerely, Mr. R. M. Glorious Copyright 1980 AMS 32 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 August 31, 1984 Ms. Arlene Green 920 West Alpine Happy Valley, CA 91890 Dear Ms. Green, The staff and myself here at Glorious Audio hope you have been enjoying the PPS 550 you recently purchased. We would like to give you this special notice of a sale on Maxim XAS 6800 tape this weekend. You will find that this tape is a perfect complement for your PPS and the price this weekend is only $6.95 per 1800-foot reel, or three reels for $19.95. I hope you can stop in this weekend and visit with us. We have several new products which may interest you along with our special price on the Maxim XAS 6800 tape. Sincerely, Mr. R. M. Glorious 40 Copyright 1980 AMS 33 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 RIGHT ALIGNMENT (.RA COMMAND). The Right Alignment (.RA) Command allows columns of words to be easily aligned. The optional parameters specify the starting position at which the alignment process is to begin and the columns at which the text is to be aligned in the output. If omitted, right alignment is cancelled. The first parameter is the position at which the right alignment process is to become effective. This allows text to the left of the aligned columns to be processed in the normal manner, as shown in the example below. The column specifications are relative to the left margin (.LM) and ignore any currently specified indentation. A maximum of twenty alignment columns may be set, and they may be changed at any point. Right alignment remains in effect until cancelled by specification of a .RA command with a null parameter. The text is aligned at the next specified alignment column number that is greater than the current output column. If there is insufficient space to align the text, it is aligned at the next alignment column in which it will fit. If there are no further alignment columns specified, no alignment occurs. It is recommended that text that is right aligned be followed by a tab. Spaces or substitute space characters (.SC) following the text word are treated as part of the word for alignment purposes. All other formatting may be used in conjunction with the .RA 41 command; including justification, tabbing, concatenation, overprinting, underlining, and centering. The following example illustrates the use of the Right Alignment Command. .TB 3,5,7,25,36,47 .RA 25,34,45,56 .SC \ .NF .CE VALLEY STORE .CE Balance Sheet, December 31, 1978 .SP 2 .UL Current Assets: .SP Cash$\1,050.00 Notes receivable300.00 Accounts receivable3,961.00 Merchandise inventory10,248.00 Prepaid insurance109.00 Office supplies46.00 .OP Copyright 1980 AMS 34 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 Stores supplies145.00 .SP Total Current$15,859.00 .SP 2 .UL Plant and Equipment: .SP Office equipment$\1,500.00 .OP Less depreciation300.00$\1,200.00 .SP Store equipment$\3,200.00 .OP Less depreciation800.002,400.00 .SP Buildings$25,000.00 .OP Less depreciation7,400.0017,600.00 42 .SP .OP Land4,200.00 .SP .OP Total Plant25,400.00 .SP 2 TOTAL ASSETS$41,259.00 ========== .RA Copyright 1980 AMS 35 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 The preceding example prints as follows: VALLEY STORE Balance Sheet, December 31, 1978 Current Assets: Cash $ 1,050.00 Notes receivable 300.00 Accounts receivable 3,961.00 Merchandise inventory 10,248.00 Prepaid insurance 109.00 Office supplies 46.00 Stores supplies 145.00 Total Current $15,859.00 Plant and Equipment: Office equipment $ 1,500.00 Less depreciation 300.00 $ 1,200.00 Store equipment $ 3,200.00 Less depreciation 800.00 2,400.00 Buildings $25,000.00 Less depreciation 7,400.00 17,600.00 Land 4,200.00 Total Plant 25,400.00 TOTAL ASSETS $41,259.00 ========== Copyright 1980 AMS 36 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 7. COMMAND SUMMARY SPECIFICATION COMMAND DEFAULT BREAK .AC x ACCENT YES .AD n ADDRESS 0 43 YES .AN x.n ALPHANUMERIC PAGING x+1.1 NO .AP ALTERNATE PAGING NO .BK BREAK ON TAB/SPACE YES NO .BL n BLANK LINE 1 YES .BM n BOTTOM MARGIN 6 YES .BP n BOTTOM PAGING 2 NO .BR BREAK YES .CA x CHARACTERS TO ACCENT aeiou YES .CC x CONTROL CODES YES .CD x CURRENT DATE G NO .CE n CENTER LINE LL/2 YES .CM COMMENT NO .CO CONCATENATION YES YES .CP n CONDITIONAL PAGE NO .DD n.m DEWEY DECIMAL PAGING n+1.1 NO .DS DOUBLE SPACING YES .EN END OF TEXT FILE YES .FO FORMAT YES YES .FS FORCED SPACE LINE 1 YES .HE x HEADING LINE NO .HM n HEADING MARGIN 2 YES .IB IGNORE NEXT BREAK NO .IG IGNORE COMMAND LINE NO .IL x IDENTIFICATION LEFT NO .IM n IMAGE MODE YES .IN n INDENTATION 0 YES .IR x IDENTIFICATION RIGHT 44 NO .IX x INDEX FILE ENTRY NO .JU JUSTIFICATION YES YES .LB n LINE BREAK 0 YES .LL n LINE LENGTH 65 YES .LM n LEFT MARGIN 10 YES .ME MERGE NO .NB NO TAB/SPACE BREAK NO .NC NO CONCATENATION YES .NF NO FORMAT YES .NJ NO JUSTIFICATION YES .NN NO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER YES .NP NO PAGE NUMBERING NO .OF n OFFSET 0 YES .OP OVERPRINT YES .PA x PAGE EJECT +1 YES Copyright 1980 AMS 37 02-07-84/V2.3 TYPE USER'S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 SPECIFICATION COMMAND DEFAULT BREAK .PC PRINT TABLE OF CONTENTS YES .PL n PAGE LENGTH 66 YES .PO n POSITION TO LINE NUMBER YES .PW n PAGE WIDTH 85 YES .RA s,n1,n2,... RIGHT ALIGNMENT YES .SC x SUBSTITUTE SPACE CHARACTER YES .SH x SUBHEADING LINE NO .SO n SELECTIVE OUTPUT 0 NO .SP n SPACE LINE 1 45 YES .SS SINGLE SPACING YES YES .ST x STOP NO .TB n1,n2,... TABS 5,10,... YES .TC TABLE OF CONTENTS ENTRY NO .TM n TOP MARGIN 6 YES .TP TOP PAGING NO .UI x USER INPUT NO .UL UNDERLINE NO .UN n UNDENTATION YES Copyright 1980 AMS 38 02-07-84/V2.3 46