DEFAULT PROGRAM BUGS 1. 6/22/83 Bug in SDOSDEFAULTPROGRAM/ Junk.* does NOT include Junk. (comment: Not a bug "." was specified.) 2. .Time should print out TIME HH:MI MO/DD/YY Backspaces. 3. 12/11/83 DEBUG filename under mt on chief crashes system. (comment: Default program has no recovery from DEBUG syscall failure.) 4. Copy command on disk to disk copy should use mapalgorithm written on disk. Would be far more efficient! 5. "files" should print byte total. 6. Copy D0: to D1: should copy both using mapalgorithm of D0:! 7. SDOSCMDS print using field in FILES doesn't allow for 10^12 byte field. 8. SDOSCMDS 2/19/81 Rename disk: should permit (and pass) lower case! 9. 10/28/80 Defaultprogram needs Debug logic moved to upper part of PZ. Put size of debug logic in manual? 10. Defaultprogram INCH$ How about wildcard rename? 11. Defaultprogram get rest of line (22000) does 1-byte reads!! 12. Speed up directory search by asking for null directory entries? Speed up FILES by reading 32 bytes at a pop? (comment: already done?) 13. Default 11D "Debug" doesn't seem to work? 14. SDOSCMDS11d.bas: .COPY sd1:fid are you sure you want to write on the disk device? (comment: kind of odd response, s/b bad comd format.) 15. 4/17/82 6809 Copy command failed to copy INITIALIZE.SYS off 6809 SDMT1.2C disk (wrong CR C obtained.) 16. 8/1/82 on MSI Copy D0: to (D2:)MSI.disk .CRC D0: :9CAx CRC D2:MSI.disk :818B .version SDOS VERSION 1.1, SDOSCMDS v1.1, BASIC RTP 1.4h Copyright 1977 SD .CRC Default Program :E303 17. 1/20/82 Throw away defaultprogram if buffer space needed. 18. 12/30/82 Copy disk to disk shouldn't read a large part, and then re-read after.. are you sure? 19. SDOSCMDS should NOT believe size of boot.sys>32. (see MOUNT command: gives subscript error if MOUNT and boot.sys size is wrong: fix in validate program) 20. Copy disk device to disk device gets last byte of last sector wrong. 21. Delete should use last specified disk device as default drive. 22. Any unused space in directory entry, possible util pgm use for link alphabetically 23. Copy should preserve date. 25. Copy won't copy an all-zero sector at EOF. 26. Why hard formatting?