SOFTWARE DYNAMICS 6800/6809 BASIC COMPILER V1.4 10TH PRINTING COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 SOFTWARE DYNAMICS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NOTICE ------ This manual describes version 1.4 of the Software Dynamics BASIC compiler system for 6800/6809 microprocessors. The information given in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Software Dynamics reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ********************************************************************* ** SD software is sold on a single copy per computer basis, and is ** ** covered by U.S. copyright laws. Unless a written exception is ** ** obtained from SD, the software must be used only on the single ** ** computer whose unique, SD-assigned serial number matches that ** ** for which the software was purchased. Copies for any purpose ** ** other than archival storage, or use on other than the assigned ** ** serial numbered CPU are strictly prohibited. ** ** USE OF THIS MANUAL OR THE SOFTWARE IT DESCRIBES CONSTITUTES ** ** AGREEMENT BY THE USER TO THESE TERMS. ** ********************************************************************* SDOS is a registered trademark of Software Dynamics. This manual was produced by TYPE, a document-producing program written in SD BASIC. Copyright (C) 1977 SD BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS SD BASIC, A COMPILER VERSION OF BASIC. Software Dynamics BASIC was designed to be a powerful programming tool for building production business applications and high-performance process control programs. To meet this goal, SD BASIC contains the following features and many more: 1) Compiled code: gives higher packing density for the application program, since only the runtime package and the compiled program itself reside in memory at execution time. (Compiled program size is about 20-40% of the source, in bytes). 2) More power: since space normally used by other BASICs for editing, listing, and statement analysis is used for extended string operations, floating point, file I/O, formatted output, and more. 3) Wide variety of structured programming facilities made possible by the compiler -- nested conditionals, IF-THEN-ELSE, WHILE/UNTIL DO, etc. 4) Decimal floating point for business applications. Accuracy to a minimum of 9 digits; dollar values of up to $100 million, represented in pennies. 5) PRINT USING for formatted output. 6) Faster execution since syntax analysis of a line is not performed each time the line is executed (performance improvements of 2 to 10 times over conventional interpreters are normal). 7) 32 character variable names and line labels, which simplify program coding and maintenance. 8) Singly and doubly-dimensioned numeric arrays. 9) Character strings and string operations (substring, length, concatenation), including string "arrays" (vectors). 10) Compile time error diagnostics point to actual error. 11) Assembly language interface via "CALL" statement. 12) File I/O to ASCII and binary files. 13) Data initialization facility. 14) Parameterized, multi-line subroutines and functions. 15) Common and chaining allowing multiple module applications. 16) Full access to operating system I/O facilities. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 1 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS INTRODUCTION BASIC is a popular, applications-oriented programming language. This document describes how to use the Software Dynamics version of BASIC, implemented on a broad range of 680x microprocessor computer systems. The reader should be generally familiar with BASIC; there are several excellent primers for those new to the game. BASIC, as implemented by Software Dynamics, is a compiler language, not an interpreter as are most BASICs. Two main advantages are derived by this approach: 1) Faster execution. 2) Programs are smaller (more program in same space) Furthermore, the Software Dynamics BASIC has many features normally found only in BASICs on larger computers, such as sophisticated string handling and file I/O facilities. NOTATION: The following notation is used in this manual: $xxxx A hexadecimal value or memory address, as accepted by standard 6800/6809 assemblers. The ASCII character code $0D, known as Carriage-Return and used to mark the end of a line of text. ... Some indefinite sequence of statements or expression(s) text... means a "continuation" line (see USING SOFTWARE & moretext DYNAMICS BASIC). This is logically equivalent to: text moretext. UPPERCASE A word that represents the keyword "UPPERCASE"; i.e., FOR means the keyword FOR. Example variable names are also capitalized. lowercase The name of a definition, i.e., statementlist or conditionalexpression. linenumber A line number or a line label name. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 2 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS PROGRAM ORGANIZATION BASIC is a procedure-oriented language: the user expresses the activity he desires the computer to perform, in a set of explicit commands to perform computations and make decisions. Each of the commands is called a statement. BASIC has some 40 different kinds of statements and 40 different functions; the form and function of each is individually discussed, below. A statement list is a set of executable statements separated by the backslash ("\") character. An optional character is allowed after each backslash separating statements, so a statement list may span several physical text lines. Note that a REM statement, if included in a statement list, is always the last statement in that statement list. A single statement (if not trailed by a "\") is a statement list. A "line" is a statement list, followed by a character (the traditional BASIC definition of a line is a statement followed by a ). Note that with this definition a "line" can span several physical text lines. A "block" is a statement that has an embedded set of lines. A block is introduced by certain statement formats, and terminated by a keyword that depends on the introducing statement. The set of lines embedded in the statement is called the block body (an example of a block in traditional BASIC is FOR-NEXT). Execution of the block body is controlled by the introductory statement. Note that a block can be part of a line. Wherever "blockbody" is shown in this manual, it may be replaced by a statement list (see BLOCK BODIES). A BASIC program consists of a set of lines. Traditionally, each line is numbered to indicate the normal sequence in which the lines are executed. These line numbers appear at the left end of the line and may be any value from 1 to 65535. Good programming practice dictates that line numbers be separated by some numeric distance, say 10, so that if programming errors are found, or changes made to the program, new lines with numbers in between those which already exist can be created. With SD BASIC, line labels may also be used, as well as line numbers. A line label is any sequence of up to 32 letters or digits, starting with a letter, (i.e., LABEL is a valid label). A label name may not be identical to a reserved keyword (see VARIABLES). When a line label is used to "number" a line, a label must be followed by a ":" character. A line label may be on a line by itself, whereas a line number may not. Heavy use of labels makes programs more readable, and thus more maintainable. Throughout the rest of this document, the term line number or line label are used interchangeably. Line numbers are only needed if the line is referenced by another part of the BASIC program. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 3 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS Example: 10 REM **** PRIME NUMBER CHASER **** 20 REM PRINTS OUT FIRST 100 PRIME NUMBERS 30 DIM PRIMES[100],CANDIDATE/3/,NPRIMES/1/ 35 PRINT "Prime Finder" 40 LET PRIMES[NPRIMES]=2 LOOKFORANOTHERPRIME: FOR PRIMESELECTOR=1 TO NPRIMES X=PRIMES(PRIMESELECTOR) LET Q=INT(CANDIDATE/X) IF Q 100 THEN GOTO LOOKFORANOTHERPRIME FOR PRIMESELECTOR = 1 TO 100 PRINT PRIMES(PRIMESELECTOR) NEXT PRIMESELECTOR PRINT 'All Done!' 200 STOP END The above program is numbered in a conventional way for BASIC programs, with the exception of some lines without numbers, two lines with a label, and one line with a line number out of order (see below). Note that when several statements are "grouped" in the same line (line FOUNDNEWPRIME), they must be separated by a "\" (backslash) character. A FOR-NEXT block appears in the program. The lines between FOR and NEXT comprise the body of the FOR-NEXT block. When a BASIC program is executed, execution starts with the first statement in the first line (the statement at the top of the page of a listing of the program). The statements within a line are executed from left to right if there are more than one. When a line is completely executed, control flows to the next line down the page (of the program listing), and its component statements are executed from left to right. Certain statements change the flow of control explicitly (i.e., GOTO, GOSUB, NEXT, ON, IF, etc.). If control flow is redirected, SD BASIC executes lines sequentially from the new target point until control flow is changed again. Note that control flow is NOT directed in sorted line-number order as in conventional BASIC programs, but rather in top-to-bottom of page order. This is, however, compatible with standard BASIC programs listed in line-number order. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 4 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS VALUES BASIC programs can operate on two kinds of data: real numbers and character strings. A specific real number or string is called a value. Number values used by BASIC are decimal (floating point) 9 digit precision numbers (decimal is used to facilitate business applications). Numbers used for dollar amounts between plus or minus 100 million dollars are kept to 10 digit accuracy (exact to the penny). Numeric values are limited to the range of plus or minus .9999999999 times 10 to the plus or minus 126. Strings are groups of 8 bit data items (bytes), which normally contain ASCII codes for letters, digits, punctuation, etc. A string value may be from zero to 65534 (not 65535) characters in length. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 5 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS CONSTANTS Constants are the means by which the programmer introduces a particular value into the program, permanently. Note that line numbers are not really constants, since they only serve to label a line, not to introduce a value into the program. Number constants consist of digit strings with an optional exponent specification, and represent real values in the program. At least one digit must be given. A decimal point can be placed anywhere in the digit string. The exponent is specified by writing "E" (or "e") followed by "+" or "-" or nothing, followed by one to three digits for the exponent value itself. Examples of numeric constants: 5 2.7 0000300 .9999999999E126 .007 6E-2 .1401e+76 12E12 BASIC also accepts positive integer hexadecimal constants in the range 0 to 65535. The form of a hexadecimal constant is a colon followed by one to four hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F or a-f). A hexadecimal constant may be used anywhere a numeric constant may be used. Examples of hexadecimal constants: :0 :ABC4 :2F :4f3 Two special constants, named TRUE and FALSE, represent the values 1 and 0, respectively. String constants consist of a quoted sequence of characters which do not contain the quote. The quote character may be either " or ', but it must be the same at both ends of the string constant. The string value represented is the sequence of ASCII-coded characters which comprise the string body (everything but the quotes). Upper and lower case characters are preserved exactly as written in the body of the string. A single quote may appear in a string constant which is delimited by double quotes, and vice-versa. An end of line character may not appear in a string constant. The null or empty string is written as '' or "". A string constant may not exceed 127 characters in length including the quotes. Examples: "ABC" 'BE"FG' ".1401E+76" '' "can't" Copyright (C) 1977 SD 6 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS VARIABLES BASIC allows the programmer to name quantities which can change. These named quantities are called variables. The name itself is the variable name. BASIC supports two kinds of variables: numeric and string. Numeric variables are used to represent quantities and can hold any value specified in the section on constant numbers. String variables are used to deal with varying length groups of characters (or bytes), and can hold any value as specified in the section on string constants. String variables are limited to 65534 bytes in length. Variable names are composed of letters and digits; the first character of a name must be a letter. Lower case letters are treated as being identical to upper case letters in variable names. Examples of legal numeric variable names: X, B7, INTEREST, Rate, A7773X. The length of a variable name is limited to 32 characters by the assembler. The name of a variable must not be the same as any keyword (statement, function name, etc.), or a syntax error will result (i.e., THEN is not a valid variable name). A list of keywords may be found in the section on KEYWORDS (note that keywords may also be written using lower case). String variable names require that a "$" character be the last character of the variable name. The numeric variable whose name is the same as a string variable name (except for the "$") is a completely different object from the string variable. String variables have two associated lengths: the current LENgth, which is the number of characters currently held by the string, and MAXLEN, which is the maximum (DIMensioned) length of the string. This difference is subtle but very important; failure to understand the difference will cause many mysterious string subscript errors. Examples of legal string variable names: CUSTOMERNAME$, IN27F$, BUF2$, TEXT$ Copyright (C) 1977 SD 7 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS SUBSCRIPTING A vector is a variable which represents a list of numeric values. If a vector is named V, the first value in the vector is named (denoted) V[1], the second value is denoted V[2], etc. The value inside the [ ]s is called the subscript. A subscript value may be specified by an expression to allow computation of the desired element of the vector. SD BASIC allows 0 as a subscript on numeric vectors. BASIC accepts ( ) interchangeably with square brackets. An array is a variable which represents a rectangular matrix of values. The upper left hand corner is named A[0,0]; this element is in the zeroeth row, zeroeth column. The 2nd element of the 1st row is A[1,2], etc. The value in the Nth row, Mth column is named A[N,M]. N and M may be expressions which compute the selected row and column. N or M may be zero. While SD BASIC does not directly support 3 or higher dimensional arrays, they may be transparently simulated using the Uniform Reference facility, as outlined in that section. Strings can be selected in their entirety, or in portions. The notation stringname$[exp1,exp2] means select the substring of the named string starting in the exp1 position of the string for exp2 characters. If B$ has the value "HELLO" at the moment, B$[3,2] is the string value "LL". The substring selected must not overlap the end of the current string value (i.e., exp1<1 or exp1+exp2>current length of the string), or a subscript error will occur. If exp2 is zero, no subscript error can occur. The notation stringname$[exp] or stringarrayname$(exp1)[exp] is called a byte subscript, and means the "exp"th slot of the string; this form can appear only in numeric expressions and represents the numeric value of the expth byte of the string (as opposed to a single character string). Exp can be from 1 to the DIMensioned size of the string; the current length of the string has no effect on byte subscripts. Zero may not be used as a byte subscript. A string array is a variable which represents a vector of strings (a better name would have been string vectors, but historical reasons prevent changing it). Each slot of a string array holds a variable length string. The number of strings in a string array is specified in a DIM statement. The notation stringarrayname$[exp] selects the "exp"th string of the array; exp must round to a value greater than or equal to 1. A substring selector or a byte subscript may be appended to the string selector to select a portion of that string, as desired. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 8 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS A typical string array might contain one sentence in each slot, with the array representing a limerick. Then the string array would have 5 slots; typical filler material might be: LIMERICK$[1] has "There is a nice compiler BASIC" LIMERICK$[2] has "with features that make it like magic" LIMERICK$[3] has "Programs are easy to read" LIMERICK$[4] has "and run with great speed" LIMERICK$[5] has "making other BASICs seem tragic." Then LIMERICK$[3](14,4) selects the substring "easy" and LIMERICK$[3](1) contains the value :50. Any variable which can be subscripted must have the maximum bounds specified in a DIM(ension) or COMMON statement. If any subscript value used is not an integer, BASIC will round it to the closest integer (i.e., it will use INT(value+.5) instead of the value). SD BASIC allows the result of a string function (see DEF and BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS) to be subscripted. Example: NUM$(35)[3,1] gives the string "5" since NUM$(35) gives " 35". Copyright (C) 1977 SD 9 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS EXPRESSIONS Key to the operation of BASIC programs is the ability to compute new values based on old values. Specification of such a computation is done by writing an expression, which looks like an algebraic formula. An expression is a sequence of constants, variable names and operators (such as add or multiply). BASIC allows two kinds of expressions: those which compute numeric values, and those which compute string values. Numeric expressions may contain only references to functions that return numeric results, numeric variables (or entries in vectors, arrays, and strings), real constants, or hex constants. The allowed operators are listed below with their function: OPERATOR USE OPERATION -------- --- --------- + A+B Computes the sum of A plus B - A-B Computes the difference of A minus B * A*B Computes the product of A times B / A/B Computes the quotient of A divided by B & A&B Computes the logical bit product of A and B ! A!B Computes the logical bit "or" of A and B XOR A XOR B Computes the logical exclusive or of A and B ** A**B Computes the value of A shifted left [B>0] or right [B<0] bits ^ A^B Computes the value of A raised to the power B - -A Computes the negative of the value of A F( ) F(A) Computes the value of the function F applied to A For manipulating dollar amounts, arithmetic (+,-,*,/) is accurate to 10 digits if the operands and the result have magnitudes in the range .01 to 99999999.99. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 10 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS Logical operators (& ! XOR **) allow only integer operands in the range 0 to +65535 (exception: the right operand of ** may be a negative integer); the result of an operation such as & is the bitwise "AND" of the binary equivalent of the numbers. Examples: 0&17 = 0 1&:11 = 1 2&17 = 0 :1F&16 = 16 2!1 = 3 3!7 = 7 :7 XOR 5 = 2 1**10 = 1024 7**-2 = 1 7**-3 = 0 12**2 = 48 100**25 = 0 32768**-1 = 16384 BASIC has a set of built in functions (explained in the section on FUNCTIONS). The programmer may also define his own functions (see DEF). One can cause a function to be applied to a value by simply writing the function name, a left parenthesis, then an expression representing the value, and a right parenthesis, i.e. COS(PI+2). Functions that accept multiple arguments are invoked by writing the function name, a left parenthesis, a list of expressions (one for each argument) separated by commas, and a right parenthesis. Functions that require only a single argument do not require the parenthesis (i.e., SIN X is legal). Evaluation of an expression is based on operator precedence, with operations performed in the following order: 1ST: - (negate) and functions 2ND: ^ (exponentiation) 3RD: & * / ** 4TH: XOR ! + - (subtract) so that 3*4+2 gives the value 14, not 18. Parentheses may be used to override precedence to obtain any desired order of evaluation, (i.e., 3*(4+2) gives 18, not 14). Examples of expressions: 2 WHALE+PORPOISE COS(PI/ATN(BETA[3]))*19 :46-ADDRESS*2 VALUE&:7+"0" INLINE$(I) - ASC 'A' + OFFSET Copyright (C) 1977 SD 11 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS String expressions may contain any sequence of constant strings, string variables, and substring references separated by the operator "CAT", which concatenates strings together. Concatenated strings may not exceed the size of the concatenation buffer (256 by default). Parentheses may not be used in string expressions to change the order of concatenation (but they may be used in subscript computations). If more than one string temporary is present within a statement, "CAT" may be used in only one of those computations which generate temporaries: A$=A$ CAT B$ CAT C$ is legal, but, beware: RENAME A$ CAT '.EXT', B$ CAT '.EXT' is illegal. "ABC" CAT 'DEF' produces the value "ABCDEF". If A$ contains "ABCDEF", then A$[1,3] CAT '*' CAT A$[4,3] gives "ABC*DEF" as its value. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 12 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS A conditional expression is used to determine the truth or falsity of a relation between two or more values. Conditional expressions are usually found in statements which perform operations conditionally, such as IF and WHILE statements. Conditional expressions are composed of relations, and logical combinations of relations. The simplest conditional expression is a relation. Relations allow two values to be compared. Possible relations are: Numeric Values: (EXP1 and EXP2 are numeric expressions) EXP1 = EXP2 True if the value of EXP1 equals EXP2 EXP1 <= EXP2 True if EXP1 is less or equal to EXP2 EXP1 >= EXP2 True if EXP1 is greater or equal to EXP2 EXP1 < EXP2 True if EXP1 is strictly less than EXP2 EXP1 > EXP2 True if EXP1 is strictly greater than EXP2 EXP1 <> EXP2 True if EXP1 is not equal to EXP2 EXP (Interpreted as a relation) means "EXP<>0" String Values: (EXP1 and EXP2 are string expressions) EXP1 = EXP2 True if string value of EXP1 exactly equals the value of EXP2, both in content and length EXP1 <= EXP2 True if EXP1 alphabetically precedes EXP2 (according to ASCII character coding) or EXP1 = EXP2 exactly. Note that strings being compared are not blank extended to the right, and that "ABC" < "ABD" and "ABC" < "ABC ". EXP1 >= EXP2 True if EXP2 alphabetically precedes EXP1, or EXP1 = EXP2 exactly. EXP1 < EXP2 True if EXP1 alphabetically precedes EXP2. EXP1 > EXP2 True if EXP2 alphabetically precedes EXP1. EXP1 <> EXP2 True if EXP1 is not the same as EXP2, in either length or content. One cannot compare a string expression with a numeric expression. Also, if "CAT" is used as an operator in EXP1, it cannot be used in EXP2 and vice-versa (see caveat on "CAT" under "EXPRESSIONS"). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 13 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS A condition can be any combination of relations, using the operators "AND", "OR", the logical function "NOT" and parentheses. A conditional expression of the form A AND B is true if condition A is true, and condition B is true. A conditional expression of the form A OR B is true if condition A is true, or condition B is true. A conditional expression of the form NOT A is true only when the condition A is false. AND has precedence over OR so that A=B. NOT has higher precedence than AND or OR, so parentheses are needed to invert a complicated condition. NOT( A2 ) is the same as: A>=B OR B<=2 Conditions are evaluated from left to right until their truth is determined. Once the truth value of a condition is determined, the rest of the condition expression is not evaluated, so that: S=0 OR B/S=2 can never give a division by zero error (this kind of test is also useful when checking for an illegal subscript) and also speeds up program execution. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 14 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS The result of a condition can be used wherever a condition is allowed, or as an element of an expression. When used in an expression, a true condition gives the value 1 (TRUE), and a false condition gives the value 0 (FALSE). So 12*(3>4) gives the value 0 since 3>4 gives the value 0, while -6*(2<3) gives -6 since 2<3 gives 1. When used as part of a conditional expression, a simple expression is interpreted as "expression<>0". Example: X^2 AND NOT Y is interpreted as X^2<>0 AND NOT Y<>0 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 15 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS STATEMENTS This section describes the format and function of statements in the Software Dynamics version of BASIC. All statements start with a keyword (with the exceptions of optional LET or CALL keywords) and end with the or a backslash (\). The statements are listed in order of probable utility. PRINT The simple PRINT statement is used to cause printing of values or character strings on the terminal. The general form is: PRINT list-of-print-fields The print fields can be numeric or string expressions. The print field entries are separated from one another by "," or ";", which affect how spacing is to be performed between the printed values (see below). Examples: 10 PRINT A 20 PRINT "SUM IS"; A+B, "PRODUCT IS "; A*B 30 PRINT "LEFT SUBSTRING: "; A$[1,25] 40 PRINT "JUST THIS STRING" 50 PRINT The PRINT statement causes the values in the print fields to be converted to a readable form and printed on the terminal. The values are printed out on the terminal from left to right in the same order as they appear in the PRINT statement itself. String values are printed exactly as the ASCII equivalent of the string contents, i.e., "ABC" is printed as ABC. No insertions or deletions are made by BASIC; if the string contains control characters, they are copied directly to the I/O interface routines. However, the operating system under which BASIC is running may have some conventions regarding such control characters. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 16 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS Numeric values are printed in a form designed for user convenience, according to the following rules: If the value is an integer and is less than 1E10: sign dddddddddd Where "sign" is either a single blank or a "-" sign, and "dddd" are digits. Leading zeros are suppressed. The value -10*22 is printed as -220; the value 17 is printed as space 17. Zero is printed as space 0. If the value is not an integer and is greater than or equal to 1 in magnitude, and is less than 1E10: sign ddddddddd.dddddddd Leading zeroes (when to the left of the decimal point) and trailing zeroes (when to the right of the decimal point) are suppressed. At most 10 significant digits are printed. "." is a decimal point. If the magnitude of the number is less than 1 and greater than or equal to 1E-6: sign .ddddddddddddddd Trailing zeros are not printed. If none of the above conditions describe the number value, "E" notation is used: sign.ddddddddddE esign xxx The first digit to the right of the decimal point is nonzero. Trailing zeros are suppressed. The "E" after the digit string represents a literal "E", and "esign" represents "+" or "-". "xxx" represents a three digit, leading zero supressed, exponent. The printed form corresponds to a value of sign.dddddddddd*10^(esign xxx). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 17 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS Field separators may be either "," or ";". The comma causes tabbing between fields printed; it forces the terminal to space (at least once) to the column such that the column number modulo 18 is one (i.e., there are column boundaries at 19, 37, 55, 73, etc.). The semicolon causes a space to be printed if the value to its left is numeric; if the value to its left is a string, the semicolon prints nothing. The statement: 60 PRINT A,B,C,D produces a tabular output with the value of A in the first column, B in the second column, C in the third, etc. 70 PRINT A;B;C;D produces tightly spaced output with each number being separated from its neighbor by a single space (two spaces if all the values printed are positive). 80 PRINT A;B,D;E produces values of A and B tightly packed, then a tab to the values of D and E tightly packed. 90 PRINT "ABC"; 5 produces ABC space 5. 100 PRINT "ABC";S$ produces ABCDEF if S$ has the value "DEF". A print field may contain TAB(exp) instead of a string or a numeric expression. This causes the terminal to space until the column specified by the expression is reached. TAB(1) refers to the leftmost print column on a line. If the expression specifies a column less than the current position of the print head, no spaces are produced. TAB() must always be followed by a ";" separator. The TAB function may only be used in a PRINT statement. 110 PRINT A;TAB(10);B;TAB(20);C;TAB(30);D produces a columnar output with 10-space wide columns. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 18 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS The PRINT statement normally causes a set of values to be printed, followed by a carriage return (i.e., further output is on a new line). The carriage return may be suppressed by ending the print statement with a ";" or "," (which have the same meaning as above). Further printing by other print statements will then resume from where the continuing PRINT left off. 120 PRINT A,B 130 PRINT C,D will produce two lines of two column output, while 140 PRINT A,B,\REM NOTE TRAILING COMMA AFTER B 150 PRINT C,D will produce output identical to that of 160 PRINT A,B,C,D A print statement with no print fields simply causes a carriage-return character to be sent to the terminal. The sequence: 170 PRINT "RESULT IS";\REM NOTE SEMICOLON AFTER STRING 180 PRINT SQR(X); 190 PRINT does the same as: 200 PRINT "RESULT IS";SQR(X) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 19 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS PRINT USING The PRINT USING statement is used to perform formatted output of numeric values. The format is specified as a character string; the PRINT USING statement specifies the list of values to be printed according to the format. The form of a PRINT USING statement is: PRINT USING format-string, list-of-values ; The format-string can be a string constant, a string variable (with optional subscripts), or the line number of a FORMAT statement (which contains the format string). The list-of-values is a set of string or numeric expressions separated by commas. The last item of the list may not be followed by a comma, but may be followed by a semicolon. The print list may be empty, which simply causes output of the contents of the format string. A format string is a string of ASCII characters containing number formats. The number formats cause numeric values to be printed in a controlled way. The following characters are the only characters that may be used in a number format: Character Usage $ Causes floating dollar sign to be printed - Causes sign of number to be printed # Causes a digit to be printed . Forces printed number to be aligned with decimal point ^ Specifies exponential notation be used Number formats are character sequences composed of an optional dollar sign, optional minus sign, optional decimal point, hash marks (#), and an optional group of 3 to 5 carets (^). The hash marks indicate digit positions; the decimal point indicates a forced alignment for the decimal point, and the carets force "E" (exponential) notation, and specify the number of printed exponent digits. The "-" sign is used if the number needs a place for a sign ("-" or blank). The dollar sign indicates the need for a floating '$' character to be output immediately preceding the sign of the number. "####" means "4 digit integer" (only positive numbers allowed!). "-##.##" means "signed 4 digit number, two digits to the left and two to the right of the decimal point". "###.##-" means a "5 digit signed number, sign following the last digit". "#.##^^^^^" means "3 significant digits (conventional scientific notation) with 3 digit exponent". "$####.##-" is a typical format used to output dollars and cents up to $9999.99. If the number format begins with a "$", the exponential form ("^^^^^") may not be used. If a trailing "-" is used, then the number format may not have "^^^^^" and vice-versa. There must be at least one "#" in a number format; a maximum of 10 is allowed. No other character string is a number format (i.e., "-$" and "$." are not number formats). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 20 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS The PRINT USING statement operates by alternately outputing parts of the format string and outputing values (from left to right) from the list-of-values. For each value in the print fields, PRINT USING does the following: If the value is a string, the string is output as is. The format string is unaffected and plays no part in string output. If the value is a number, then characters from the format string are output until the format string is exhausted or until a number format is encountered in the format string. If the format string is exhausted, then the value is printed according to the rules under PRINT (note: no spacing will occur in this case, except for a blank sign if the number is positive). Once a number format is encountered, the value is printed as specified by the format. For each character in the number format, SD BASIC prints exactly one character. A "-" sign in the number format is printed as "-" if the value is negative, otherwise as a blank. If the format contains no carets and there are leading zeros, a leading "-" sign is moved right until it is just to the left of the first significant digit. If no sign is specified in the number format, the output value must be positive or an error will result (since no space is allocated in which to print a minus sign). A "$" causes a "$" character to be printed immediately to the left of the sign character if the sign is leading and the value is negative; otherwise, it is printed where a sign character would have been printed in a normal printout. The "." is always printed as a ".", but it causes the number to have its decimal point printed in the designated place. Each "#" is printed as a digit (leading zeros to the left of the first digit to the left of the "." are replaced by blanks if not exponential form). A group of carets causes an exponent of the form "E-xxx" to be printed, where "-" is printed as "+" or "-" and xxx are exponent digits. The number of exponent digits printed is equal to the number of carets minus 2 (leaving room for the "E" and the exponent sign). They also cause the number to be printed with its most significant digit placed at the position of the leftmost hash mark in the format. If the value cannot be output using the number format, SD BASIC prints an asterisk for each character in the number format. If the end of the PRINT USING statement is reached, and the format string has not been exhausted, then the rest of the format string is output as is, including any number formats. Finally, a is output unless the optional trailing semicolon is present, in which case no other characters are output. This allows multiple PRINT USINGs to generate a single output line. TAB may not be used in a PRINT USING statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 21 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS Examples: 10 PRINT USING "PI =-#.####",3.141593 prints out: PI = 3.1415 20 LET S$=" #.##^^^^ IS TEN PI IN E NOTATION" 30 PRINT USING S$, PI*10 prints out: 3.14E+01 IS TEN PI IN E NOTATION 35 LET S$= "IS NEGATIVE PI"\PRINT USING 50,-PI,S$,PI+2 50 FORMAT ">>>####.##- !! ####.##-IS PI+2" prints out: >>> 3.14-IS NEGATIVE PI !! 5.14 IS PI+2 60 PRINT USING "#.## IS 75",75 prints out: **** IS 75 70 PRINT USING 80, 5.93, 5.93, -5.93, -5.93 80 FORMAT "$##.## : $-##.## : $-##.## : $##.##-" prints out: $5.93 : $5.93 : $-5.93 : $5.93- 90 PRINT USING 120,2.92;\PRINT USING 130;\PRINT USING 120,9.1; 120 FORMAT "##.##" 130 FORMAT " IS NOT THE SAME AS " 140 PRINT USING "... QED!";\PRINT\REM UNUSUAL USE OF PRINT USING prints out: 2.92 IS NOT THE SAME AS 9.10... QED! 150 PRINT USING 160 160 FORMAT "THIS COULD BE A VERY LONG STRING" 170 PRINT USING LEGALBUTDUMBFORMAT,26 LEGALBUTDUMBFORMAT: FORMAT "%%" prints: THIS COULD BE A VERY LONG STRING %% 26 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 22 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS FORMAT The FORMAT statement is used to introduce a long or commonly used format string for PRINT USING statements. It consists simply of the word "FORMAT" and a quoted character string constant. A FORMAT statement must have a line number (or label), and must be the only statement on that line. A FORMAT statement acts like a REM statement in that executing it does absolutely nothing. The form is: linenumber FORMAT string Examples: 27 FORMAT "REMAINDER UNPAID: ####.##" 50 FORMAT 'ACCOUNT BALANCE: $####.##- WITHDRAWALS: $####.##' ACCTTOTALS: FORMAT " PAYROLL $####.## PROFIT $######.##" Note: A FORMAT statement may not precede the first executable statement in a program. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 23 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS LET The LET statement is used to cause a variable to take on a new value. The form is: LET variable = expression If the variable is numeric, then the expression must produce a numeric value. If the variable is a string or a substring, then the expression must be a string expression. A substring specification as the variable must not exceed the current length of the string. Subscripted variables are also allowed on the left side of the equal sign. The word LET is optional. 10 LET A=5 causes A to take on the value 5 until a new value is assigned. 20 ZAP[2,3]=COS(ZAP[2,3])/2 computes a value and stores it in the second row, third column of the array ZAP. 30 LET Q[9]=B$[22] sets the 9th entry in the numeric vector Q to the value of the 22nd byte of the string B$. 40 LET B$="ABC" CAT "D" sets the string B$ to "ABCD". The former contents of B$ are completely lost. 45 LET A$="ABC"\ LET B$="ZX"\ LET A$=B$ CAT A$ sets A$ to "ZXABC". 50 LET B$[11,3]="ABC" sets 3 characters of B$, starting in the 11th byte, to "ABC". B$ must have previously had a value whose length was 13 or more or a subscript error will result. The length of B$, and other bytes except B$[11], B$[12], and B$[13] are not affected in any way. 60 LET B$[1,2]="DEFGHI" changes the first two 2 characters of B$ to "DE". The "FGHI" part is not stored. 65 LET B$[12,0]="ABC" does not change B$ at all because the target substring length is zero. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 24 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS 70 LET B$[1,27]="ABCD" stores "A", "B", "C" AND "D" into B$[1], B$[2], B$[3], B$[4] respectively. B$[4,23] is set to blanks. The rest of B$ is not affected. With string assignments, only as many bytes as are specified by the minimum of the target and source string lengths are copied. Excess bytes in the source string are ignored; excess bytes in the target are blank-filled. If the target string is a string variable and not a substring, its current length is changed to the number of bytes copied. Storing into a substring does not affect the current length of the string containing the substring. 80 LET B$[3]=13 sets the third byte of B$ to an ASCII carriage-return. Note: B$[3]="ABC" is not legal since B$ in this example is a string variable; the left hand side is a numeric value, not a substring. The current length of a string can be set to any value (less than or equal to the dimensioned string length) by writing 90 LET LEN(stringname$) = expression This will truncate the string if the expression value is less than the current length of the string; if greater, the string is extended with garbage bytes. Extending the string in this fashion is also necessary before attempting assignment to a substring of it if the string has never previously been assigned a value. SD BASIC is sensitive to substring overlap problems and automatically adjusts the direction of copying (first-to-last or last-to-first) in a string assignment to assure the intended result. For instance, given the statements 100 LET S$[2,3]=S$[3,3] 110 LET S$[3,3]=S$[2,3] If S$ was "ABCDEF" before 100, it will be "ACDEEF" afterwards; if it was "ABCDEF" before 110, it will be "ABBCDF" afterwards. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 25 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS Conditional expressions may be used anywhere an expression is allowed, including LET statements: 120 LET X= A>B OR NOT(C=D) X will be set to TRUE if the condition A>B OR NOT(C=D) is true, otherwise X will be set to FALSE. 130 LIMERICK$[1] = "The wonderful Software Dynamics BASIC" changes the first string in the LIMERICK$ string array to the given string (this is not legal if LIMERICK$ is not defined as a string array as this notation would then imply a numeric assignment to the first byte in the string LIMERICK$). 140 LET LIMERICK$[1](5,6) = "beauti" changes "wonderful" (assigned by statement 130) to "beautiful". Copyright (C) 1977 SD 26 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS INPUT The INPUT statement is used to allow user entry of values from the console into the program at execution time. The form is: INPUT variable-name, variable-name, variable-name... "variable-name"s can be subscripted so that input into a vector, array, or substring is possible. Only one string (or substring) reference is allowed per INPUT statement, and that must be the last variable name in the statement. Note again, if B$ is a string variable, B$[3] is a numeric variable, not a string or substring reference! The INPUT statement causes a prompt ("? ") to be printed on the console, and BASIC then waits for a line to be entered on the same line as the prompt. The user must type a line of characters ended with a key. Editing facilities for error recovery on type-in are those provided by SDOS. BASIC interprets the typed in line as a list of numbers (in the form of numeric constants), and assigns the values found, from left to right, to the variables listed in the INPUT statement, from left to right. Values may be numeric or hex constants. Each value must be separated from its neighbor by a comma, or space(s) or tab characters. Tabs or spaces may optionally be used after the comma or before the first value. If the last variable in the input statement is a string reference, the rest of the input line, including leading spaces, is stored into the string as though a LET statement had been executed. Extra values or garbage in an input line beyond what the INPUT statement requires is ignored. If not enough values are entered, BASIC will re-prompt and ask for all the values again. Conversion errors on numbers cause an error print-out, and BASIC will re-prompt with "? ". The user must re-enter all the values required by the INPUT statement. The ending the line is not included as part of the line. The INPUT statement accepts a line of ASCII characters into the CATBUF; the size of the CATBUF determines the maximum legal input line size. An input line larger than the size of CATBUF will cause an Input Buffer Overflow error. Examples: The statement: 10 INPUT A causes BASIC to print "? " on the terminal. If the user types "-17.2", then A is set to -17.2. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 27 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS The statement: 20 INPUT S,B[S] on entry of "3,:A2" will cause S to be set to 3, and B[3] to be set to 162. The statement: 30 INPUT A$ when given "NUTS", does the same as: 30 LET A$="NUTS" The statement: 40 INPUT A$ with a type-in of an empty line (just ), sets A$="" (the empty string). The statement: 50 INPUT B,A$[1,B] with a typein of "12, HELLO", does the same as: 50 LET B=12\ LET A$[1,12]=" HELLO" The statement: 60 INPUT B,A$ with a typein of "12," sets B to 12 and sets A$ to the empty string. If the programmer does not like the prompt that BASIC uses, he can force a new one for a particular INPUT statement by writing it as a string constant in the INPUT statement immediately after the keyword INPUT, which will cause BASIC to print the supplied string constant instead of the default prompt "? ": 70 INPUT "SOMETHING FOR X: " X Since a prompt string may be empty, a variable string prompt can be forced by PRINTing the desired prompt, and then using an INPUT statement with an empty prompt string ("" or ''), as demonstrated by the following sequence: 80 PRINT PROMPT$;\ INPUT '' QWERTY Copyright (C) 1977 SD 28 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION II: STATEMENTS GOTO GOTO causes BASIC to change the program flow by transferring control to the line labeled by the line number specified in the GOTO statement. The form is: GOTO linenumber Examples: GOTO 100 GOTO TOPOFLOOP The target line number must be defined. Attempting to GOTO into a blockbody (see BLOCK BODIES) from outside the blockbody is illegal. GOTO a label outside a blockbody from within the blockbody is legal. A special form of the GOTO allows BASIC programmers to return from an error recovery routine in a simple way: GOTO ELN This statement specifies that control is to transfer to the last line number encountered before the last error occurred (see Error Handling). It cannot legally be executed unless an error has occurred; furthermore, an error trap routine must have been set up or the error would have aborted the program (see ON statement). Note that GOTO ELN is purely a syntactic form, and does not imply that GOTO is legal, which it is not. Two legal variations of GOTO ELN are ...THEN ELN and ...ELSE ELN. Example: 5 REM USE SECONDARYNAME IF ENTERED FILE NAME DOESN'T EXIST 10 ON ERROR GOTO 100 20 INPUT "FILENAME: " FILENAME$ 30 OPEN #1, FILENAME$ . . . 100 FILENAME$="SECONDARYNAME"\ GOTO ELN Copyright (C) 1977 SD 29 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES BLOCK BODIES Many SD BASIC statements conditionally execute a statement list, or a block of statements. A statementlist (single line) form, or a multi-line form of such statements is used depending on which is desired. A block body is a set of statement lines delimited by the keywords of a conditional BASIC statement. A block body may be used wherever a statement list may be used. BASIC always assumes that a statement list follows a conditional execution keyword, unless that keyword is followed by a alone, which signals BASIC that a block body follows. Block bodies are generally terminated by the keyword END, but ELSE, FI, UNLESS, WHEN and NEXT terminate block bodies of certain statements (see below). The following is a list of statements and the keywords that introduce a block body, and the keyword that marks the end of the blockbody: IF...THEN blockbody FI IF...THEN blockbody ELSE... IF...ELSE blockbody FI REPEAT blockbody END REPEAT blockbody UNLESS condition END REPEAT blockbody WHEN condition END FOR...blockbody NEXT variable FOR...WHILE...DO blockbody END FOR...UNTIL...DO blockbody END FOR...DO blockbody END WHILE...DO blockbody END UNTIL...DO blockbody END FOR...blockbody END FOR...blockbody NEXT... DEF parameterdefinitions blockbody END SUBROUTINE parameterdefinitions blockbody END IF ERROR WHEN blockbody THEN... ON ERROR DO blockbody END Note that a blockbody includes a as its last character, so the delimiting keyword must always be on the line following the blockbody. For specific examples, see the section on the appropriate statement. A single-line form of these statements may be formed by replacing blockbody by a statementlist. The keyword END can be optionally dropped in the single line form if it would be followed by a . Copyright (C) 1977 SD 30 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES IF (also THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF and FI) The IF statement is used to conditionally transfer control or conditionally execute a statementlist. The form is: IF condition THEN blockbody ELSE blockbody FI The condition is some logical combination of relations between values (see CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS). The blockbody may be a linenumber or a statementlist in either the THEN or the ELSE clause; furthermore, the ELSE blockbody may be eliminated. The keyword FI is used only when it is unclear how IF statements are nested or to signal the end of a blockbody; see below. The form: IF condition THEN linenumber ELSE linenumber is the same as IF condition THEN GOTO linenumber ELSE GOTO linenumber Control is transferred to the line specified by the THEN part if the condition is met; otherwise, control is passed to the line specified by the ELSE part. The ELSE part is optional; if not supplied, control is passed to the next statement when the IF condition is not met. Example: 5 IF I<0 THEN 400\ PRINT I causes control to transfer to line 400 if I<0; otherwise, the value of I will be printed and control will be passed to the next line (after line 5). Note that the IF statement in the example has no ELSE clause and that the PRINT statement is not part of the THEN statement list. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 31 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES The form: IF condition THEN thenstatements ELSE elsestatements acts as though the following had been written instead: IF condition THEN GOTO dummyl1 elsestatements GOTO dummyl2 dummyl1 thenstatements dummyl2 REM with dummyl1 and dummyl2 being invisible line numbers (but line numbers are not used). If the condition is true, only the statements in the THEN part are executed; otherwise, the statements in the ELSE part are executed (optional). This allows the previous example to also be written as: 10 IF I>=0 THEN PRINT I ELSE GOTO 400 The THEN part may start on the physical line following the conditional part of the IF statement: 15 IF SALES > QUOTA THEN COMMISSION = COMMISSION * 1.1 Likewise, the ELSE part may be on the line following the last statement of the THEN statementlist: 20 IF A<2 THEN GOSUB 100\ PRINT A ELSE PRINT A-3 The statements in statementlist in the THEN and ELSE clauses are separated from each other by a "\" and an optional . If only a single statement occurs in a THEN or ELSE clause, no "\" is needed. Example: 30 IF S>=0 THEN PRINT SQR(S),\ PRINT S,\ PRINT S^2,\ PRINT S^3\ GOTO 700 ELSE PRINT " CAN'T DO SQR(";S;")" \ GOTO 950 The physical lines containing statements which are part of the THEN or ELSE statementlists must not have line numbers. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 32 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES A blockbody in a THEN or ELSE clause allows one to write long sequences of statements without having to place \ between them. Such a blockbody is introduced when the keyword THEN or ELSE is followed by a instead of a statementlist. The blockbody for a THEN clause is delimited by the keywords ELSE or FI on the line following the last line of the THEN blockbody; the blockbody for an ELSE clause is likewise delimited only by the word FI. The above example can thus be written as: 35 IF S>=0 THEN PRINT SQR(S) PRINT S,S^2,S^3, GOTO 700 ELSE PRINT "CAN'T DO SQR(";S;")" GOTO 950 FI Unlike the statementlist case, line numbers are allowed in blockbodies (although it is illegal to branch to a line number in a blockbody from outside that blockbody). Any statement, including IF statements, may be placed in the blockbody. When an IF statement has a blockbody in a THEN clause, but no ELSE clause, the word FI must be used to signal the end of the THEN blockbody (normally, ELSE does this). When used this way, FI must be on the line following the last line of the blockbody; no line number is allowed (on FI, THEN or ELSE). Example: 37 IF USERWANTSPRINTOUT THEN PRINT "RECORD FOR "; EMPLOYEE$ PRINT "SALARY=";SALARY;"DATE OF HIRE: ";HIREDATE$ FI Copyright (C) 1977 SD 33 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES When IF statements are in a THEN or ELSE statementlist (or blockbody), it sometimes leads to a problem when one has statements of the form: IF condition1 THEN ...\ IF condition2 THEN ... ELSE ... Which IF does the ELSE belong to? The Software Dynamics BASIC allows the word "FI" to close off an IF to prevent such a problem: IF condition1 THEN ...\ IF condition2 THEN ... FI ELSE ... In this case, the ELSE belongs to the first IF; in the previous case, by convention, the ELSE belongs to the most recent unclosed IF (i.e., the second IF). IF and FI nest like left and right parentheses. When FI is used after a statementlist, it must be on the same physical text line as the last physical text line of statement list. An optional FI may be supplied after an ELSE statement list; after a blockbody, FI is required. Examples: 40 IF B=2 THEN 49 50 IF B>2 OR NOT( C$=BAT$(1,4) ) THEN GOSUB 96 ELSE PRINT B 60 SIGNX=1\IF X>=0 THEN IF X=0 THEN SIGNX=0 FI ELSE SIGNX=-1 70 IF A$="***" THEN A$='???' ELSE A$='!!!' FI A special form of the IF statement may be used as a term in an expression (see IF function). Another special form (IF ERROR WHEN ...) can be used to handle errors (see Error Handling). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 34 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES The ELSEIF keyword is especially convenient in a set of sequential IFs. It may be used anywhere that ELSE would be legal. The form ...ELSEIF condition THEN blockbody ELSE... acts as though ...ELSE IF condition THEN blockbody ELSE...FI had been written, thus avoiding the writing of many FIs. Example: ASKCOMMAND: IF COMMAND$ = "QUIT" THEN EXIT ELSEIF COMMAND$ = "UPDATE" THEN UPDATE ELSEIF COMMAND$ = "DELETE" THEN DELETEDATA ELSEIF COMMAND$ = "EXAMINE" THEN EXAMINERECORD ELSE PRINT "WHAT?"\GOTO ASKCOMMAND Copyright (C) 1977 SD 35 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES WHILE The WHILE statement is used to perform a set of statements an indefinite number of times, WHILE a condition is true. The form is: WHILE condition DO blockbody END The condition is any valid conditional expression. The WHILE statement acts as if dummyl IF condition THEN statements\GOTO dummyl had been written, where statements correspond to the statements in blockbody, but the line number is unnecessary. The "END" is not the end of the program, but simply terminates the WHILE loop. Examples: 10 WHILE J<10 DO LET J=J+1 END 20 WHILE A[I]<>0 DO PRINT A[I] I=I-1 END 30 X=P-1\WHILE INT(P/X)<>P/X DO X=X-1\! FIND MAX DIVISOR OF P UNTIL The UNTIL statement is identical to WHILE except that the condition is inverted (tested for false instead of true). Examples: 10 UNTIL A$[I]=" " DO I=I+1 END 20 UNTIL ABSERROR < 1E-10 DO REM DO NEWTON-RAPHSON ITERATION TO COMPUTE SQUARE ROOT X=(VALUE/X + X)/2 ABSERROR = ABS(VALUE - X^2) END 30 UNTIL MONEYLEFT=0 DO MONEYLEFT=MONEYLEFT/2+AMOUNTWONONBET(MONEYLEFT/2) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 36 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES REPEAT The REPEAT statement allows unconditional looping to occur. The only way out of a REPEAT loop is via a GOTO or RETURN statement. The form is: REPEAT blockbody END which is equivalent to WHILE TRUE DO blockbody END Examples: 10 REPEAT I=I+1\ IF B[I,J]^2<350 THEN 200\ J=J-2 END 20 REPEAT I=I+1\IF I>0 THEN 1000 30 REPEAT SLOTSELECTOR=SLOTSELECTOR+1 IF A(SLOTSELECTOR)=0 THEN FREESLOTFOUND NSLOTS=NSLOTS-1 IF NSLOTS=0 THEN NOFREESLOTS END 40 REPEAT INPUT "GIMME THE ANSWER" ANSWER$ WHEN NOTLEGALANSWER(ANSWER$) END Two other forms of the REPEAT statement allow a loop to be executed one or more times (as opposed to WHILE, which allows zero or more times). These forms are: REPEAT blockbody WHEN condition END and REPEAT blockbody UNLESS condition END The keyword END is optional for these forms of REPEAT. REPEAT...WHEN is logically equivalent to: invisiblelabel: blockbody IF condition THEN GOTO invisiblelabel REPEAT...UNLESS is logically equivalent to: invisiblelabel: blockbody IF NOT(condition) THEN GOTO invisiblelabel Copyright (C) 1977 SD 37 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES FOR and NEXT The FOR statement, in conjunction with NEXT, is used to control iterative loops in BASIC. This is useful for scanning arrays, computing a function on some set of values separated by a fixed increment, etc. The FOR statement provides for the specification of a loop index variable, an initial value, a limit value, and STEP value. It also marks the beginning of the loop. The form is: FOR variable = exp1 TO exp2 STEP exp3 where exp1 is an initial value expression, exp2 is a limit value expression, and exp3 is a step value expression. The variable cannot be a string, array or vector, nor may it be subscripted. The STEP part of the statement is optional; if not specified, a default step of +1 is assumed. NEXT is required to mark the end of a loop. The form is: NEXT variable where the variable specified following NEXT must match that specified in the FOR statement. To be consistent with other block body forms, the word "END" may be used in place of "NEXT variable". The set of lines: 10 FOR I=INITIALV TO LIMITV STEP STEPV 20 ... 30 ... 40 NEXT I acts as though the following had been written: 10 LET I=INITIALV invisiblelabel1: IF STEPV>=0 AND I>LIMITV ... & OR STEPV<0 AND I.2 DO LET SUM=SUM+F(X) END 80 FOR INFLATION = .01 TO .20 STEP .05 IF GNP*(INFLATION+1)>1E12 THEN FINANCIALDISASTER LET TAX = TAX*(1+2*INFLATION) PRINT TAX END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 41 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES CYCLE The CYCLE statement is used to start the next iteration of a FOR-NEXT loop. It must be nested properly within the loop which is to be cycled. The loop index variable must be specified in the statement. Example: CYCLE variable The sequence: FOR I=... ... CYCLE I ... NEXT I is logically identical to: FOR I=... ... GOTO invisiblelabel ... invisiblelabel: NEXT I Examples: 10 FOR J=0 TO LEN(V) DO IF V(J)=0 THEN CYCLE J\V(J)=V(J)+1 20 FOR AROUNDCIRCLE=0 TO 2*PI STEP .01 IF SIN(AROUNDCIRCLE)>.5 THEN CYCLE AROUNDCIRCLE LET AREA=AREA+RADIUS*CHORD END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 42 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES EXIT The EXIT statement has several purposes: 1) to EXIT a BASIC program completely 2) to EXIT a FOR-NEXT loop without doing a GOTO 3) to EXIT a block without doing a GOTO 4) to EXIT (return from) a SUBROUTINE To exit a BASIC program, the following statement is used: EXIT No messages of any kind are printed. An EXIT syscall is executed, and control passes to SDOS. To EXIT a FOR-NEXT loop with index variable "indexvariable", the following statement suffices: EXIT indexvariable This form of an EXIT statement must be inside the body of the FOR-NEXT block being executed. Control is passed to the statement immediately following the corresponding NEXT indexvariable (or END) statement. The value of the index variable is preserved. To exit a labeled block, the form EXIT labelname is used. This is identical in function to a GOTO to the statement immediately following the end of the labeled block. This form must be textually inside the labeled block being EXITed. "Labelname:" must be on the same source line that begins the block (see line continuation in the section USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC to get around this). To return from a subroutine, the following is written: EXIT SUBROUTINE This also causes the error trap routine selected and active GOSUBs initiated since entry of the subroutine to be discarded. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 43 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES Examples: ... 10 IF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="QUIT" THEN EXIT ... REM THE FOLLOWING LOOP HUNTS FOR AN ARRAY LOCATION REM THAT CONTAINS ZERO OR A VALUE GREATER THAN 3 REM SUCH THAT NO ARRAY LOCATION TO THE LEFT REM IN THE SAME ROW IS NEGATIVE. FINDARRAYSLOT: FOR I=1 TO 10 FOR J= 1 TO 10 IF A(I,J)<0 THEN EXIT J IF A(I,J)=0 THEN EXIT FINDARRAYSLOT IF A(I,J)>3 THEN EXIT I REM A(I,J) SATISFIES THE CONDITIONS END REM "EXIT J" PASSES CONTROL TO HERE END REM "EXIT I" OR "EXIT FINDARRAYSLOT" PASSES CONTROL TO HERE REM MULTIPLE LOOP EXITS ABC: REPEAT ... IF ... THEN EXIT ABC ... IF ... THEN EXIT ABC ... END REM CONTROL PASSES HERE WHEN "EXIT ABC" IS EXECUTED ... SUBROUTINE QED ( ) ... EXIT SUBROUTINE END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 44 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES GOSUB The GOSUB and RETURN statements are used to implement simple subroutines. GOSUB transfers control to a subroutine, and RETURN causes control to transfer back. The form of a GOSUB statement is: GOSUB linenumber Control is passed to the line specified. BASIC remembers the location of the statement following the GOSUB (even if it is in the middle of a statementlist or blockbody). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 45 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES RETURN The form of a RETURN statement is simply: RETURN Control is passed back to the statement following the most recent not-yet-RETURNed-to GOSUB. GOSUB calls may be nested to an arbitrary depth. An actual limit is determined by the free space available in the user area once the RTP and compiled BASIC program are loaded; it is also affected by the data space used by the BASIC program. Under normal circumstances, the GOSUB stack is deeper than any program can realistically use. It is wise to return from every subroutine called; otherwise, the GOSUB stack eventually builds up a residue and steps on something critical. Example: 10 LET A=2\GOSUB 100\LET A=3\GOSUB 100 20 PRINT "DONE" . . . 100 PRINT "ARGUMENT = ";A; "SQUARE = "; A^2\ RETURN The special form, RETURN SUBROUTINE is identical in function to EXIT SUBROUTINE and is used to return control from a SUBROUTINE to the CALLer. Another form, RETURN expression is used to return from a DEFined function (see DEF). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 46 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES GOSUB POP The GOSUB POP statement allows the BASIC programmer to pop the return address stack without transferring control. The form is: GOSUB POP exp The return stack is popped "exp" times; if exp is 3, 3 return addresses are removed from the top of the return stack. Control is passed to the statement following the GOSUB POP statement. If exp is zero, the entire return stack is popped and left empty. This is useful in error recovery routines. If the stack is popped too many times, an error occurs and BASIC leaves the return stack empty. Example: 100 ON ERROR GOTO 200 ... 200 GOSUB POP 0\ GOTO 300 ... 500 GOSUB 1000 ... 1000 LET B=C/0\ REM CAUSES ERROR STOP The STOP statement is used to abnormally terminate program execution. STOP causes the last line number encountered during execution to be printed. The form is: STOP A good example of use is: TAX = ... REM CHECK FOR IMPOSSIBLE CONDITION 14 IF TAX<0 THEN STOP The EXIT statement should be used (instead of STOP) when a printed line number is undesirable. A suggestion is to use STOP only when the line number printout is important for program debugging. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 47 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES ON The ON statement is used for multi-way branching. The form is: ON exp GOTO linenumber1, linenumber2, linenumber3... The expression must be numeric. The value is rounded to an integer. If the integer is 1, control is transferred to the first linenumber (linenumber1) in the list; if 2, to the second linenumber, 3 to the third, etc. If the integer is less than 1 or greater than the length of the list of line numbers in the ON statement, control is passed to the next statement. ELN may not be used as a linenumber in an ON statement. Example: 10 ON A+2 GOTO 10,20,30,40 If A=1, control will be passed to line 30. The form: ON exp GOSUB l1, l2, l3... does a GOSUB to the line number specified by the expression in the same manner as ON-GOTO. RETURN causes control to pass to the statement following the ON-GOSUB statement. Example: 20 INPUT X\ ON X GOSUB 100,200,USERREQUEST3,400\ GOTO 20 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 48 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION III: BLOCK BODIES REM The REM statement is used to annotate the program and has no effect on its execution. However, a line number attached to a REM can serve as a branch target (of GOTO, GOSUB, etc.), provided it is not in the block of REM and DIM statements at the front of a program. The form is: REM any string of characters The remark includes all text after the word REM to the . Examples: 10 REM NOW ADD 1 \ A=A+1 20 REMARK$="HELLO" These are both entirely comments and have no effect on program execution. The word REM can be replaced by an exclamation point, for example: 30 LET A=A+1\ ! BUMP A is a valid line. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 49 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING ERROR HANDLING Building a bullet-proof program is impossible without error handling. SD BASIC provides a very general and efficient error detection, propagation, and user error handling facility. A form of the ON statement can be used to specify an error trap routine. The form: ON ERROR GOTO linenumber sets up a dynamically associated error handling routine. Execution of this statement causes BASIC to remember the linenumber. If an error occurs later (in program execution), instead of issuing an error message, BASIC simply does a GOTO to the remembered line. It is expected that the line specified is the beginning of a routine to effect an error recovery. Once control has passed to an error recovery routine, the ERR function will produce a number corresponding to the error for testing, and the ELN function will produce the number of the last line executed (or in execution) when the error occurred. Error recovery, once the error type has been determined, is simple: either any corrective or diagnostic action is taken by the error routine, or an "ERROR" statement is executed, which causes BASIC to print out the error message just as if the error recovery routine had not been involved. Error recovery can be disabled by executing the statement: ON ERROR GOTO 0 Example: ... 100 ON ERROR GOTO 10000 ... 200 IF B/I=4 THEN 600 ... 10000 REM ERROR RECOVERY FOR DIVIDE BY ZERO 10010 IF ERR=14 AND ELN=200 THEN LET I=1\GOTO 200 10020 ERROR This program recovers from a Division by Zero error by making the divisor in the IF statement nonzero, and transferring control back to the IF statement that failed. The GOTO 200 statement could also have been replaced by a GOTO ELN statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 50 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING Two statement forms make coding of error trap routines more convenient. One form is: ON ERROR DO statementlist END Execution of this statement sets up an error trap to execute the specified statement list. Any error trap routine already established is superseded. The statement list is NOT executed at this time; control is simply passed to the next statement. When an error trap occurs after execution of an ON ERROR DO, then error trapping is disabled and the statement list is then executed. The statement list should GOTO somewhere when complete; if the END of the DO block is reached, an implied ERROR statement is executed. Example: 50 INPUT "FILE" FILENAME$ 60 ON ERROR DO IF ERR=1011 THEN PRINT "NO SUCH FILE"\GOTO 50 70 OPEN #1, FILENAME$ 80 ON ERROR GOTO 0\! DISABLE ERROR TRAP Another statement form allows the programmer an easy way of specifying the range of statements over which the error trap routine should be effective. IF ERROR WHEN blockbody THEN ... ELSE ... Execution of this statement causes any previous error trap to be superseded, and the statement list to be executed. If an error occurs while executing blockbody, error trapping is disabled and control passes to the THEN clause. If the statementlist executes with no errors, then error trapping is disabled, and control passes to the (optional) ELSE clause. The structure of the THEN and ELSE clauses are described in the section on the IF statement. When control reaches the next statement (via the THEN or ELSE clauses), error trapping is disabled. Because of this interacting effect on the error trap routine, the programmer should decide either to use the ON ERROR GOTO or the ON ERROR DO/ IF ERROR WHEN style when designing a program that requires error handling. Trying to mix styles is very difficult. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 51 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING Example of error handling: ASKFORFILENAME: IF ERROR WHEN INPUT "FILE " FILENAME$ OPEN #2, FILENAME$ THEN IF ERR=1 THEN OPERATORREQUESTEDATTENTION ELSEIF ERR=1011 THEN ASKFORFILENAME ELSE ERROR FI Another example: 10 REM THIS PROGRAM CANNOT BE STOPPED BY AN ESCAPE IN LINES 100-190 20 DIM ... ... 70 ON ERROR GOTO 1000 100 ... 110 ... ... 190 ... 200 ON ERROR GOTO 0 1000 IF ERR=1 AND 100<=ELN AND ELN<=190 THEN GOTO ELN 1010 ERROR END Note that whenever a function or SUBROUTINE is invoked, the error trap environment of the caller is saved and a new error trap environment is set up, initially with error traps disabled (see DEF, SUBROUTINE). Error trapping must be re-enabled within the function or subroutine if needed. On exit, the caller's error trap environment is restored. An error in a function or subroutine when no error trap is set, or execution of an ERROR statement, will cause the execution of the function/subroutine to be aborted, and control is passed to the caller's error trap routine if it is enabled. Thus, an error is propagated up until some level of the program handles it, or until the main program is reached and no error trap is set, which causes the program to be aborted, and the line number and error is then printed. An error trap occurring in an error recovery routine or Error 27 (wrong number of arguments) is treated as fatal and cannot be trapped. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 52 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING ERROR The ERROR statement is meant for use in an error recovery routine, and nowhere else. Its form is: ERROR At the main program level, if no error has occurred when this statement is executed, it acts like a STOP statement; otherwise, ERROR causes the message corresponding to the last error to be printed, and program execution ceases. In a subroutine or function, execution of this statement will cause processing of that subroutine (function) to cease, and the error it would have reported is caused in the calling program. In this fashion, a subroutine or function can pass an error up to its caller. See the example in the section on the "ON" statement. Example: IF ERR<>1 THEN ERROR A special form of the ERROR statement may be used to cause a specific error to occur. This is useful when constructing subroutines that check parameter validity; the subroutine can generate an arbitrarily defined error if the parameters are wrong. The form is: ERROR expression The expression is evaluated, and an error trap occurs with an error code corresponding to the value of the expression. Example: DEF DIVIDE(DIVIDEND,DIVISOR) IF DIVISOR=0 THEN ERROR 14 RETURN DIVIDEND/DIVISOR END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 53 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS DEF The DEF statement is used to define a user function. A user function is convenient whenever a fixed sequence of steps is required to compute a value, and the value needs to be computed in several different places in the program. The form is: DEF fnname(paramvar1,paramvar2,...paramvarn) = expression or DEF fnname(paramvar1,paramvar2,...paramvarn) DIM statements statementlist END or DEF fnname(paramvar1,paramvar2,...paramvarn) EXTERNAL "fnname" is the name of the function. Standard BASIC limits this to FNA, FNB, ... FNZ; SD BASIC allows any name not defined elsewhere in the program to be used here. If the fnname ends in a "$", then the function must compute a string result, otherwise the function must compute a numeric result. The "paramvar"s give the names of the formal parameter variables of the function. When the function is invoked, the parameter variables are given values specified by the function invocation; the body of the function may refer to these parameter variables in the course of its execution. These parameter variable names must be unique over the entire BASIC program, i.e., once used as a parameter variable name, it may not be used again in a subsequent parameter variable declaration. The type of each parameter determines the type of the expression that must be used as a corresponding argument when the function is invoked. A parameter name ending in "$" indicates the corresponding argument must be a string; otherwise, the argument must be a numeric type. A parameter may also be followed by [*] or [*,*], meaning "vector of" or "array of" respectively. When the bracket notation is used, the parameter variable is interpreted as an array name, and may be so used in the function body. The parameter list may be empty, in which case the ()s must be dropped from the DEF statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 54 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS The function body is a list of BASIC statements to be executed to obtain the value of the function. A function signals completion of the computation by executing a RETURN expression statement. The value of the expression is used as the result of the function. The form DEF fnname(...)=expression is identical to DEF fnname(...) RETURN expression END DIM statements in the function (before the executable statements) allow the function to have its own "local" variables (although DIM'd variables must have names unique over the entire BASIC program). References to local DIMs from code not in the body of the function are illegal. The word END at the end of a multiline function terminates the definition of the function, not the end of the BASIC program. END is compiled as a STOP statement, so control should not be allowed to pass to the END statement. The EXTERNAL form notifies the compiler that the function is defined externally from this compilation module. This is discussed further under SEPARATE COMPILATION. No function body or END need be given. It is illegal to GOTO or GOSUB outside the definition of a function (but other functions or subroutines may be called). It is also illegal to GOTO or GOSUB to a point within the definition of a function or subroutine from outside the definition. The DEF statement defining a function must appear before any use of the function. It must be the only statement on a particular line, and it cannot be part of a THEN or ELSE clause in an IF statement. A line number is not required. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 55 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS A user defined function can be used wherever an expression or subexpression is allowed, by writing: ...fnname(argexp1,argexp2,...argexpn)... or ...fname argexp... (Note that single argument functions do not need parentheses around the argument.) Execution of this invocation occurs roughly as follows: 1) The values of each "argexp(i)" are assigned to the corresponding "paramvar(i)". WARNING: BASIC does NOT verify that the type of an argument matches that of the parameter variable; the programmer MUST guarantee this or unpredictable results will occur. 2) Control passes to the first executable line of the function. 3) Statements in the function body are executed until a RETURN expression statement is encountered. 4) The expression in the RETURN statement is evaluated, and its value is used in the invoking expression in place of the function call. Examples: 10 DEF ROUND(VALUE)=INT(VALUE+.5) PRINT ROUND(0), ROUND (.5), ROUND (271.98) 20 DEF MAX(A,B) IF A>B THEN RETURN A RETURN B END DEF HEXBYTE$(X) = HEX$(X)[4,2] DEF E= 2.71828182 DEF RND0TO10=10*RND Execution of a RETURN SUBROUTINE statement while in a function is illegal and will give unpredictable results. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 56 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS During execution of a function body, a new environment for GOSUBs and error trapping is established. A new GOSUB stack is set up; the GOSUB stack of the caller is hidden until a (function) RETURN is performed. In particular, GOSUB POP 0 will clear only the function's GOSUB stack, not the caller's. A new error trap environment is also set, with error trapping initially disabled. Execution of an ERROR statement, or the occurrence of an error with no error trap set will cause the function invocation to be aborted, and the error will be triggered in the calling environment. Also, a new PRINTUSING environment is set. Note that there is only one Concatenation Buffer; it is NOT saved on function entry. Example: DEF LOG10(X) ON ERROR GOTO HANDLEERR RETURN LOG(X)/LOG(10) HANDLEERR: IF X=0 THEN RETURN -1E-126 ERROR END Parameters are passed by "reference", not by value. This means that a parameter variable, if modified, will cause the value of the original argument to change (expression arguments are placed in temporary locations). A parameter may be passed as an argument to another subroutine or function; the call-by-reference will nest any number of levels. Example: DEF NEXTVALUE(VALUE) VALUE=VALUE+1 RETURN VALUE END ... LET X=0 PRINT NEXTVALUE(X), NEXTVALUE(X), NEXTVALUE(X) This program prints 1 2 3. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 57 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS Both numeric and string array parameters may also be passed. A parameter defined with the [] notation must be used as an array name throughout the body of the function. (Note that an array may be passed as an argument by writing its name, and excluding subscript notation). The BASIC functions LEN, ROWS and COLUMNS are useful for dealing with array parameters. Example: DIM A(10,10) ... DEF DETERMINANT(Q[*,*]) FOR I=1 TO ROWS(Q) FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(Q) ...Q[I,J]... NEXT J NEXT I RETURN TheResult END ... LET DET=DETERMINANT(A) Variables referenced in a function or subroutine may be parameters defined by the function/subroutine, local DIMs, or variables whose value is DIM'd, COMMON'd, or declared as a parameter variable (in a SUBROUTINE or DEF statement) by text enclosing the function/subroutine definition. Externally defined functions or subroutines cannot reference values in another main program, function or subroutine unless that value is COMMONed or passed as a parameter. If control reaches a DEF statement in a program, it passes to the first statement beyond the end of the function definition. Functions are NOT recursive; the following program will NOT work: DEF FACTORIAL(X) IF X=0 THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN FACTORIAL(X-1)*X END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 58 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS Locally DIM'ed variables have a static existence; their values are preserved from call to call, however, initialization of a locally DIM'ed variable will re-occur each time the subroutine/function is called. Locally DIM'd variable names must be unique over the entire program. Example: DEF SUBTOTAL(X) DIM SUBTOTALAMOUNT IF X<0 THEN SUBTOTALAMOUNT=0 ELSE SUBTOTALAMOUNT=SUBTOTALAMOUNT+X RETURN SUBTOTALAMOUNT ... LET TRASH=SUBTOTAL(-1) PRINT SUBTOTAL(5),SUBTOTAL(2.2),SUBTOTAL(9.6) This program prints 5 7.2 16.8 Use of string function results can occasionally cause difficulty, due to a subtlety of the Runtime Package implementation. To enhance the performance of the system, string function results are passed by reference and not by value (numeric function results are passed by value, and so this problem cannot occur). This can lead to a problem (especially in Uniform Reference routines) if the string function computes its result by performing an assignment to a temporary string, and then returns the value of the temporary string as the result. When the results of such a string function, applied to two different argument lists, are used "simultaneously", the "value" is a pointer to the same place, and so the results of the first invocation of the string function are lost. Example: REM AN EXAMPLE OF A SUBTLE ERROR DEF FIRSTDIGIT$(X) DIM DIGIT$(1) DIGIT$=NUMF$("#",X) RETURN DIGIT$ END ... I=1\J=2\IF FIRSTDIGIT$(I)=FIRSTDIGIT$(J) THEN PRINT "OOPS" Since the value of FIRSTDIGIT$(I) is the content of DIGIT$, when it is compared to FIRSTDIGIT$(J), which was also placed in DIGIT$, DIGIT$ is effectively being compared to itself, and so the equality always holds and OOPS is always printed. If this problem occurs, assignment of the result to another temporary will be required. The following example shows correct use: I=1\J=2\T$=FIRSTDIGIT$(I) IF T$=FIRSTDIGIT$(J) THEN PRINT "OOPS" Copyright (C) 1977 SD 59 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS USER-DEFINED SUBROUTINES Subroutines are used to collect a set of statements for performing a commonly used sequence of operations into a package which is easily invoked. Subroutines may be defined anywhere, even following use. The definition is as follows: SUBROUTINE subrname(paramvar1,...paramvarn) statementlist END or SUBROUTINE subrname(paramvar1,...paramvarn) EXTERNAL The SUBROUTINE definition must occupy a line by itself. The END statement terminates the definition of the subroutine, and is compiled as a STOP. If control reaches a SUBROUTINE definition, it is passed to the first statement beyond the END of subroutine. "Subrname" is any name not used elsewhere in the program. It may have a trailing "$"; if so, invocation of the subroutine also requires the $. A subroutine name may not be used as a variable. The EXTERNAL form notifies the compiler that the subroutine is defined externally from this compilation module (further discussion may be found under SEPARATE COMPILATION). No subroutine body or END need be given. The parameter variables operate identically to parameters for functions. The statement list contains statements to be executed to obtain the desired effect. Subroutine execution is terminated when an EXIT SUBROUTINE or RETURN SUBROUTINE statement is encountered (RETURN by itself is used to RETURN from a GOSUB). Execution of a RETURN statement in a subroutine is illegal and will cause unpredictable results. Like functions, a subroutine may have local DIMs, and a new context is defined for the GOSUB stack, error handling, and PRINT USING formats (see DEF). Subroutines are invoked by the CALL statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 60 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS Example: DIM X(5,5) ... SUBROUTINE TRANSPOSE(A[*,*]) IF ROWS(A)<>COLUMNS(A) THEN CALL PRINTERR(9) FOR I=1 TO ROWS(A) FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(A) LET T=A(I,J)\LET A(I,J)=A(J,I)\LET A(J,I)=T NEXT J NEXT I RETURN SUBROUTINE END SUBROUTINE PRINTERR(ERRORNUMBER) REM PRINTS SDOS ERROR MESSAGE CORRESPONDING TO ERRORNUMBER OPEN #3, "ERRORMSGS.SYS" READ #3@ERRORNUMBER*3, THREEBYTES$ READ #3@(THREEBYTES$[1]**8+THREEBYTES$[2])*256... & +THREEBYTES$[3],ERRORMESSAGE$ PRINT ERRORMESSAGE$ EXIT SUBROUTINE END ... CALL TRANSPOSE (X) ... Copyright (C) 1977 SD 61 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS CALL The CALL statement is used to invoke a subroutine written in BASIC or assembly code (for details on how to write an assembly subroutine, see ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE). The form is: CALL name or CALL name (arg1,arg2,...argn) Where name is the name of the subroutine to be called, and the args are values to be used for the parameters specified, in left-to-right order, in the SUBROUTINE definition statement. The compiler does not check for matching number of arguments or argument types. However, a BASIC SUBROUTINE will complain at execution time if the argument count is wrong; a fatal "Wrong number of Arguments" error is issued. This error cannot be trapped. Passing the wrong type of argument causes unpredictable results. Since arguments of SUBROUTINEs (and functions) are passed by reference, the called routine could possibly modify them. For numeric scalar variables, this can be prevented by enclosing the variable in parentheses, which causes the compiler to treat it like an expression. The routine called cannot detect that argument is "protected". Array and string arguments cannot be protected against modification. Example: ABC=1 CALL MODIFY(ABC) REM ABC=2 HERE CALL MODIFY((ABC)) REM ABC STILL HAS THE VALUE 2 HERE CALL MODIFY(46) ... SUBROUTINE MODIFY(X) X=X+1\PRINT X,\RETURN SUBROUTINE END The example prints 2 3 47 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 62 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS An implied CALL statement is assumed when a subroutine name is found where a statement keyword is expected. The subroutine must have been defined (or mentioned in a CALL statement) prior to the implied CALL. Examples: SUBROUTINE FIRETORPEDO(TORPEDONUMBER) ... END PRINT "Fire 1" FIRETORPEDO(1) PRINT "Fire 2" FIRETORPEDO(2) ... SUBROUTINE MANIPULATESTOCKMARKET(DAY) EXTERNAL ... MANIPULATESTOCKMARKET(TOMORROW) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 63 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS UNIFORM REFERENCE An extremely useful, but little known concept is that of uniform reference. The idea is fundamentally that the notation used to reference a data object should be identical wherever a reference to the data object occurs in a program. The standard BASIC data objects such as strings, arrays, and simple scalar variables obey this rule; this is partly why BASIC is easy to use. However, there are many circumstances in which BASIC does not provide an appropriate data type. Take the case of a very large array (say 100 by 150 elements). Logically, it makes sense to build a BASIC program that uses such a large array, but memory constraints prevent us from building such a program on a microcomputer, because the array itself would occupy more than 90,000 bytes of storage! A special feature of SD BASIC makes implementation of such data types easy to perform. To define a special data object, an Access Function and an Assignment Subroutine are written. The function name will be the name of the data object, and will be used by the programmer whenever the VALUE of the data object is desired. Arguments to the function are used by the function to select some sub-part of the data object, similar to array indices. The Assignment Subroutine is used by the programmer to set the value of the data object; the arguments are likewise used to select which part of the data object is modified. The Assignment Subroutine has several constraints placed on it: the subroutine name must be SETXXX where XXX is the name of the Access Function; the number of arguments to the subroutine must be one greater than the number of arguments to the function, and the order and type of all the subroutine arguments (except the last) must be identical to the order and type of the function arguments. The last subroutine argument is the value to be assigned to the subpart of the data object selected. Definition of the subroutine must textually follow the function definition. Invocation of the subroutine must follow its definition, or the compiler will complain. When the compiler encounters a reference to the function in an expression, it is compiled as usual (see DEF). Occurrence of the function name to the left of an "=" sign of a LET statement (or as a target of a READ or INPUT) causes the compiler to call the subroutine with the name SETXXX, with the last argument being the value of the expression to the right of the = sign (the value READ or INPUT). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 64 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION V: SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS If we have the following definitions: DEF F(...)... SUBROUTINE SETF(...) ... then F(args)=exp is translated as: CALL SETF(args,exp) Example: REM VIRTUAL ARRAY DEMO DIM ROWSIZE/100/,COLUMNSIZE/150/ DEF VIRTUALARRAY(ROWINDEX,COLUMNINDEX) READ #1@(ROWINDEX*COLUMNSIZE+COLUMNINDEX)*6,X RETURN X END SUBROUTINE SETVIRTUALARRAY(ROWINDEX1,COLUMNINDEX1,VALUE) WRITE #1@(ROWINDEX1*COLUMNSIZE+COLUMNINDEX1)*6,VALUE EXIT SUBROUTINE END OPEN #1,"VIRTUALARRAY" REM FILL THE ARRAY FOR I=1 TO ROWSIZE FOR J=1 TO COLUMNSIZE LET VIRTUALARRAY(I,J)=RND NEXT J NEXT I LOOP: INPUT "PICK A PLACE..."I,J PRINT "IT CONTAINS";VIRTUALARRAY(I,J) INPUT "CHANGE TO:" VIRTUALARRAY(I,J) GOTO LOOP END Another Example: REM 16 bit integer array with 1000 slots DIM SIXTEENBITINTEGERVECTOR$(2000) DEF SIXTEENBITS(X1)=SIXTEENBITINTEGERVECTOR$(2*X1)**8... & +SIXTEENBITINTEGERVECTOR$(2*X1+1) SUBROUTINE SETSIXTEENBITS(X2,V) LET SIXTEENBITINTEGERVECTOR$[2*X2]=V**-8 LET SIXTEENBITINTEGERVECTOR$[2*X2+1]=V&:FF EXIT SUBROUTINE END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 65 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O FILE I/O The Software Dynamics BASIC supports powerful I/O facilities for dealing with random and sequential files. Statements are provided for opening and closing files, creating, renaming, deleting, reading and writing in both ASCII and binary modes to such files, file positioning, and program chaining. Software Dynamics BASIC uses channel-directed I/O. File names are associated dynamically with a specific (I/O) channel number, and then I/O to the desired file is performed using the associated channel number instead of the file name (note that a file name must include any decimal device specification). SD BASIC supports up to 256 I/O channels, although the operating system may limit this to a smaller value (usually 8). All channels are assumed by BASIC to be both read and write. The special channel number 0 always refers to the user's console. All simple PRINT and INPUT statements automatically direct their I/O to channel number 0, as do all error messages. SD BASIC assumes that both read and write operations to the same file are valid; it is the responsibility of the SDOS I/O package to discover any discrepancies between this philosophy and the way a physical device operates. SD BASIC I/O inherits many properties of the SDOS I/O philosophy; in particular, SD BASIC's view of files is that each file is a very large string of bytes. A file position indicates where in the string the next read or write will occur; performing a read or write will advance the pointer past the data read or written. Operations exist to change the current file position, so that random file access can be obtained. SD BASIC's file capabilities are limited to those provided by SDOS; it is suggested that the reader refer to the section on Device Independent I/O in the SDOS manual for finer detail. Note that any possible SDOS error may occur as a response to a BASIC I/O operation. Well-constructed application programs will be prepared to handle the most common of these errors (refer to the section on ERROR HANDLING). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 66 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O OPEN The OPEN statement is used to associate a channel number and an already existing file. The form is: OPEN #exp, stringexpression The exp must be numeric, and must round to an integer in the range 0 to 255. The string expression results in a file name in the form of a character string. The OPEN statement causes the operating system to open the file named and associate the channel number with all further I/O operations directed at the file. A file must be opened before I/O can occur to the file (by definition, channel 0, the user's console, is always open). If the file cannot be opened, an error occurs. Examples: 10 OPEN #2,"MYFILE" 20 INPUT FILE$\ OPEN #PAYROLLFILE,FILE$ CAT '.EXT' 30 IF ERROR WHEN OPEN #1, "DATAFILE" THEN IF ERR=1011 THEN PRINT "CAN'T OPEN 'DATAFILE'\EXIT ELSE ERROR CREATE The CREATE statement is used to create a new file and associate a channel number with that newly created file. The form is: CREATE #exp, stringexpression The only difference between CREATE and OPEN is that CREATE requests the operating system to create a new file (to write into). This newly created file is then opened. One must typically CREATE (not OPEN) a new file on a sequential-only output device such as a line printer or paper tape punch. Example: 10 CREATE #47,"OUTPUT" Under SDOS, CREATE will cause an already-existing disk file of the name to be implicitly deleted; the newly-created file takes its place. No error occurs. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 67 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O CLOSE CLOSE breaks the association between a file and a channel number. Once a channel has been closed, it may be re-opened for use with another file (by another OPEN or CREATE statement). The form is: CLOSE #exp, #exp, #exp... Each #exp specifies a channel number to be closed. All buffers for the associated file are logically written to the file if modified; other buffers are freed. Example: 10 CLOSE #10, #PAYROLLFILE BASIC automatically closes all files upon program termination of any kind. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 68 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O DELETE The DELETE statement is used to delete a file. The form is: DELETE stringexpression The file whose name is the value of stringexpession is deleted. It is legal, but not generally a good idea to delete a file which is still open on some channel. Example: 10 INPUT "GET RID OF: " NAME$ 20 DELETE NAME$ RENAME The RENAME statement is used to rename a file. The form is: RENAME stringexp1, stringexp2 The file whose name is the value of stringexp1 is renamed so that its new name is the value of stringexp2. Examples: 10 RENAME "D2:TEMP","D2:QUALITYDATA" 20 RENAME "JUNK2",Q$[2*J+1,6] RENAME requires an I/O channel be available when executed. The I/O channel used is closed after RENAMEing is completed. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 69 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O PRINT # The PRINT to a channel statement is used to print data in an ASCII string form to a file. The form is: PRINT #exp, printlist For PRINT USING to a file, the form is: PRINT #exp, USING formatstring, printlist The formatstring can be the same as in a simple PRINT USING statement, including a line number. The #exp specifies the channel on which the output is to be printed. The PRINT # (USING) statement operates on the print list exactly the same way as a regular PRINT (USING) statement, except that all output is directed to the file previously opened on the specified channel (for tabbing purposes, each channel maintains its own column count). If the print list is null (an empty print), the comma following the channel number expression must be omitted. Examples: 10 PRINT #3, "X: ";X, "X^2: ";X*X 20 PRINT #MYFILE, A$[1,19];'**'; TAB(102);\ GOTO 700 30 PRINT #OUTPUT 40 PRINT #6, USING "##.#>2", PI 50 PRINT #MYFILE, USING 20, SALARY, PERSON$ 80 PRINT #OUTPUT, USING "$###.##", WEEKLYPAY;\GOTO 79 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 70 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O INPUT # The INPUT from a channel statement is used to input ASCII line data from a file. The form is: INPUT #exp, variablelist #exp specifies the channel from which an input line is to be taken. No prompt is issued (in contrast with the case of a simple INPUT statement where the prompt is printed on channel 0). A line is read from the specified channel (a line is all characters up to and including a code, hexadecimal $0D). The values on the input line are converted and placed into the variables in the variable list exactly as in a simple INPUT statement (including the operation of string input; the character is discarded). All values required by an INPUT # statement must occur within the single line read from the file, or a conversion error occurs. All values within the line not required to satisfy the INPUT request are discarded. Examples: 10 INPUT #2, A, B[A] 20 INPUT #SOURCE, LINENO, LINE$ If a conversion error occurs while INPUTing a value, and error trapping is enabled, then the error will be trapped. If error trapping is not enabled, and input is being performed on channel zero (i.e., to the console device), then BASIC will print 'Input Error!' and ask for all values again. Otherwise, the program will be aborted by a conversion error. The input line is read into the CATBUF; if the input line is too long, an Input Buffer Overflow error occurs and the partial line read is lost. The fact that PRINT usually places a at the end of its output, and INPUT stops reading on a , can be used to input and output variable length records. The input record size must be larger than the longest output record. One may need to trap input conversion errors when variable length lists of numbers are input in this manner. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 71 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O An end-of-file condition occurs in an INPUT statement when there is not enough data remaining in the file to fill the variables in the variable list. If End of File is encountered by an INPUT statement, the statement is aborted; the values of variables in the INPUT list is undefined. If the channel number is less than 32, control passes to the statement following the INPUT statement; no error is reported, but the End of File flag for that I/O channel is set. The programmer must check for EOF (see EOF). Example: INPUT #3,X,Y,Z IF EOF(3) THEN NOMOREDATA If the channel number is >=32 and End of File is encountered, then an End of File error trap occurs. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 72 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O WRITE # The WRITE to a channel statement is used to move binary data to a file. This is advantageous from a speed and space point of view if another program must later read the data back, or if specially formatted files must be built. The format is: WRITE #exp, exp1, exp2, exp3... The #exp specifies the channel on which data is to be written. WRITE causes each expression in the list to be evaluated, and the binary pattern corresponding to the value is copied to the file as a sequential byte stream. If an expression is numeric, 6 bytes are copied (since B$[X] is considered a numeric expression when B$ is a string variable, "WRITE #2, B$[X]" also causes 6 bytes to be written). The format and content of the bytes are shown in the section on data structures. The READ command allows these numbers to be read back without knowing their format, so the format really isn't important unless something other than a BASIC program is going to process the resulting file. If the expression is a string, the string value is copied, byte for byte, for the (current, not dimensioned) length of the string, to the channel for writing. Bytes are copied from the string to the file from left to right (i.e., from smaller subscripts to larger subscripts). The WRITE statement does not insert blanks, marks, or any data other than the binary image of the expressions evaluated, into the byte stream written. Note that PRINT and WRITE commands can be used on the same channel without ill effects (except perhaps, what happens to the column count for that channel). WRITEing to a channel causes the COLumn count for that channel to become invalid; it can be reset to one by executing an empty PRINT on that channel. WRITEing to a CRT device will cause that device driver to lose track of the cursor. We recommend against performing WRITEs to the screen because this ties the application program to the type of CRT being used. Use of the SDOS Virtual Terminal driver can help make applications CRT-independent. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 73 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O Examples: 10 WRITE #2, A[I,J], S*3, B$[2] 20 WRITE #MYFILE, LLINK, RLINK, NAME$\ WRITE #2, X 30 WRITE #EMPLOYEE,COUNTY$[1,10],SALARY,PHONE,ADDRESS$ 40 WRITE #FILE,LEN(X$), X$\!WRITE VARIABLE LENGTH STRING 50 WRITE #FILE,A$\PRINT #FILE,NUMF$("##.##"),X 60 WRITE #FILE,B$\PRINT #FILE,TAB(25),...\!UNDEFINED TAB ACTION 70 ONEBYTE$(1)=:C\LEN(ONEBYTE$)=1\WRITE #FILE,ONEBYTE$\ !WRITE A SINGLE BYTE CONTAINING :C Copyright (C) 1977 SD 74 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O READ # The READ from a channel statement is used to read binary data from a channel (usually from a file written by a BASIC program that used WRITE statements). Trying to use an INPUT statement on binary data is a sure-fire way to cause a conversion error. The form is: READ #exp, variable, variable, variable... The #exp specifies the channel from which binary data is to be read. Each variable can be anything which can appear on the left side of an equals sign in a LET statement (i.e., substring, vector element, etc.). READ causes the specified variables to be filled by reading an appropriate number of bytes in binary mode, and storing into the variables. The variables are filled from left to right in the READ statement. If the variable is numeric (a simple variable, vector entry or array entry), 6 bytes are read and stored into the variable, in such a way that whatever a WRITE statement wrote, the READ statement reads back correctly (see formats under the section on Assembly Language Interface). Reading into B$[X], where B$ is the name of a string variable, reads 6 bytes and stores the value into B$[X]. If the variable is a substring reference, then the number of bytes specified by the substring length are read and copied into the substring. The current string length must not be exceeded or a subscript error will occur. If the variable is a string reference (no subscripts), the READ will read "the dimensioned length of the string" number of bytes and set the current length of the string to the dimensioned length. For instance, if S$ was dimensioned with a max length of 5, and had a current length of 3, "READ # ... S$" would fill S$ with 5 bytes from the channel specified, and set the length of S$ to 5. "READ # ... S$[1,3]" would only read 3 bytes into S$, without affecting its length. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 75 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O If a READ statement encounters End of File, and the channel number is less than 32, no error is given, and control is passed to the next statement (for channel numbers 32 or greater, an "End of File" error trap will occur). If EOF occurs while filling a string variable, the length of the string variable is set to the actual number of bytes read. The programmer must check for EOF. If EOF occurs while reading on a channel number greater or equal to 32, then the READ statement is aborted (the values of the variables are left undefined), and an End of File error trap occurs. Examples: 10 READ #DATA, A[I,J],S 20 READ #3, LLINK, RLINK, NAME$ 30 READ #EMPLOYEE,COUNTY$[1,10],SALARY,PHONE,ADDRESS$ 40 READ #FILE, LEN(X$), X$[1,LEN(X$)]\!READ VARIABLE LENGTH STRING Copyright (C) 1977 SD 76 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O POSITION # or RESTORE # The POSITION on channel command is used to position a file for the next I/O operation (RESTORE is allowed as an alternate keyword to retain compatibility with older versions of SD BASIC, and is not recommended). The format is: POSITION #exp1,exp2 The #exp1 specifies the channel on which positioning is to be performed. Exp2 specifies a file-dependent positioning number, usually a record or byte number within the file (see operating system interface). Example: 10 POSITION #2,0\ REM THIS IS NORMALLY A "REWIND" 20 POSITION #DATA,RECORD\ READ #DATA,RECORD$ A convenient trick for positioning to records in a file is to define a user function (see "DEF") to compute the actual position in a file of a record. Assume that records in a file are 100 bytes long, and that the first 34 bytes of a file are to be avoided for some reason and that the first record has a logical record number of zero. The following is a program to print "HELLO" in record number 22: 10 DEF RECORD(X)= X*100+34 ... 100 POSITION #FILE,RECORD(22)\ PRINT #FILE, "HELLO" Positioning the cursor on the console CRT may be accomplished by a POSITION #0, DESIREDROW*256+DESIREDCOLUMN statement where the top most screen line is row number zero, and the leftmost screen column is column zero (note that the COL function returns 1 for the leftmost screen position). Proper cursor positioning requires that the SDOS I/O package be properly configured for the particular CRT being used; SDOS systems with the Virtual Terminal driver allow most terminals to be properly configured via the SDOS SET command. Note that WRITEing to a screen causes the system to lose track of the cursor location (because it cannot determine how the written bytes affect the CRT). This can be fixed by issuing a POSITION after each WRITE to the screen; after the POSITION, the system knows where the cursor is again. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 77 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O IMPLIED POSITIONING SD BASIC allows a file (or screen) position to be designated in an I/O statement directly via the "@" (at sign) notation: keyword #exp1@exp2,... or keyword #exp1@(exp2,exp3),... The first notation specifies a file position via exp2, and is equivalent to the following: POSITION #exp1,exp2\keyword #exp1,... The second notation is generally used for cursor positioning on a CRT, and is equivalent to POSITION #exp1,(exp2)*256+exp3\keyword #exp1,... where exp2 is the screen row number and exp3 is the screen column number, origin 0. The @ notation may be used with channel-less PRINT or INPUT statements in a straight forward way. Note that INPUT "prompt"@(exp1,exp2),varlist is a convenient way to perform screen-oriented data entry. Examples: 30 READ #2@RECORD(I),EMPLOYEE$,SALARY,SOCSECURITYNUMBER 40 PRINT #2@(10,5),USING "##.##", COSTOFLUNCH 50 INPUT "CUSTOMER NAME:" @(5,10),CUSTOMERNAME$ 60 WRITE #5@KEY(5,1,EMPLOYEE$),NEWSALARY,NEWTITLE$ 70 POSITION #0@(12,15) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 78 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O CHAIN The CHAIN statement is used to build segmented or overlay BASIC programs. The form is: CHAIN stringexpression The stringexpression is evaluated to produce a file name. That file is assumed to be a program and is loaded into memory. Program control passes to the first instruction in the new program. The program does not need to be a BASIC program. CHAIN (under SDOS) automatically closes all files. Example: 1000 CHAIN "PASSII" Variables may be passed from one BASIC program to another via CHAIN by use of COMMON statements (see DIM, COMMON). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 79 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O SYSCALL The SYSCALL statement is used to perform SDOS system calls. The form is: SYSCALL argumentlist or SYSCALL #exp,argumentlist or CALL SYSCALL(argumentlist) where argumentlist consists of one to four arguments. The reader is referred to the SDOS manual for a comprehensive discussion of SDOS syscalls. The first argument is a string expression and contains the bytes to be used for the body of a syscall block, including the syscall extension, if needed. BASIC will construct a syscall block if the specified syscall block does not have enough room for all the required syscall parameters. The second argument, if present, is a string expression and is used as a write buffer. The address of the string is placed in WRBUF and the two byte (current) length is placed in WRLEN. For syscalls not requiring a write buffer, an empty string should be specified. The third argument, if present, must be a string variable or a substring of a string variable, and is considered to be a read buffer. The address of the string is placed in RDBUF and the two byte length (of substring: maxlength if string) is placed in RDLEN as a ceiling upon the number of bytes to read. Upon return, RPLEN contains the number of bytes actually read, and if the argument was a string, the string's LEN is set to this value. After all the parameters are loaded into the syscall block, the address of the block is loaded into the X register and a "JSR $FB" is executed. A "BCS IOERROR" is the next instruction after the "JSR" so that any error conditions can be signaled by a "SEC/RTS" and a success return is signaled by a "CLC/RTS". The error condition must be passed back in the X register and is made available to the BASIC program through the special function ERR. The fourth argument, if supplied, is used as the desired length of the RDBUF instead of the value implicit in RDBUF. A subscript error will result if the desired length is larger than the RDBUF string allows. If a channel number expression is used and has a non-zero value, then it is used as the channel number in the executed syscall instead of the channel number byte given in the syscall block. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 80 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O Examples: 10 DIM DISMOUNT$/:E,4,0,:11/,STRING$(1000),READBON1$/:B,:E,1,0/ ... 100 SYSCALL #1,DISMOUNT$ 120 DEF FILESIZE(CHANNEL) REM RETURNS SIZE OF FILE OPEN ON "CHANNEL" DIM T$(4), GETFILESIZE$/:F,14,0,:3/ SYSCALL #CHANNEL,GETFILESIZE$,"",T$ RETURN T$[1]*256^3+T$[2]*256^2+T[3]*256+T$[4] END 140 SYSCALL READBON1$,"",STRING$,256\! READ ONLY 256 BYTES Copyright (C) 1977 SD 81 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O KEYED FILE PACKAGE The set of subroutines and functions described in this section comprise a keyed-file package. This package is not a standard part of SD BASIC but can be obtained as an option. This allows access to records by use of a "key" (or record name); a typical use would be to allow the location of a record containing data about an employee by use of his name. Location of a record in a large file using a hard disk typically occurs in under 1 second. Sequential access (KEYNEXT) is under one-half second. A "key" structure (a B-tree) is built by the key package to help it locate records. The records and key structures are completely independent; they may both be in the same file, or in separate files. Use of the package is very easy. The function KEY, given a character string, returns a file position where the record associated with that string is located. The statement READ #DATACHANNEL@KEY(KEYCHANNEL,KEYNUMBER,DESIREDKEY$),var,var,... thus reads the contents of the record (from the file selected by DATACHANNEL) whose name is DESIREDKEY$ using the key structure in the file selected by KEYCHANNEL (note: DATACHANNEL can be equal to KEYCHANNEL). The rest of the subroutines and functions in the package exist to initialize a keyed file, and to perform other necessary support functions. The routines and their descriptions are listed below. The term "keyed file" is used to describe the file containing the key index data. This package allows multiple key indexes to be stored in one file, i.e., a customer invoice file might be keyed by both customer name and by invoice number. KEYCHANNEL numbers select the channel number of the file that contains the key structure. The KEYNUMBER selects which key category is to be used. A customer name could be used as the first key category, and invoice number as the second key category. Note: all keys in a catagory must be unique. DESIREDKEY$ is a string containing the key desired for use in the operation. The keyed file package internally pads the specified key with ASCII nulls to fill it out to the desired size, or truncates, as needed; padding is performed on the right. Note also that the KEY package is case-sensitive: upper-case characters in key are not equivalent to lower case characters. Each key category used in a file requires that bytes KEYCATEGORY*KEYCATEGORYHEADERSIZE through KEYCATEGORY*KEYCATEGORYHEADERSIZE+KEYCATEGORYHEADERSIZE-1 of the file be set aside exclusively for use by the keyed file package. Other space is taken from End of File as needed. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 82 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O KEYINIT(keychannel#,keynumber,keysizeinbytes,branchingfactor) is a subroutine that initializes a file for operation with the keyed file package. If KEYINIT is called on a file containing keyed data, then the old key structure is destroyed, and the space in the file used for the old key structure will be lost. This routine must be CALLed before any other keyed operation is performed. KEYINIT must be called once for each key category to be used. The branching factor specified must be larger than 4, or a "Key branch factor not large enough" error trap will occur. The branching factor controls the amount of time required to look up a key; the lookup time is roughly equal to the time for k seeks + r reads, where branchingfactor^k>=numberofkeys currently in the key category, and r is approximately (keysizeinbytes*branchingfactor)/sectorsize. KEYINSERT(keychannel#,keynumber,desiredkey$,recordlocation) is a subroutine that accepts a string argument containing a key and a record position, and adds information to the key structures, so the record at recordlocation may be retrieved via the KEY function when applied to the identical desiredkey$. A "Duplicate key" error trap occurs if that key already has an associated record. KEY(keychannel#,keynumber,desiredkey$) is a function that returns the position in the data file of the record selected by that key. If no such record, a "No Such Key" error trap occurs. KEYDELETE(keychannel#,keynumber,desiredkey$) is a subroutine that deletes a record from a keyed file. A "No Such Key" error occurs if the key does not exist. If a record is keyed on more than one category, KEYDELETE must be called once for each category with the proper key value for that category. KEYNEXT(keychannel#,keynumber,desiredkey$) is a function that returns the file position of the record whose key is the smallest key greater than "desiredkey$". Desiredkey$ is modified to contain the key of the record so found. An EOF error trap indicates the list of records in the file has been completely processed. To fetch the first record of a file, the null key (all zeros) should be used as the value for desiredkey$. Repeated use of KEYNEXT thus scans the records alphabetically. KEYREPLACE(keychannel#,keynumber,desiredkey,newrecordlocation) is a function that replaces the old record location of a key with a new value; its result is the value of the record location being replaced. Its effect is identical to invoking KEY, then KEYDELETE, followed by KEYINSERT except it is considerably faster. The specified key must exist or a "No Such Key" error will occur. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 83 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VI: FILE I/O GETSPACE(channel#,numberofbytes) is a function that extends the filesize by "numberofbytes" and returns the file size before it was extended. This is useful for quickly finding space for a new record. Sample program: DIM RECORDKEY$(10),RECORDDATA$(80),ANS$(1) INCLUDE "KEY.BAS" CREATE #1, "DATABASE" CALL KEYINIT(1, 1, 10, 32) DATAENTRYLOOP: INPUT "KEY: " RECORDKEY$ IF RECORDKEY$="" THEN UPDATEMODE INPUT "DATA TO STORE: " RECORDDATA$ RECORDLOCATION = GETSPACE(1,LEN(RECORDDATA$)+1) REM ...+1 in previous statement accounts for REM introduced by following PRINT PRINT #1@RECORDLOCATION,RECORDDATA$ CALL KEYINSERT(1,1,RECORDKEY$,RECORDLOCATION) GOTO DATAENTRYLOOP UPDATEMODE: INPUT "LOOKUP: " RECORDKEY$ IF RECORDKEY$="" THEN PRINTSEQUENTIAL IF ERROR WHEN INPUT #1@KEY(1,1,RECORDKEY$), RECORDDATA$ THEN PRINT "NO RECORD FOUND" GOTO UPDATEMODE FI PRINT "DATA = "; RECORDDATA$ INPUT "CHANGE? " ANS$ IF ANS$="" THEN UPDATEMODE INPUT "NEW DATA: " RECORDDATA$ PRINT #1@KEY(1,1,KEY$), RECORDDATA$ GOTO UPDATEMODE PRINTSEQUENTIAL: LET RECORDKEY$="" PRINTSEQLOOP: IF ERROR WHEN INPUT #1@KEYNEXT(1,1,RECORDKEY$),RECORDDATA$ THEN EXIT PRINT RECORDKEY$; RECORDDATA$ GOTO PRINTSEQLOOP END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 84 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS DIM The DIM statement is used to allocate space for variables used by the BASIC program, including scalars (simple numeric variables). DIM statements have no effect at run-time. The form is: DIM declaration,declaration,declaration... DIM statements do not allow multiple statements per line. Each declaration is either a simple numeric variable name, the name of a vector or array with its dimensions, the name of a string and its maximum dimensions or the name of a string array followed by the number of strings in the array, and the maximum dimension of any of the strings in the array. SD BASIC always sets aside space for a "zeroth" index slot, row or column in a vector, array or string array. Strings always have a lower index of 1. The form of each declaration is as follows: Scalar: name Vector: name[numberofslots] Array: name[numberofrows,numberofcolumns] String: name$[maxlenincharacters] String Array: name$[numberofstrings][maxlenincharacters] All strings of a string array are allocated the same maxlenincharacters maximum size. Although scalar variables need not be dimensioned, there are two reasons for doing so. First, the first 64 scalar variables mentioned in a BASIC program are assigned very small compile time code references; thus scalars used frequently in a program should be DIMed to save space. Secondly, a DIMed scalar variable may be allocated with any initial value (a compile time assignment) by writing DIM name/value/ The value may be a hex or numeric constant. Similarly, a numeric vector can be given a set of initial values by writing DIM name/value1,value2,.../ The dimension is implicit in the number of values given, with the first value being assigned to subscript 0 of the vector. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 85 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS String variables may also be initialized similarly; if no dimension is specified then the dimension is implicit in the length of the initializing constant. A string initializing value may be a list of constant strings and/or hex values; the string is filled from left to right with the list contents. Each hex value specified occupies a single byte of storage. Each time the program is run (or executed via CHAIN), the initialized variables are reset to the values specified in the DIM statement(s). Simple numeric variables without initial values contain garbage when the program is started, as do uninitialized strings. The current length of an uninitialized string is zeroed. This will usually cause subscripting errors if the string is used before it is set to a valid value. Arrays, vectors and string arrays cannot be initialized. Examples: 10 DIM A,B,I,J,DUMMY,EMPNO 20 DIM VECTOR[9],ALPHA,OUCH[2,7],B$[47] 30 DIM S3/7.2/, B9/-3/,QSTR$/:3,"ABC",:D,"DEF"/ 40 DIM FILENAME$[10]/"SALES.TAX"/ 50 DIM ADGNLB$/" PMR PMI",... & " PMS"/ REM LINE 50 SETS ADGNLB$ = " PMR PMI PMS" 60 DIM SCREEN$(24)[80] 70 DIM PRIMESUNDER32/2,3,5,7,9,11,13,17,19,23,29,31/ Except for scalars, the compiler will complain if a variable is not mentioned in a DIM statement (or COMMONed, or declared as a parameter variable in a SUBROUTINE or function definition). Furthermore, DIM statements must be collected at the front (top) of the main program or at the beginning of a multiline function or SUBROUTINE, before any other executable statements. REM and DIM statements may be mixed in any order at the front of the program. Local DIMs, i.e., those in SUBROUTINEs or functions, must appear immediately following the SUBROUTINE or function header line. If a DIM is in a SUBROUTINE (or function) definition, the initialization of its variables is done each time the SUBROUTINE (or function) is called. Reference to a variable mentioned in a local DIM statement is illegal outside the body of the rountine containing the local DIM. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 86 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS COMMON The COMMON statement allows the program to pass variables between CHAINed program segments. Like DIM, it is used to allocate storage space for variables (but DIM'd variables cannot be passed between program segments). Scalar variables must be specified in a COMMON statement to be passed between CHAINed segments. No initialization of variables is allowed. COMMON statements are not allowed in SUBROUTINE or function definitions. Variables must be COMMONed in the same order, and with the same dimensions in all the program segments for this to work. Further, a DATA ORIGIN statement must be used to place data at a fixed place; the origin point must be the same in all chained program segments. Since BASIC is a compiler, no check is made when CHAIN is invoked to ensure that the order of the declared variables match, or that the types match. Failure to declare COMMON correctly can lead to unpredictable results at execution time. 10 COMMON A,B$[46] 20 COMMON S2, Hello, Passed Vector[100], FILEEXISTSFLAG See DATA ORIGIN for example of COMMON in CHAINed program segments. Both COMMON and DIM statements may be used in a program. The DIM statement must follow any COMMON statements used. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 87 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS PROGRAM ORIGIN The PROGRAM ORIGIN statement is used to change the location the compiler will place the program in the computer's memory. The form is: PROGRAM ORIGIN hexnumber A PROGRAM ORIGIN statement may not have a line number. Normally, the compiler begins placing statements directly above the space allocated for the runtime package. The PROGRAM ORIGIN statement may be used to override this, and place the program code anywhere. If the DATA ORIGIN statement is used to control the placement of data storage, it is a good idea to use the PROGRAM ORIGIN statement to ensure that the program code does not overlap the data area. The PROGRAM ORIGIN statement must occur before a DATA ORIGIN, DIM or any executable statements and cannot be used in a function or SUBROUTINE defined in a main program. Only one PROGRAM ORIGIN statement is allowed in a program. Example: 10 REM ANOTHER BASIC PROGRAM PROGRAM ORIGIN :3000 20 ! HERE COME THE DIM STATEMENTS 30 DIM Q7[47],B,J,X 40 DIM ... ... 100 REM NOW FOR THE PROGRAM ITSELF 110 PRINT "HELLO..." ... Copyright (C) 1977 SD 88 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS DATA ORIGIN The DATA ORIGIN statement is used to change where the compiler will place the variable storage for a program. The form is: DATA ORIGIN hexnumber A DATA ORIGIN statement may not have a line number. Normally, the compiler starts allocating space for variables at the end of the program. The DATA ORIGIN statement can be used to override this default, and set the allocation base to a specified hexadecimal address. The variable space is allocated as one single block, so wherever you place the DATA ORIGIN, there must be enough RAM for your variables (including machine stack and Concatenation Buffer; see DEBUGGING A COMPILED PROGRAM). This statement is normally used in a set of program segments to ensure that COMMON variables are aligned properly. The DATA ORIGIN statement must be placed in the program before any DIM statements and after a PROGRAM ORIGIN statement if used. A program may not have more than one DATA ORIGIN statement. Example: 10 REM THIS IS "FIRST PART" 20 REM ... ... DATA ORIGIN :4800 ... 100 COMMON Q$(46),B[12,95],... ... CHAIN "SECONDPART" END 10 REM THIS IS "SECOND PART" ... DATA ORIGIN :4800 COMMON EMPLOYEE$(46), MONTHVSACCOUNT(12,95) REM EMPLOYEE$ GETS VALUE OF Q$ SET IN FIRST PART REM MONTHVSACCOUNT GETS VALUES FROM 8 SET IN FIRST PART ... Copyright (C) 1977 SD 89 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS CONCATENATION BUFFER SIZE The Concatenation Buffer Size statement is used to select the size of the concatenation buffer. The form is: CONCATENATION BUFFER SIZE = decimalconstant The concatenation buffer is used for two purposes: to hold a temporary result while concatenating a string, and as an input buffer for the INPUT statement. Program statements that invoke use of the concatenation buffer while it is already being used will get unexpected results. Since there is only one concatenation buffer, such programs are illegal. An example illegal program (statement) is: RENAME A$ CAT "txt", A$ CAT "DOC" If no Concatenation Buffer Size is used, the compiler defaults the concatenation buffer size to 256 bytes, large enough for virtually all normal use. The Concatenation Buffer Size statement, if used, must come after any PROGRAM ORIGIN and before any DATA ORIGIN statements, and before any COMMON or DIM statements. This statement may only be used in a main program. Example: REM PROGRAM THAT INPUTS LINES OF NOT MORE THAN 300 BYTES CONCATENATION BUFFER SIZE = 301 ... DIM LINE$(301) ... INPUT #1, LINE$ Copyright (C) 1977 SD 90 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS INCLUDE INCLUDE is a compiler directive that is used to select a new input file. The form is: INCLUDE stringconstant INCLUDE causes the current compiler source input file to be suspended. Input is then taken from the file specified by the string constant. When end of the included file is reached, the file is closed and compiler source input resumes from the previous file. INCLUDEs may be used to include COMMON or DIM statements, blocks of executable code, or subroutine packages. INCLUDE statements may be nested, and the deepest nesting is determined by the number of I/O channels available minus 3 (console, output file, and original input file); generally it is limited to 4 levels. INCLUDE statements may be placed anywhere, but may not have line numbers or labels, nor may they be part of a multi-statement line. Example: REM PASS 2 OF MULTIPASS PROGRAM ... INCLUDE "COMMONDIMS" DIM A$(50) ... INCLUDE "KEY.BAS" ... END If the first significant line of a source file is an INCLUDE statement which references a file containing a set of DEF functions and/or SUBROUTINEs, BASIC will assume Separate Compilation of the first routine is what was desired. Placement of a DIM statement before the INCLUDE will convince BASIC that this is really a main program, and that the included file should be compiled in its entirety. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 91 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VII: MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS END The END statement is used to mark the end of a BASIC program. It must be the last line of the program. A line number is allowed, but cannot be the target of a GOTO, GOSUB, or ON statement. The form is: END Example: 10 REM ADDITION PROGRAM 20 DIM A,B 30 INPUT "A,B" A,B 40 PRINT A+B 50 GOTO 30 60 END The END statement is also used to terminate blocks (see BLOCK BODIES). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 92 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VIII: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE The Software Dynamics BASIC also interfaces to assembly language routines. This section describes statements for doing so, and data formats for the information passed. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SUBROUTINES When CALLing assembly code, the subroutine name should appear in a SUBROUTINE NAME (...) EXTERNAL statement before it is used, to insure compatibility with future versions of SD BASIC. The compiler assumes a subroutine with the specified name will be supplied to pass II. The arguments given in the CALL statement are expressions; the addresses of these expressions are pushed onto the "machine" stack to create an argument list. The subroutine is passed a pointer to the last argument in the argument list in the X register (if the argument list was at :49A4, X would contain :49A4), and an argument count is passed in the A register. Since entry to the subroutine is made by a JSR, an exit via a RTS (with the carry reset) is expected. No other action is required by the subroutine (the argument list is automatically removed from the machine stack by BASIC). To pass an error back to the BASIC program, the error code needs to be loaded into the X register, the carry bit must be set, and an RTS performed (this is consistent with SDOS error handling). See the section on Data Structures, below, for more detail. Each stack entry is 6 bytes in length, and can hold any of the following kinds of data: 1) Address of a floating point number 2) Address of a 16 bit positive integer 3) Numeric variable addresses 4) String descriptors 5) Address of vector or array The compiler makes no guarantee that all CALLs will push the same number and/or type of arguments onto the value stack. The called assembly subroutine must either assume a debugged BASIC program or check the argument count and parameter types itself. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 93 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VIII: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE If an argument is a numeric expression, then a temporary location is allocated to hold the expression result, and the address of the temporary location is pushed onto the stack. If the argument is a numeric variable name or a vector or array entry, the address of the 6 byte region of memory, to which that variable has been assigned, is pushed. If the argument is a string variable or a string expression, a string descriptor is pushed onto the stack. The user subroutine can pass data back to the program by storing a value into a numeric variable, or into a character string as specified by a string descriptor. Page zero locations 0 through 7 are available for use by the subroutine. Assembly Subroutine Example: SUBROUTINE INITIALIZEPIA(PIAADDRESS,CRACRB) EXTERNAL ... CALL INITIALIZEPIA(:F2B4,:3D04) ... END * This is the assembly code for INITIALIZEPIA * Combining this with the compiled BASIC program * is described in the section HOW TO USE SD BASIC * INITIALIZEPIA ; ASSUME ARGS ARE BOTH INTEGERS CMPA #2 BNE INITWRONGARGCOUNT STX $0 SAVE ARG LIST POINTER LDX 4,X GET ADDRESS OF INITIALIZING CONSTANTS LDD 4,X FETCH CRA,CRB VALUES LDX $0 GET ARG LIST POINTER BACK LDX 10,X FETCH ADDRESS OF PIA ADDRESS LDX 4,X FETCH PIA ADDRESS STA 0,X INITIALIZE CRA OF PIA STB 2,X INITIALIZE CRB OF PIA CLC SIGNAL SUCCESS RTS INITWRONGARGCOUNT LDX #27 "WRONG ARG COUNT" ERROR SEC SIGNAL FAILURE RTS Copyright (C) 1977 SD 94 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VIII: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS User-defined assembly language functions can also be used with SD BASIC. Any result returnable by a conventional function may be returned by an assembly function. The function name must be declared using a DEF name (...) EXTERNAL statement textually preceding any attempt to invoke the function. Invocation syntax is identical to that for invoking a conventional BASIC function. Parameters are passed to the assembly function in exactly the format specified under Assembly Language Subroutines. Assembly functions can modify passed arguments. Page zero locations 0-7 are available for use by the function. Function results are returned on top of the machine stack, and must be either integer, floating point, or string descriptor values (See DATA STRUCTURES). This means the return address must be removed; the result pushed, and then control passed to the return address with the carry reset. The runtime package handles removing the argument list from the stack after the function returns. Errors are signaled as described under Assembly Language Subroutines. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 95 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VIII: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE Assembly Function Example: DIM POINTER$(4) ... DEF CVT32BITSTOFLOAT(FOURBYTES$) EXTERNAL ... READ #6, POINTER$ POINTER= CVT32BITSTOFLOAT(POINTER$) ... END *This is the assembly code for CVT32BITSTOFLOAT *This function accepts a string descriptor *The string contains 4 bytes, and represents a 32 bit binary integer *The function returns a floating number equal in value to the integer CVT32BITSTOFLOAT EQU * CMPA #1 CHECK ARGUMENT COUNT BNE CVT32BITBADARGCNT PULD REMOVE RETURN FROM STACK... STD CVT32BITSRETURN LDX 2,X =ADDRESS OF STRING,-4 * We assume a 4 byte (or more) string is passed, * so we don't check the count. Caveat Emptor. LDD 4+2,X FETCH LEAST SIGNIFICANT 16 BITS PSHS D CONSTRUCT 32 BIT INTEGER ON STACK LDD 4+0,X FETCH MOST SIGNIFICANT 16 BITS PSHS D JSR FLOAT GO FLOAT 32 BIT NUMBER LDX CVT32BITSRETURN CLC SIGNAL SUCCESS JMP 0,X CVT32BITBADARGCNT LDX #27 "WRONG ARG COUNT" ERROR SEC RTS CVT32BITSRETURN RMB 2 PLACE TO STORE RETURN ADDRESS Copyright (C) 1977 SD 96 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION VIII: ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE DEBUG The DEBUG statement is used to call the user's assembly (or whatever) language debugger via SYSCALL:DEBUG. The form is: DEBUG This statement can be used anywhere in the BASIC program. The debugger itself can be used for anything, but must exit as described in the SDOS manual if the BASIC program is to continue. This statement is most useful when used to help debug assembly language functions or SUBROUTINEs. POKE The POKE statement is used to allow the BASIC program to do direct memory stores (usually to an I/O device). The form is: POKE exp1,exp2 The value of exp2 is stored in the byte at the address specified by the value of exp1. The runtime package will not poke itself. Examples: 10 POKE 64302,26 20 POKE RAM+7,B$[2] 30 POKE :4067,:3 40 POKE IOPORT1, :41 50 RUSSIANROULETTE: REPEAT POKE RND*65535,0 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 97 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS A built-in function is a pre-defined routine to compute a value to be used in an expression. BASIC supports many built-in functions. Each function invocation is written as: Or arg1... Or Or,arg2,arg3...)... Where "name" is the name of the function, and arg1, arg2,... are the values needed by the function. Each of the values can be an arbitrary expression except as noted for the particular function. Like user defined functions, if there are no parentheses surrounding the argument list, then the argument list is assumed to have one element, i.e., 3*ATN X+2 is the same as 3*ATN(X)+2. The transcendental functions are generally accurate to 7 places. The arguments for the trigonometric functions are required to be in radians except for the arc tangent, which yields a result in radians. SQR(arg) produces the square root of the argument. ATN(arg) produces the arc tangent (in radians) of the argument. Other inverse trigonometric functions may be obtained by using the following user defined functions: DEF ARCSIN(X) = ATN(X/SQR(1-X*X)) DEF ARCCOS(X) = PI/2 - ARCSIN(X) SIN(arg) produces the trigonometric sin of the argument. COS(arg) produces SQR(1-SIN(arg)^2) [this is not how it is implemented]. TAN(arg) produces the trigonometric tangent of the argument value. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 98 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS LOG(arg) produces the natural logarithm of the argument. EXP(arg) produces 2.7182818...^arg (exponential). RND produces a random number >= 0 and < 1. Note: no argument is needed. The random number generator can be made to repeat its sequence by setting RND to a fixed value before using RND to generate a set of random values. The form is LET RND = expression Example: 150 LET RND=5 will cause the same sequence of values to be generated for each execution of the program. To make a truly non-repetitive sequence, setting RND to some value based on the current time of day is appropriate. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 99 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS ROWS(arrayname) returns the number of rows specified by the DIM or COMMON statement of the array (this is especially useful when arrayname is a parameter variable; see DEF). COLUMNS(arrayname) returns the number of columns specified by the DIM or COMMON statement of the array. (See ROWS function). LEN(stringname$) produces the current length of the string value stored in the specified string variable. (stringname$ may be a singly subscripted string array). LEN(vectorname) returns the DIM'ed (or COMMONed) size of the specified vector name. LEN(stringarrayname$) returns the number of strings DIM'ed or COMMONed for this array. MAXLEN(stringname$) produces the maximum (i.e., DIMensioned) length of the string variable specified. MAXLEN(stringarrayname$) returns the maximum (i.e., DIM'ed) length of any string in the specified string array. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 100 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS MID$(stringname$,arg2,arg3) is exactly the same as: stringname$[arg2,arg3] It may appear on the left side of an equals sign in a LET statement (or as a target of a READ or INPUT statement). Since MID$ is a subscripting operation, it may not itself be subscripted. LEFT$(stringname$,arg2) is exactly the same as: stringname$(1,arg2) It may appear on the left side of the equals sign in a LET statement (etc.) Since LEFT$ is a subscripting operation, it may not itself be subscripted. RIGHT$(stringname$,arg2) is exactly the same as: stringname$(arg2,LEN(stringname$)-arg2+1) It is considerably faster, however. It may appear on the left side of an equals sign in a LET statement (etc.). Since RIGHT$ is a subscripting operation, it may not itself be subscripted. UPPERCASE$(stringexpression) is a string function which produces a temporary string (in the concatenation buffer) that is an exact copy of the string argument except that all ASCII lowercase alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase. The string argument may only be a string name, substring, or string function. Since this function uses the concatenation buffer, the string argument may not use a concatenated expression, and the function may not be used in a concatenated expression. Example: INPUT RESPONSE$ IF FIND ("YES", UPPERCASE$(RESPONSE$))=1 THEN DoWhatHeWanted ELSE AskForAnotherCommand LOWERCASE$(stringexpression) is a string function which produces a temporary string (in the catenation buffer) that is an exact copy of the string argument except that all ASCII uppercase alphabetic characters are converted to lowercase. The string argument may only be a string name, substring, or string function. Since this function uses the catenation buffer, the string argument may not use a concatenated expression, and the function may not be used in a concatenated expression. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 101 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS EOF(arg) The argument is evaluated and used as a channel number. The function produces true if the last READ or INPUT attempted to read past the end of the file on the specified channel. Otherwise, produces false. Since READs and INPUTs cause an "End of File" error trap upon reading across the end of file for channel numbers larger than 32, an arg >=32 for EOF is unnecessary and a "Channel number is too large" error will occur. COL(arg) produces the current column number on the channel specified by "arg". The column number is the column in which a logical print head would be positioned at the instant of the call. The leftmost column is column number 1. If an input line is only partially read, then the COL function applied to the INPUT channel will return a value greater than the column number of the first input character. PEEK(arg) returns value equal to that of the memory byte whose address is specified by the value of the argument expression. Normally, the argument is a hex constant. COM(arg) returns an integer whose binary equivalent is the bitwise complement of the binary equivalent of the argument. If the argument is not an integer in the range 0 to 65535, an error occurs. Examples: COM(0)=65535, COM(17)=65518, COM(32767)=32768 NOT(arg) returns the logical complement of the argument (true produces false and false produces true). The argument of this function must be a relational expression (such as A=B etc.) or a compound logical expression as described in the section on Conditional Expressions. Example: NOT ( B>6 OR DIVISOR=0 ) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 102 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS INT(arg) produces the largest integer not greater than the argument. Example: INT(3.2)=3; but INT(-3.2)=-4. ABS(arg) produces the absolute value of the argument. SGN(arg) returns the sign of the argument. If the argument is < 0, the function returns -1. If the argument is = 0, the function returns 0. If the argument is > 0, the function returns +1. ERR produces a value corresponding to the most recent error encountered at runtime at this level of the program (errors trapped and handled in called subroutines or functions cannot be seen). See section on error messages. ELN produces a value corresponding to the last line number executed, or in execution, when the last error occurred. PI produces the value 3.14159265 ASC(stringexpression) This function returns the numeric value of the ASCII code of the first byte of the stringexpression specified. Examples: ASC("A") gives decimal 65, ASC("a") gives decimal 97. CHR$(arg) returns a single byte string containing the ASCII character corresponding to the value given by arg. Examples: CHR$(:41) gives "A", CHR$(7) gives . Copyright (C) 1977 SD 103 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS FIND(arg1$,arg2$) searches for an occurrence of arg2$ in arg1$. Arg1$ and arg2$ may be string functions, string constant, string names, or substrings. Returns 0 if not found; otherwise returns the smallest I such that arg1$[I,LEN(arg2)]=arg2. DATE$ returns a string corresponding to the current date (string content is defined by the operating system). Note that BASIC OPENs the CLOCK: device (on the first available I/O channel) to get the date, so an I/O channel must be available when this function is invoked; the I/0 channel is CLOSEd immediately after use. TIME$ returns a string corresponding to the current time of day (string content is defined by the operating system). Like DATE$, an I/O channel must be available when TIME$ is invoked. VAL(stringexpression) returns a numeric value equal to string expression contents interpreted as a floating point or a hex constant. Leading blanks or tabs are ignored. Any illegal characters delimit the value to be converted. The number in the string must be valid or a conversion error results. HEX$(arg) returns a string containing a 4 digit hexadecimal constant equivalent to the value. The first character of the string is a ":" so that the length of the result is 5 characters. An argument which is not an integer in the range 0 to 65535 will cause an error. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 104 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION IX: BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS NUM$(arg) returns a string whose contents are exactly what a PRINT ARG; statement would have printed for the argument expression, except no trailing "space" is produced. NUMF$(stringexpression,arg2) returns a string whose contents is what a PRINT USING stringexpression,arg2; statement would have printed. The stringexpression must contain only a valid "number format" (not a general format string) as defined by the section on PRINT USING; otherwise, an error results. TRUE returns the value 1. FALSE returns the value 0. IF condition THEN arg1 ELSE arg2 FI This is known as the "IF" function. Returns the value of arg1 if the conditional expression is true, else it returns the value arg2. Arg1 is NOT evaluated if condition is false; arg2 is NOT evaluated if condition is true. For readability, a is optionally allowed after the condition or arg1, so the IF function invocation may span several physical text lines. A is NOT allowed after arg2. The final FI is required. Examples: 10 LET A=2+IF B<>0 THEN COS(X)/B ELSE COS(X) FI REM NO DIV BY 0 ERROR POSSIBLE 20 REM MOVE CURSOR RIGHT LET CURSORCOL= IF CURSORCOL=SCREENWIDTH THEN SCREENWIDTH ELSE CURSORCOL+1 FI The type of arg1 must match the type of arg2, and the types must be compatible with the expression in which the IF function is embedded. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 105 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION X: DATA STRUCTURES DATA STRUCTURES This section describes how data is stored in BASIC from an assembly language interface point of view. Simple numeric variables use 6 bytes of storage. They may contain either a floating point number or an integer (at any instant). All scalar variables that are not parameters or COMMONed are stored sequentially in an area known as the Scalar Space. Vectors occupy 6*(I+1)+2 bytes, where I is the dimension size (the +1 allows room for the zero subscript). The first two bytes contain the DIMensioned length of the vector, and are used to perform subscript checking. The zeroth element of the vector follows immediately. Each vector element occupies 6 bytes, and may contain either a floating point number or an integer. Arrays occupy 6*(I+1)*(J+1)+4 bytes, where I and J are the dimension size (the +1 allows for a zero row or column subscript). The first pair of bytes contain the DIMensioned number of rows of the array, and are used for subscript bound checking. The second pair of bytes contain the DIMensioned number of columns, also used in subscript checking and array entry address computation. Each array entry uses 6 bytes, and is located by adding (I*2nd dimension+J)*6+4 to the array address, where I and J are the row and column subscripts, respectively. Each array element occupies 6 bytes and may contain an integer or a floating point number. String variables occupy the dimension +4 number of bytes. The first two bytes are the MAXLEN (dimension) of the string. The next two bytes are the current length of the string, and are always less than or equal to the max length. The rest of the bytes hold the string, left justified. String arrays occupy (LENgth dimension)*(MAXLEN dimension+4)+2 bytes. The first two bytes hold the number of strings in the string array. Each string in the string array has the same structure as a simple string variable. String constants are stored with the first byte as the length; the remaining bytes are the body of the string constant. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 106 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION X: DATA STRUCTURES SIMPLE NUMERIC VARIABLE !----------------! ! VALUE ! 6 BYTES !----------------! VECTOR !----------------! ! LENGTH ! 2 BYTES !----------------! ! ! ! VECTOR ! 6* ! ELEMENTS ! (1+VECTOR ! ! DIMENSION) ! ! ! ! !----------------! ARRAY !----------------! ! # ROWS ! 2 BYTES !----------------! ! # COLUMNS ! 2 BYTES !----------------! ! ! ! ! 6* ! ARRAY ! (# ROWS+1) * ! ELEMENTS ! (# COLUMNS+1) ! ! ! ! !----------------! The number of rows and the number of columns are taken from the DIM statement for the array (i.e., DIM ARRAY[rows,columns]). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 107 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION X: DATA STRUCTURES STRING ARRAY !-------------------------! ! LENGTH ! 2 BYTES !-------------------------! ! STRINGVARIABLE(1) ! MAXLEN+4 BYTES !-------------------------! ! STRINGVARIABLE(2) ! MAXLEN+4 BYTES !-------------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! !-------------------------! ! STRINGVARIABLE(LENGTH) ! MAXLEN+4 BYTES !-------------------------! STRING VARIABLE 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! !-------! ! MAX ! CUR ! 1ST ! 2ND ! 3RD ! ... ! MAXTH ! !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! !-------! <65535 <=MAX STRING DESCRIPTOR !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! ! 1 ! X ! ADDRESS ! COUNT ! !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! String descriptors are used to temporarily represent a string or a substring in expressions; they are found in argument lists to assembly language routines. COUNT has the range 0<= COUNT <= 65535. If COUNT = 0 (empty string), the ADDRESS is meaningless. If COUNT <> 65535 (substring), then ADDRESS+4 points to the first selected byte. COUNT specifies how many bytes are selected. If COUNT = 65535 ("the entire string"), then ADDRESS points to the left byte of the max length of some string variable. The number of bytes selected is equal to MAX or CUR, depending on the operation. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 108 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION X: DATA STRUCTURES DECIMAL FLOATING POINT VALUES !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! ! EXP ! DIG ! DIG ! DIG ! DIG ! DIG ! !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! DIG are base 100 (not BCD) digits, i.e., values in the range 0 to 99 decimal. The leftmost DIG is non-zero. The most significant bit of the EXP is the number sign. The other 7 bits are the base 100 exponent, biased by +64. Floating zero is defined as EXP = 0, all DIG bytes = 0. Otherwise, an EXP of 0 is illegal. See FLOATING POINT PACKAGE. INTEGER VALUES !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! ! 0 ! X ! X ! X ! INTEGER ! !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! 0 <= INTEGER <= +65535 ADDRESS OF NUMERIC VALUE !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! ! 0 ! X ! X ! X ! ADDRESS ! !-----!-----!-----!-----!-----!-----! The ADDRESS points to the EXP byte. ARGUMENT LIST FORMAT (ON "CALL" TO ASSEMBLY SUBROUTINE) !----------------! ! LAST ARGUMENT ! <----INDEX REGISTER (X) !----------------! ! ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! !----------------! ! FIRST ARGUMENT ! HIGHER ADDRESS THAN (X) !----------------! On entry to the assembly language subroutine or function, register A indicates how many arguments were passed. Each argument occupies 6 bytes, with the last argument being at the lowest memory address. Register X points to the lowest address byte of the last argument. Each entry in the argument list is a string descriptor, or an address in the format described in this section. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 109 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION X: DATA STRUCTURES SYSCALL PARAMETER LIST FORMAT: _______________ ! OPCODE ! <----INDEX REGISTER (X) !-------------! ! WRBUF ! !-------------! ! WRLEN ! !-------------! ! RPLEN ! !-------------! ! RDBUF ! !-------------! ! RDLEN ! !-------------! ! EXTENSION ! !_____________! After JSR $FB, (X) points to the SYSCALL parameter list. For meaning of various opcodes, see SDOS manual. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 110 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE FLOATING POINT PACKAGE The SD floating point package for BASIC V1.4 is a fast, high precision (decimal arithmetic) software floating point package for 6800/6809 CPUs. It provides a stack-oriented environment to allow convenient evaluation of complicated expressions (in Polish notation). The package provides ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, stack load and store, negate, floating point comparison, integer truncation, fix and float, and conversion routines to and from ASCII and floating point. Trancendentals are not included. The floating point number format requires 6 bytes. The most significant bit of the first byte contains a sign S and the exponent (least significant 7 bits). S=0 means positive sign; S=1 means negative sign. The exponent is base 100, biased by hex 40. The range of the exponent is: $40+$3F $40-$3F 100 to 100 which is 63 -63 100 to 100 or 126 -126 10 to 10 An exponent of zero is defined to represent a floating zero. Negative zero is not allowed. Clean floating zero is represented by 6 zero bytes. The remaining five bytes are mantissa digits, in base 100, i.e., digits have values of 0-99. The byte contents are stored as the binary equivalent of the digit. A normalized floating point number is defined to be one in which the leading mantissa byte is non-zero. This means that up to 10 BCD digits can be stored. However, due to normalization conditions, the left-most base 100 digit may be as small as 1 which means only 9 decimal digits of precision can be guaranteed. If you are working with money amounts, note that up to $100 million can be represented accurately, to the penny. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 111 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE Floating Point Number Format: ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! S ! 7-BIT EXP ! BASE100 ! BASE100 ! BASE100 ! BASE100 ! BASE100 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 41 01 00 00 00 00 -1 C1 01 00 00 00 00 PI 41 03 0E 0F 5C 41 -PI C1 03 0E 0F 5C 41 .5 40 32 00 00 00 00 -.5 C0 32 00 00 00 00 1.5 41 01 32 00 00 00 -1.5 C1 01 32 00 00 00 1.5E-1 40 0F 00 00 00 00 -1.5E-1 C0 0F 00 00 00 00 1.5E-2 40 01 32 00 00 00 -1.5E-2 C0 01 32 00 00 00 1.5E-3 3F 0F 00 00 00 00 -1.5E-3 BF 0F 00 00 00 00 The following routines are contained in the floating point package: FLOAD Floating load FSTORE Floating store FCMP Algebraic compare two floating point numbers FNEG Negate floating point number FADD Add two floating point numbers FSUB Subtract two floating point numbers FMUL Multiply two floating point numbers FDIV Divide two floating point numbers FIX16 Convert floating to 32 bit binary integer in range 0..65535 FLOAT Convert binary integer to floating FINT Truncate fractional part FIX Convert floating to 32 bit binary integer FCONVO Output conversion from floating point format FCONVI Input conversion to floating point format These routines are stack oriented; that is, they operate on numbers already in the stack, put numbers onto the stack, or take numbers off the stack. Throughout this description, the term 'TOS' and 'TOS-1' shall mean 'the floating point value on the top of the stack' and 'the floating point value underneath the floating point value on the top of the stack', respectively. FPTRAP is a 2 byte page zero location containing a 'floating point trap address'. Should overflow occur in the floating add, subtract, multiply or divide routines, control will be transferred to the location specified by FPTRAP. Since these routines are commonly used, setting up the error address once saves bytes, and makes the user code more readable. A description of each routine follows. A JSR is used to enter all routines. Locations 0-7 are used by these routines as scratch storage. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 112 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE FLOAD On entry, the X register contains a pointer to a six-byte floating point number (specifically, X points to the exponent byte of the number). This routine loads the 6 bytes onto the stack and then returns to the JSR+3. FSTORE On entry, the X register contains a pointer to a location to store the six-byte floating point number from the TOS. The routine pops the number off the stack and stores it into the location specified, then returns to the JSR+3. FIX FIX attempts to fix the floating point number on the TOS into a 32-bit (4 bytes) signed binary integer on the TOS. The number is considered unfixable and left intact on the TOS if it is less than -2^31 or greater than (2^31)-1. Returns to JSR+3 if fixable, JSR+5 if not. FIX16 Operates identically to FIX, except the result must be in range of 0..65535. Returns to JSR+3 if fixed properly, to JSR+5 if not. FLOAT FLOAT will convert a 32-bit signed integer (4 bytes) on the TOS into a 6-byte floating point number on the TOS. Returns to JSR+3. FINT FINT will truncate fraction bits, if any, in the floating point number on the TOS and return the largest integer not larger than the value on the TOS. For example: INT(1.0) = 1.0 INT(1.2) = 1.0 INT(-2.0) = -2.0 INT(-1.2) = -2.0 Returns to JSR+3. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 113 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE FCONVO On entry, the TOS contains the floating point number to convert, and the X register points to the output buffer. The output buffer must be large enough to contain 17 bytes. The routine converts the number into an ASCII string in 'E-type' format: (SIGN)('.')(10 DIGITS)('E')(ESIGN)(3 DIGITS) On exit, the A register contains a number representing the number of places the decimal point in the resulting string would have to be shifted right to make the exponent zero. Example: A = 0 --> '.DDDDDDDDDD' A = -2 --> '.00DDDDDDDDDD' A = 2 --> 'DD.DDDDDDDD' The B register contains the number of significant digits (10 - rightmost zero digits). Returns to JSR+3. FCONVI Converts an ASCII numeric string to the internal floating point format. On entry, register X points to the string to convert and register D (A,B) contains the string length. The result of the conversion is pushed on TOS, and (X) is returned pointing to the data byte that terminated the conversion. Leading blanks and nonsignificant zeros are automatically skipped. Digits beyond those retainable by the conversion are skipped and ignored. The E part of the exponent may be upper or lower case, and is accepted only if followed by a valid exponent value (i.e., only 123 is accepted from a string like 123E%). Returns to JSR+3 if conversion succeeded. Returns to JSR+5 if overflow occurs; TOS contains a properly signed version of infinity. Returns to JSR+7 if syntax error; no value is pushed onto TOS. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 114 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE FNEG FNEG negates the floating point number on the TOS. Returns to JSR+3. FCMP FCMP compares the floating point number on the TOS-1 to the number on the TOS. The condition codes are set according to the result of the algebraic difference of TOS-1 - TOS (S, N condition code bits are set to show the result of the compare, V is set to 0). Both numbers are popped off the stack. This routine should be used instead of FSUB for comparisons because it pops both numbers off the stack and FSUB doesn't; FCMP sets the condition codes and FSUB doesn't, and FCMP is much faster than FSUB. Returns to JSR+3. FADD On entry, FPTRAP contains the error exit address. The TOS contains the addend, and the TOS-1 contains the augend. The two numbers are popped off the stack, added, and the sum is pushed onto the stack. If underflow is detected, a floating zero is returned. If overflow is detected, negative infinity (FF 63 63 63 63 63) is returned if the result sign is negative, and positive infinity (7F 63 63 63 63 63) if the sign is positive. Returns to JSR+3 if underflow or no error. Returns to the address specified in FPTRAP if overflow occurred. FSUB On entry, FPTRAP contains the error exit address. The TOS contains the subtrahend, and the TOS-1 contains the minuend. The two numbers are popped off the stack, subtracted, and the difference is pushed onto the stack. Overflow/underflow and exit conditions are the same as FADD. FMUL On entry, FPTRAP contains the error exit address. The TOS contains the multiplier, and the TOS-1 contains the multiplicand. The two numbers are popped off the stack, multiplied, and the product is pushed onto the stack. Overflow/underflow and exit conditions are the same as FADD. FDIV On entry, FPTRAP contains the error exit address. The TOS contains the divisor, and the TOS-1 contains the dividend. The two numbers are popped off the stack, divided, and the quotient is pushed onto the stack. Overflow/underflow and exit conditions are the same as FADD. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 115 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE In Version 1.4 of the SD BASIC Runtime Package (RTP), the floating point routines can be easily accessed via a transfer vector: FPTRAP EQU $0028 FLOAD EQU $0109 FSTORE EQU $010C FCMP EQU $010F FNEG EQU $0112 FADD EQU $0115 FSUB EQU $0118 FMUL EQU $011B FDIV EQU $011E FCONVO EQU $0121 FCONVI EQU $0124 FINT EQU $0127 FIX EQU $012A FIX16 EQU $012D FLOAT EQU $0130 Note that the floating point routines use page zero heavily; other than the scratchpad locations (see SDOS manual), we recommend not using page zero in the application program. If special hardware is considered, we recommend replacing FMUL, FDIV, FIX, and FLOAT. FADD, FSUB, FLOAD, FCMP, FSTORE, and FNEG are fast enough that replacing them with hardware won't really save any time. EXAMPLE OF USE Assume the following sequence needed to be coded: LET RESULT = (INPUTVALUE * 1.5 + .101) / PI IF RESULT >= 55.7 THEN GOTO LABEL1 Assume RESULT is a floating point variable, and INPUTVALUE is an 8-bit unsigned integer. Then the following code could be used: Copyright (C) 1977 SD 116 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE *Floating Point Assembly Example START LDS #STACK LDX #TRAP STX FPTRAP * LDAA INPUTVALUE CREATE A 4-BYTE INTEGER ON PSHA THE STACK CLRA PSHA PSHA PSHA JSR FLOAT NOW FLOAT IT LDX #F1.5 GET A 1.5 JSR FLOAD JSR FMUL NOW DO THE MULTIPLY LDX #F.101 GET THE .101 JSR FLOAD JSR FADD NOW DO THE ADD LDX #PI GET PI JSR FLOAD JSR FDIV NOW DO THE DIVIDE TSX DUPLICATE THE TOS FOR THE COMPARE JSR FLOAD LDX #RESULT SAVE A COPY IN RESULT JSR FSTORE LDX #F55.7 GET 55.7 JSR FLOAD JSR FCMP DO THE COMPARE BGE LABEL1 . . LABEL1 . . . TRAP ;GET HERE IF OVERFLOW ERROR IN FADD, FSUB, FMUL, FDIV . F1.5 FCB $41,01,50,00,00,00 F.101 FCB $40,10,10,00,00,00 PI FCB $41,03,14,15,92,65 F55.7 FCB $41,55,70,00,00,00 INPUTVALUE RMB 1 RESULT RMB 6 RMB 50 STACK EQU *-1 END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 117 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XI: FLOATING POINT PACKAGE The following subroutine will convert a string containing BASIC V1.3 floating point numbers to BASIC V1.4 floating point numbers: SUBROUTINE CONVERT13TO14(NUMBER$) IF NUMBER$[I]=0 THEN RETURN SUBROUTINE FOR I=2 TO 6 LET NUMBER$[I]=((NUMBER$[I]**-4)*10)+(NUMBER$[I]&:0F) NEXT I RETURN SUBROUTINE END To use the subroutine, a record containing BASIC V1.3 numbers should be READ using strings instead of scalars as targets of the numeric READs for numbers. Each number read into a string should be converted by invoking the CONVERT13TO14 subroutine, then the record should be written back. Example: DIM EMPLOYEENAME$(...), SALARY$/0,0,0,0,0,0/ ... REM This record is usually read as REM READ #FILE@RECORDLOCATION, EMPLOYEENAME$, SALARY READ #FILE@RECORDLOCATION, EMPLOYEENAME$, SALARY$ CONVERT13TO14(SALARY$) WRITE #FILE@RECORDLOCATION, EMPLOYEENAME$, SALARY$ Copyright (C) 1977 SD 118 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC Since the Software Dynamics BASIC is a compiler, the procedures for using it are different from a conventional interpreter. This section includes directions on how to use the compiler to prepare a BASIC program for execution, and how to load and execute a BASIC program. The SD BASIC system consists of three parts: 1) The compiler 2) The runtime package 3) The utility programs FIX, COMPILE, and FINDLABEL The compiler accepts a BASIC source program and converts it to a form compatible with the assembler. This intermediate form is assembled (along with any user assembly language subroutines) to produce a binary program. Finally, the binary program is loaded with the runtime package for execution. The first step is to create the desired BASIC program. This is done with the aid of a text editor program. The program is prepared as described in the section on program organization. Line numbers/labels are used to mark targets of GOTOs, and handy reference points within the program. SD BASIC does not require line numbers on all lines; this fact can be used to clarify the program (by removing some of the clutter of conventional BASIC programs) and allow compilation of larger programs (line numbers use up space at compile and execution time). It is a good idea to number each line until the program is nearly debugged, to aid in error diagnosis at runtime. Note that SD BASIC does not care about the order of line numbers; the text order is what counts for sequential execution. Using line number order is convenient and aids program compatibility with other BASICs. The source form of the BASIC program consists of lines terminated with a (hexadecimal $0D) character. Multiple spaces are treated as a single space (except in quoted character strings). Spaces may not occur in the middle of keywords, variable names, subroutine names, or in the middle of 2 character operators such as "**" or ">=". Otherwise, spaces may be used freely to improve readability. Extraneous spaces in the source program do not affect execution times. The compiler ignores nulls; tabs are treated as spaces except in character strings. Control L and line feed are legal only after a mark. The last line of the program must be an END statement. Upper or lower case may be used freely by the programmer; all lower case text not in a quoted string is treated as if it were upper case. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 119 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC If a statement is too long for a source line, the statement may be continued on the next source line by writing ...& wherever blanks would be allowed, followed by the rest of the statement (note: This line continuation facility does not work in character strings or REM statements!). Example: 10 IF ARRAY(BUFFER(J),10) >= ... & SUM THEN GOTO 75 ELSE PRINT "OOPS!"\STOP If you must continue a line following a number, separate the continuation periods from the number by at least one space, or BASIC will think the first period is a decimal point and complain about the following '..'. PASS I Once the program is created, the next step is compilation. The compiler is very easy to use. Merely load the compiler by typing BASIC when at the SDOS command interpreter prompt. It will identify itself, and then ask for the source and output file names. Example: .BASIC Software Dynamics BASIC Compiler V1.4h (C) 1980 INPUT FILE = MYPROG.BAS OUTPUT FILE = JUNK.TMP The compiler opens the source file, and creates the output file. The size of the output file that will be produced is typically three times that of the source file. Error diagnostics are written to the console (SDOS channel #0). They consist of a message describing the kind of error, a printout of the line in which the error occurs, and a pointer (caret) to the problem. Each error diagnostic occupies three printed lines, and is separated from the next by a blank line to make the grouping obvious. Typical error examples are: Syntax Error 10 DIM S$(12),B,7 ^ Variable not DIMed as vector or array 20 LET Q(I,J)=2 ^ The compiler will always print "Compilation Complete" when done. This does NOT mean no errors were found. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 120 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC COMPILE TIME ERROR MESSAGES Already defined as a variable This name already has a definition, and so cannot be used as a label. Assignment to a label is not allowed The target of a LET, READ or INPUT is the name of a label. Can't use a parameter as a FOR loop index Only scalar variables that are not parameters are allowed as FOR loop indexes. Can't use variable name for label A GOTO target contains the name of an object which is not a label. Compiler Bug! XXXX The memory of the computer is unreliable, SDOS is unreliable, or the BASIC Compiler has an error. Please, REPORT THE ERROR TO SOFTWARE DYNAMICS, along with the source of the program, and exactly what was displayed. Doubly-defined line number This line number has already been used. Doubly-defined string variable There is already a definition for a string of this name. Double subscript required This variable is defined as an array, and must have a double subscript in this context. End of File hit The compiler expects more BASIC program, but there isn't any more. Suspect a missing NEXT, END, or FI; unfortunately the place that is missing the keyword might be almost anywhere in your program. Function not allowed here This name is defined as a function name, and cannot be used in this context. HOW MUCH STRING SHOULD I READ? A syntactically legal READ into a string function has been encountered, but there is no well defined meaning for it. Memory Full: xxxx The program being compiled requires too much space to compile in this configuration. (xxxx indicates which compiler routine detected the error). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 121 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC Missing Block END There is a block body (REPEAT, WHILE, DO, FOR, etc.) that is incomplete and an END statement is required to complete it. (Very likely an END statement was left out several lines prior to this point.) Missing FI A THEN or ELSE block is incomplete and requires a FI to "seal" it. (It is fairly likely that a FI or ELSEIF is missing several lines prior to this point). Must be loop label An EXIT label statement specifies a label which is not the label of a block-type statement (FOR, REPEAT, DO, etc.). No enclosing FOR with same variable This NEXT statement specifies an index variable that is not matched by any textually preceding FOR statement. No subscripted variables allowed here A scalar variable name must be used here (a vector variable may not be used as a FOR-NEXT index variable). No such file An INCLUDE file does not exist. Not implemented What you are requesting appears to be legal, but the compiler cannot generate code for it. Parameter variable not allowed here A variable declared in a parameter list of a SUBROUTINE or DEF statement is used in an illegal context. Single subscript required This variable is defined as a vector, and must have only a single subscript in this context. Source line is too long More than 256 characters have been scanned without encountering a carriage return character. The source line will have to be split up. String array requires subscript here A string array requires a subscript to select the particular string desired. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 122 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC String length exceeds 127 characters A name, number or string constant has more than 127 total characters in it. Names or numbers with excessively many digits must be shortened. A string which is too long will have to be split into two or smaller strings; the line continuation technique ("...&") or multiple statements may be needed to help solve the problem. Syntax error The line printed is not syntactically correct. Note: since NEXT, END, THEN, ELSE and ELSEIF are not legal BASIC statements (i.e., they can only occur as part of another statement), a syntax error on these "statements" indicates that the preceding part of the statement is missing or incorrect. Example: a NEXT will yield a syntax error if there is no corresponding FOR statement. Undefined string variable This string variable is not defined in a DIM or COMMON statement, or in a parameter list. Use of name incompatible with previous use A textually preceding context defined this name in a way that is not compatible with use in this context. Variable not DIM'ed as vector or array The variable specified cannot be subscripted because it is a scalar. Wrong type of value A string result appears where a numeric expression is required, or vice versa, or an array or vector object is found where a scalar is appropriate, or vice versa. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 123 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC HINTS ON HOW TO HANDLE COMPILE-TIME ERRORS The compiler processes the entire program (unless it runs into too many ENDs), even if an error occurs. If any error message is printed, the compiler output is turned off and consequently is useless. If errors are diagnosed by the compiler, you must go back and edit the program to rid it of those errors, and recompile. Note that an error may cause other (spurious) errors; for instance, terminating a FOR block with a FI will cause the compiler to lose track of blocks that contain the FOR, and consequently complain about NEXTs and FIs. If the compiler complains about a statement that appears legal, check the declarations of all variables referenced in that statement to make sure they have the proper type. If an error produced by the compiler seems particularly incomprehensible, and the compiler reported another error at an earlier point in the same file, try fixing the earlier error and recompiling; many times, this will remove the source of an "error cascade", and thus the "incomprehensible" error. Too many ENDs are not detected by the compiler; it simply stops compiling when it sees an END which does not match any unclosed block. The compiler gives error 100 to SDOS if any errors were diagnosed. This may be used in DO file to automate fetching of the editor. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 124 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC PASS II When an error free compilation occurs, then you are ready for pass II. This consists of assembling the compiler output using the Software Dynamics Assembler. If the compiler issues any messages (other than Compilation Complete), performing an assembly is useless and any errors resulting are meaningless. The output of the compiler contains END and ORG statements. These statements are in textual form in the output and are assembler directives. They are related to, but not the same as, the BASIC statements END, DATA ORIGIN, and PROGRAM ORIGIN. In this section, the words "END" and "ORG" refer only to the assembler directive statements END and ORG. If there are some assembly language subroutines, they should be included just prior to the END statement in the compiler's output. This can be done with an Editor, or by use of an INCLUDE command to the SD Assembler. The ORG statement produced by the compiler defaults the BASIC program to location $2E00 for 6800, and $2A00 for the 6809. This can be changed (via PROGRAM ORIGIN or DATA ORIGIN statements) to anywhere desired in the computer provided you leave room at the bottom of memory for the runtime package (11K). The first instruction in a BASIC program is a "JSR $100"; if the program is assembled somewhere other than the standard location, it must be started by transferring control to this JSR. Assembly time errors can occur in the form of "Undefined Symbol". The form of the undefined symbol is the key to the problem. A symbol of the form :dddd where d's are digits means a GOTO (GOSUB, ON, etc.) target line number is not defined in the program. A symbol of the form E:xxxx means an EXIT label statement has been used, but label xxxx is not the label of a block-type statement. A symbol of the form xxxx (alphanumeric) means a GOTO (label) xxxx is used, but label xxxx is not defined in the program, or that a scalar variable xxxx is referenced, but has never had its value set (via READ, INPUT, or LET). Copyright (C) 1977 SD 125 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC An error of the form ?Data space overlaps Program Space? Or ?Program Space Overlaps Data Space? Indicates that DATA or PROGRAM origin statements have been used, but not enough space for the data area was taken into account. An error of the form ?Too Many Scalar Variables? Indicates that a BASIC program has used over 320 scalar variables. The number of scalars will have to be reduced, or the program will have to be broken into several parts with separately compiled functions or subroutines. Other assembly time errors occur only if the compiler output file is damaged, the computer hardware is failing, or an included assembly subroutine has errors. PROGRAM EXECUTION A successful assembly means you are ready to run the program. Simply load both the runtime package object and the program object (from the assembler) and start it at the PROGRAM ORIGIN (if you had no PROGRAM ORIGIN statement, start it at the assembly default location). On most SDOS systems, the runtime package and the SDOS command interpreter are placed in DEFAULTPROGRAM; in this case, all that is necessary to load and execute the compiled program is to type its name (the assembler will have set the start address to the proper value already). Otherwise, execution of a BASIC program under SDOS is accomplished by typing RUN PROGRAMNAME where RUN is the name of the runtime package. If your program is too big, SDOS will complain when it is loaded. Runtime errors are printed out as Line xxxxx Text of error message where xxxxx is the last line (number) encountered before the executing the line in which the error occurred. If line 50 invokes a user defined function which errors, the error displayed will show line 50 errored because of error propagation. A table of error codes detected by BASIC is given in the section on Runtime Error messages. Errors detected by SDOS can be found in the SDOS manual. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 126 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC Line numbers are printed as Line ddddd if a numeric line number was used. If a line label was used, the line "number" is printed as Line :xxxx where xxxx is the address of the line label in the computer's memory. The label name can be determined by examining the symbol table dump produced by the assembler. A program to automate inspecting the symbol table is easily written (See FINDLABEL below). The program can be stopped by the operator by simply pressing the "ESC" key; the message "Operator Requested Attention" will occur the next time the program executes a line number, label, or subroutine call. Note: if error trapping is enabled, an ESC will only activate the error handling part of the BASIC program. When the program asks for input, remember to separate all typed-in numbers by commas, spaces, or tabs, and to push the key when done with the input line. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 127 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC FIX, COMPILE and FINDLABEL COMPILE is a SDOS utility program that automates the compilation and assembly steps, by creating an SDOS DO file and "DO"ing it. To use COMPILE, type COMPILE or COMPILE . COMPILE will do the rest. FIX is a utility program that lets one edit a BASIC program, and then automatically invokes COMPILE. Typing FIX or FIX start FIX. FIX will invoke SEDIT if SEDIT is present on the default device, otherwise it will invoke EDIT. After exiting the editor, COMPILE will be started automatically. If COMPILE detects an error (either in the compilation or assembly step), it will automatically invoke FIX, so that the operator may re-edit and try the compilation again (it is convenient to type ^P to SDOS after typing COMPILE to ensure that any displayed errors do not roll off a CRT screen before they are noted by the programmer). COMPILE will also help when constructing a BASIC program that calls an assembly language module. COMPILE WITH will cause "filename" to be compiled; filename2 (which should contain the source of the assembly language routines) is appended to the compiler output (before the END statement) before the assembler is called. FIX WITH allows filename to be edited before COMPILE ... WITH ... is invoked. FINDLABEL is a utility program to hunt through a symbol table file (generated by the assembler from a BASIC compilation) for the name of a label printed by the runtime package as :xxxx. The program is invoked by typing FINDLABEL xxxx. It will look through ASMLOG.TMP if present; otherwise, it will ask for the name of the symbol table file. All labels with the value xxxx are shown. If no labels are shown, suspect that xxxx was mistyped, or the symbol table file used did not match the program in error. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 128 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC PROGRAM DEBUGGING AIDS SD BASIC provides some program debugging aids. The programmer can activate line number trace, single line step, or set a line number breakpoint (currently, no facility exists to examine variable contents, other than PRINT statements coded into the BASIC program itself). The SDOS I/O package defines the mechanism used to request these operations; normally, ^T (control T) is used to toggle trace mode, ^V to cause single step, ^B to request a breakpoint, and ^G to continue at full speed. Typing ^B (at any time) on the operator's console, causes the runtime package to print: Break on Line? The operator enters a line number ddddd and pushes . An illegal type-in causes re-prompt. To set a breakpoint on a label, the operator must enter the address of the label as :xxxx. This address can be obtained from the symbol table dump generated by the Assembler. A type-in of zero removes a previously set breakpoint; any other value replaces the previous breakpoint line number. The runtime package automatically continues execution at full speed, until the specified line number is reached, and then prints: Line ddddd (or Line :xxxx) where ddddd (or :xxxx) is the specified line number. The runtime package now waits for the operator to request a new breakpoint, single step, trace, or go. Breakpointing can also be performed on subroutine and function entry points. Only one breakpoint is allowed at any time. Typing ^V (at any time) causes the runtime package to enter single step mode. It executes the current line, and prints out the next line's number in the form: Line ddddd (or Line :xxxx) and waits for the operator to request a breakpoint, another single step, trace, or go. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 129 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC Typing ^T (at any time) will cause the runtime package to enter line number trace mode, if not already in trace mode; otherwise, ^T causes the runtime package to exit trace mode. In trace mode, the runtime package prints out the line number of each line just before executing that line; then it will continue automatically. Calls to functions and subroutines are traced. Note that lines without linenumbers or labels cannot be traced. Typing ^G is only valid in response to a single step or breakpoint display. This causes the runtime package to continue execution at full speed; any breakpoint which has been set is still active. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 130 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC DEBUGGING A COMPILED BASIC PROGRAM This section contains several tips on how to debug a compiled program. Tracing and breakpointing are really very useful features; they should be used. Extra line numbers/labels should be placed in a program, especially at critical or complex calculations, so that the line number traced to or reported before an error more specifically pinpoints the problem. Installing extra print statements in a program is also useful. A convenient way to do this is to write IF DEBUGGING THEN PRINT debugginginformation and to have a command, that when given to the program, sets DEBUGGING=TRUE. The debugging statements can be REM'ed out for a production compile if space is critical. If a floating point number is printed out which contains any of the following characters: : ; < = > ? where one would expect digits, the program probably printed the value of a variable which was never assigned a value. Many string subscripting errors are caused by confusion over the current LENgth of a string, and the MAXLENgth of a string. Any time a substring is specified, the string being subscripted must have a current LENgth large enough to accommodate the string bounds. MAXLEN only places a ceiling on the largest value of current LENgth; it has nothing to do with subscript checking. A string's current LENgth is set only by assignment (LET, READ or INPUT) into the name of the string, or by a LET LEN(stringname$)= statement. Assignment to a substring does NOT change the current LENgth of the string. The compiler initially zeros the current LENgth of DIM'd strings in order to make failure to set the string length more apparent. An "error" of the form Line xxxxx With no error message is really only a STOP statement terminating the program's execution. If xxxxx is a hexadecimal number, it is possible that control has reached the END of a SUBROUTINE or function without executing a RETURN SUBROUTINE or RETURN statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 131 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC It is very unusual for a compiled BASIC program to cause the computer to "crash". One of the possibilities is Stack Overflow. It is possible for a BASIC program to overflow the computer's pushdown-stack by performing too many GOSUBs, subroutine or function calls, or by having a statement of enormous complexity. Since this problem is extremely rare, and stack limit checks are extremely expensive (in terms of overhead), no stack limit checks are performed. A program with this problem will generally just "crash" the computer, or act absolutely insane. The only cure is to add more memory to the CPU or to move the BASIC program lower in memory. Another obscure possibility is that the program performs an assignment to a parameter variable, outside of the subroutine or function body that declared that variable. This reference is absolutely illegal! (but the compiler cannot detect it). Because parameters are call-by-reference, such an assignment causes BASIC to store the assigned value at wherever the parameter variable currently happens to point, which might be garbage. Messages such as "SDOS self-test checksum error" or "RTP self-test checksum error" are also indications of this problem. A third possibility is execution of RETURN SUBROUTINE in a function or RETURN in a SUBROUTINE. Passing a string as a argument to a subroutine or function which expects a numeric argument (in general, passing the wrong type of argument) can also cause some very strange effects. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 132 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC SEPARATE COMPILATION This revision of SD BASIC allows a program to be textually broken into several parts. The pieces may be separately compiled, and combined later. This facility is limited in its capability. A program can be divided into 3 kinds of components: the main program (the traditional BASIC program), external subroutines and external functions. Program components may refer to external subroutines or functions by declaring the target to be EXTERNAL (see DEF and SUBROUTINE statements). A main program is distinguished by the absence of a DEF (function) or a SUBROUTINE declaration as its first line (ignoring REMarks, INCLUDE, PROGRAM or DATA ORIGIN). Typically, a main program has a DIM statement before any function or SUBROUTINE declarations (a program that has no DIMs and starts with a DEF or SUBROUTINE declaration will be interpreted as a separately compiled module). A CONCATENATION BUFFER SIZE statement marks a program component as a main program. A separately compiled function must have a function declaration as its first source line (not counting REM, INCLUDE, PROGRAM or DATA ORIGIN). The END statement that matches the function definition signifies the end of the program text (multiple separately compiled functions may not be placed in a single text file). Likewise, a separately compiled SUBROUTINE must have its declaration as the first source line. Each component (except the main program) must have a PROGRAM ORIGIN statement to ensure that none of the compiled component objects overlap (note: the data space at the end of the program component must be taken into account!). Typically, the main program does not need a PROGRAM ORIGIN statement. Since the data space for each component is allocated in one contiguous block (whether marked as COMMON or DIM), COMMON space must have enough room for the maximum data space required by all components containing a COMMON statement. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 133 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XII: USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC The compilation of each component is performed using the compiler as described in PASS I. When in PASS II, a set of directives must be given to the assembler, with one EQU for each separately compiled function or SUBROUTINE. Each EQU gives the name of the external subroutine or function, and the address specified in the corresponding PROGRAM ORIGIN statement. This provides a primitive linking facility. After all modules are compiled (and assembled) error-free, then the object modules are combined using SDOSSYSGEN (for operation details, see the SDOS manual). The correct start address must be specified. Example: REM MAIN PROGRAM DEF ARF(X) EXTERNAL INPUT "VALUE to ARF?" Q PRINT ARF(Q) EXIT END The following is in a separate file: PROGRAM ORIGIN :4000 DEF ARF(Z) RETURN SQR(Z) END An equate needs to be supplied when the main program is being assembled: .ASM... Source File = ... Listing File = ... Object File = ... >ARF EQU $4000 AS PER PROGRAM ORIGIN > Since ARF invokes no EXTERNAL modules, it may be compiled without giving special attention to the assembly step. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 134 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XIII: MOVING BASIC 1.4 TO SYSTEMS OTHER THAN SDOS MOVING BASIC 1.4 TO SYSTEMS OTHER THAN SDOS Due to the relatively simple structure of SDOS I/O calls, it is possible to move BASIC 1.4 to operating systems other than SDOS. Conceptually, the procedure is very simple: an SDOS simulator for that system needs to be constructed. Details on how the individual system calls operate can be found in the SDOS manual. Syscalls needing implementation are SYSCALL:OPEN, :CLOSE, :CREATE, :DELETE, :RENAME, :READA, :READB, :WRITEA, :WRITEB, :CHAIN, :EXIT, :DEBUG, :ERROREXIT, and SYSCALL:STATUS for SC:GETCOL. Since the syscall structure is regular and simple, most of the work will be invested in using the target OS facilities to simulate byte-addressable files. To use the runtime package in a stand-alone environment, only as much of the SDOS simulator as will be used, need be coded; a simple simulator that supports only CRT I/O should occupy only a few hundred bytes. The runtime package and the compiler are pure code and can run in an environment with interrupts enabled, providing the simulator package supplies enough room in the machine stack for interrupts. Neither the compiler nor runtime package touch the "I" bit in the processor's status byte. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 135 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XIV: CONVERTING ANOTHER BASIC PROGRAM TO SD BASIC CONVERTING ANOTHER BASIC PROGRAM TO SD BASIC Programs can usually be converted from other BASIC systems without too much trouble. An 8 page CHESS program for an 8080 BASIC was converted to SD BASIC in about 6 hours, of which 2 were spent typing in the program. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PROPOSED MINIMAL ANSII STANDARD AND SD BASIC 1) Multicharacter variable names. 2) No OPTION statement. All arrays and vectors have a lower bound of zero (strings have a lower bound of one). 3) Control flow is not necessarily in line number order. 4) No READ/ RESTORE/ DATA capability. A data initialization facility is provided instead. Program transportablilty from SD BASIC to ANSI BASIC is only impaired if long names, string operations, block structure or file I/O statements are used significantly. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 136 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS This section details space and speed estimates for SD BASIC. The values given are only approximate and can vary from program to program. SIZE OF VARIABLES Each numeric variable occupies 6 bytes. Vectors and arrays occupy about 6 times their dimensioned size (in bytes). String variables use about as many bytes as their maximum dimension. Variable space can be reduced by clever use of Uniform Reference procedures. PROGRAM SIZE The compiled program uses approximately 30% as many bytes as the source text for the program. The length of variable names has no effect on the resulting program size, so feel free to use readable names. We estimate about 15 bytes of code for each line of a long, complex BASIC program is normal. RUNTIME PACKAGE SIZE The runtime package occupies about 11K bytes, from location zero up. Note: this does not include the operating system package! Do not place any BASIC programs below $2E00. COMPILER SIZE The BASIC compiler needs 20K to perform a compilation. It will use more memory as needed, if available. In 20K, one can compile about a 4 page BASIC program. MAXIMUM BASIC PROGRAM SIZE With 11Kb runtime package and 32Kb user space (not counting SDOS), you should be able to build a 1400 line BASIC program (about 20 pages of source). COMPILE TIME The BASIC Compiler, including Pass I and II, processed about twenty (20) source lines/second. The Benchmark Program included here took 78 seconds to compile 146 lines (using the COMPILE command) on a 2mHz 6800 with hard disk. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 137 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS EXECUTION TIME SD BASIC automatically uses 16 bit positive binary integers (internally) whenever possible instead of floating point numbers. This effects a significant savings at execution time when doing FOR-NEXT loops and subscripting, which comprise the bulk of BASIC programs. A comparison with conventional BASICs indicates that a program dealing primarily with integers (array subscripts, FOR/NEXT loop indices, etc.) can run some 2-10 times faster on SD BASIC. Compute bound programs doing really ugly arithmetic should be some 3 to 5 times faster. I/O bound programs can actually run faster on SD BASIC since there is no interpretive overhead (all the time is spent computing or doing I/O!). The following is a benchmark performance program and the results of that benchmark. Note the care taken to separate the times for the operation under test from the overhead of the test itself. Also note that disk I/O times will vary considerably depending on the technology of the disk drive and its controller. The 6800 test was run under SDOS 1.1g with a cartridge disk and a 30Hz clock interrupt on a 2MHz 6800. The 6809 test was run under SDOS 1.1g with a Winchester disk and a 60Hz clock interrupt on a 2mHz 6809. The 6809 is about 25% faster than the 6800 for compute-bound activities. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 138 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Basic 1.4 Benchmark 04/11/83 File to be used for test: junk.tmp CPU chip and Clock rate: 2MHz 6800, RTP14k on SDOS11g/SU with Cartridge disk Time for Integer NEXT is 92 Microseconds Time for Short Integer FOR-NEXT is 193 Microseconds Time for Floating NEXT is 587 Microseconds Time for Load and store Scalar variable is 113 Microseconds Time for Assign Floating to Scalar variable is 165 Microseconds Time for Assignment to Vector slot is 260 Microseconds Time for Assignment to Array slot is 434 Microseconds Time for Gosub/Return is 142 Microseconds Time for Call/Return Subroutine with 1 argument is 830 Microseconds Time for Integer Fetch and Add/Subtract/Logicalop is 116 Microseconds Time for Integer Multiply is 232 Microseconds Time for Floating Add Variable is 359 Microseconds Time for Floating Subtract Variable is 390 Microseconds Time for Floating Multiply by Variable is 2035 Microseconds Time for Floating Divide by Variable is 4695 Microseconds Time for Cosine is 34649 Microseconds Time for Small string Copy (5 bytes) is 439 Microseconds Time for Big string Copy (100 bytes) is 1603 Microseconds Time for Extend file and Write of 100 Byte Record is 37572 Microseconds Time for Write 100 Byte Record is 44605 Microseconds Time for Sequential Read of 100 Byte Record is 21505 Microseconds Time for Random Read of 100 Byte Record is 96539 Microseconds End of Benchmark Test Copyright (C) 1977 SD 139 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Basic 1.4 Benchmark 04/12/83 File to be used for test: junk.tmp CPU chip and Clock rate: 2MHz 6809, RTP14i with SDOS11g/SU and 5" Winchester Time for Integer NEXT is 75 Microseconds Time for Short Integer FOR-NEXT is 155 Microseconds Time for Floating NEXT is 502 Microseconds Time for Load and store Scalar variable is 102 Microseconds Time for Assign Floating to Scalar variable is 142 Microseconds Time for Assignment to Vector slot is 204 Microseconds Time for Assignment to Array slot is 317 Microseconds Time for Gosub/Return is 108 Microseconds Time for Call/Return Subroutine with 1 argument is 706 Microseconds Time for Integer Fetch and Add/Subtract/Logicalop is 74 Microseconds Time for Integer Multiply is 131 Microseconds Time for Floating Add Variable is 323 Microseconds Time for Floating Subtract Variable is 364 Microseconds Time for Floating Multiply by Variable is 1554 Microseconds Time for Floating Divide by Variable is 3264 Microseconds Time for Cosine is 25073 Microseconds Time for Small string Copy (5 bytes) is 278 Microseconds Time for Big string Copy (100 bytes) is 705 Microseconds Time for Extend file and Write of 100 Byte Record is 16629 Microseconds Time for Write 100 Byte Record is 16112 Microseconds Time for Sequential Read of 100 Byte Record is 9896 Microseconds Time for Random Read of 100 Byte Record is 96262 Microseconds End of Benchmark Test Copyright (C) 1977 SD 140 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS REM BENCHMARK TEST FOR BASIC 1.4 Dim File/1/,File$(50),Clock/2/ Dim Vector[100],Array[2,50] Dim BigSource$[100],BigTarget$[100] Def CurrentTime Rem Return current time in seconds since midnite Dim SixBytes$(6) Read #Clock,SixBytes$ Return ((SixBytes$[1]**8+Sixbytes$[2])*256+SixBytes$[3])/60 End Subroutine DisplayTime(TestName$,IterationCount,OverheadTimeperIteration) TimeperIteration=(CurrentTime-StartTime)/IterationCount-... & OverheadTimeperIteration Print "Time for ";TestName$;" is";... & Int(TimeperIteration*1e6+.5);"Microseconds" Return Subroutine End Print "Basic 1.4 Benchmark ";Date$ Open #Clock,"Clock:" Input "File to be used for test: " File$ Create #File,File$ Input "CPU chip and Clock rate: " File$ StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 50000\Next K DisplayTime("Integer NEXT",50000,0) IntegerLoopoverhead=TimeperIteration StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 10000\For J=1 to 5\Next J\Next K DisplayTime("Short Integer FOR-NEXT",50000,0) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1.1 to 10000.1\Next K DisplayTime("Floating NEXT",10000,0) FloatingLoopOverhead=TimeperIteration StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 50000\Scalar=K\Next K DisplayTime("Load and store Scalar variable",... & 50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) ScalarLoadStoreOverhead=TimeperIteration StartTime=CurrentTime FloatingVariable=PI For K=1 to 50000\Scalar=FloatingVariable\Next K DisplayTime("Assign Floating to Scalar variable",... & 50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) FloatingLoadStoreOverhead=TimeperIteration Copyright (C) 1977 SD 141 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 500\For J=1 to 100\Vector(J)=K\Next J\Next K DisplayTime("Assignment to Vector slot",50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 1000\For J=1 to 50\Array(2,J)=K\Next J\Next K DisplayTime("Assignment to Array slot",50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 50000\Gosub ToPlaceThatReturns\Next K DisplayTime("Gosub/Return",50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 50000\Call OneArgumentSubroutine(K)\Next K DisplayTime("Call/Return Subroutine with 1 argument",50000,... & IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 50000\Scalar=K+752\Next K DisplayTime("Integer Fetch and Add/Subtract/Logicalop",50000,... & ScalarLoadStoreOverhead+IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 516\For J=1 to 127\Scalar=K*J\Next J\Next K DisplayTime("Integer Multiply",516*127,... & ScalarLoadStoreOverhead+IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1.0 to 10000.0\Scalar=K+FloatingVariable\Next K DisplayTime("Floating Add Variable",10000,... & FloatingLoadStoreOverhead+FloatingLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime Let Midpoint=10000/2+PI For K=1.0 to 10000.0\Scalar=K-Midpoint\Next K DisplayTime("Floating Subtract Variable",10000,... & FloatingLoadStoreOverhead+FlOatingLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1.0 to 10000.0\Scalar=K*FloatingVariable\Next K DisplayTime("Floating Multiply by Variable",10000,... & FloatingLoadStoreOverhead+FloatingLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1.0 to 10000.0\Scalar=K/FloatingVariable\Next K DisplayTime("Floating Divide by Variable",10000,... & FloatingLoadStoreOverhead+FloatingLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1.0 to 1000.0\Scalar=COS(K)\Next K DisplayTime("Cosine",1000,... & FloatingLoadStoreoverhead+FloatingLoopOverhead) Copyright (C) 1977 SD 142 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XV: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS StartTime=CurrentTime Let Len(BigSource$)=5 For K=1 to 50000\BigTarget$=BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Small string Copy (5 bytes)",50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime Let Len(BigSource$)=100 For K=1 to 50000\BigTarget$=BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Big string Copy (100 bytes)",50000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 1000\Write #File,BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Extend file and Write of 100 Byte Record",... & 1000,IntegerLoopOverhead) Position #File,0 StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 1000\Write #File,BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Write 100 Byte Record",... & 1000,IntegerLoopOverhead) Position #File,0 StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 1000\Read #File,BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Sequential Read of 100 Byte Record",... & 1000,IntegerLoopOverhead) StartTime=CurrentTime For K=1 to 1000\Read #File@100*INT(RND*1000),BigSource$\Next K DisplayTime("Random Read of 100 Byte Record",... & 1000,IntegerLoopOverhead) Print "End of Benchmark Test" Exit ToPlaceThatReturns: Return \ ! For Gosub test Subroutine OneArgumentSubroutine(TheOnlyArgment) Return Subroutine END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 143 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS SAMPLE PROGRAMS THE GAME OF LIFE This program was originally designed as a bacterial growth simulation, but its properties as a digital kaleidoscope made it extremely popular among computer buffs. The program displays a "world" (think of a square Petri dish) of periods and asterisks on a screen (this program is not recommended for hardcopy terminals). When asked "WHAT NEXT?", the operator may add new life units (asterisks) by entering a row, column specification; he may run the simulation for several cycles by typing only a single number, or he may stop the program by typing "STOP". Typing "D" will cause the current world to be displayed. Simply pressing will cause a display of the next generation. Typing OUT filename will cause the output to be directed to another file; hardcopy can be obtained on a line printer. This program uses many features of SD BASIC. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 144 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS REM ***** LIFE ***** REM SIMULATES "LIFE" AS DEFINED BY THE MATHEMATICIAN JOHN CONWAY REM COMMANDS: REM STOP MEANS WHAT IT SAYS REM D MEANS "DISPLAY THE WORLD" REM OUT file SAYS PRINT GENERATIONS ON THE SPECIFIED FILE REM COMPUTE NEXT GENERATION AND DISPLAY REM number MEANS COMPUTE NEXT GENERATION number TIMES AND DISPLAY REM row,col INVERTS WHETHER THERE IS LIFE IN WORLD(row,col) DIM WORLD(21,21),WORLDCOPY(21,21) DIM DEATH/0/,LIFE/1/ REM EDGES OF THE WORLD ALWAYS CONTAIN "DEATH" REM I.E., ROW 0, COLUMN 0, LAST ROW AND LAST COLUMN DIM GENERATIONNUMBER/0/ DIM OUT/0/,DISPLAY$/".*"/ DIM LINE$(80) LETTHEREBELIGHT: REM INITIALLY, MAKE EVERYTHING DEAD FOR I=0 TO ROWS(WORLD) FOR J=0 TO COLUMNS(WORLD) LET WORLD(I,J)=DEATH LET WORLDCOPY(I,J)=DEATH \ ! THIS MARKS EDGES AS "DEAD" NEXT J NEXT I ASKFORWORK: INPUT "WHAT NEXT? " LINE$ IF LINE$="" THEN GOSUB DOGENERATION\GOSUB DISPLAYGENERATION\GOTO ASKFORWORK IF UPPERCASE$(LINE$)="STOP" THEN EXIT IF UPPERCASE$(LINE$)="D" THEN GOSUB DISPLAYGENERATION\GOTO ASKFORWORK IF FIND(UPPERCASE$(LINE$),"OUT ") THEN LET LINE$=RIGHT$(LINE$,5) IF ERROR WHEN CLOSE #1 THEN REM WHO CARES? LET OUT=1 CREATE #1,LINE$ GOTO ASKFORWORK FI IF FIND(LINE$,",") THEN IF ERROR WHEN LET I=VAL(LINE$) LET J=VAL(RIGHT$(LINE$,FIND(LINE$,",")+1)) LET WORLD(I,J)=NOT WORLD(I,J) THEN PRINT "Illegal coordinates" GENERATIONNUMBER=0 GOTO ASKFORWORK FI Copyright (C) 1977 SD 145 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS IF ERROR WHEN COUNT=VAL(LINE$) THEN PRINT "Bad generation count"\GOTO ASKFORWORK FOR COUNT=1 TO COUNT DO GOSUB DOGENERATION GOSUB DISPLAYGENERATION GOTO ASKFORWORK DOGENERATION: REM DO SIMULATION TO COMPUTE NEXT GENERATION 10010 REM FIRST, COPY THE WORLD FOR I=1 TO ROWS(WORLD)-1 FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(WORLD)-1 WORLDCOPY(I,J)=WORLD(I,J) END END 10020 REM NOW PERFORM GUTS OF SIMULATION FOR I=1 TO ROWS(WORLD)-1 FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(WORLD)-1 REM COMPUTE NUMBER OF NEIGHBORS THAT WORLD(I,J) HAS REM 0,1 NEIGHBORS --> WORLD(I,J) DIES OF LONELINESS REM 2 NEIGHBORS --> THIS WORLD(I,J) SURVIVES UNCHANGED REM 3 NEIGHBORS --> WORLD(I,J) GROWS A LIFE UNIT REM > 4 NEIGHBORS --> WORLD(I,J) DIES OF OVERCROWDING ON WORLDCOPY(I-1,J-1)+WORLDCOPY(I-1,J)+WORLDCOPY(I-1,J+1)... & +WORLDCOPY(I,J-1)+WORLDCOPY(I,J+1)... & +WORLDCOPY(I+1,J-1)+WORLDCOPY(I+1,J)+WORLDCOPY(I+1,J+1)... & GOTO DIE,SURVIVE,GROW DIE: WORLD(I,J)=DEATH CYCLE J GROW: WORLD(I,J)=LIFE SURVIVE: REM WORLD(I,J) DOESN'T CHANGE NEXT J NEXT I GENERATIONNUMBER=GENERATIONNUMBER+1 RETURN DISPLAYGENERATION: REM PRINT OUT WORLD PRINT #OUT, USING "GENERATION NUMBER: #####", GENERATIONNUMBER PRINT #OUT," "; FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(WORLD)-1 DO PRINT #OUT, USING " ##",J; PRINT #OUT PRINT #OUT FOR I=1 TO ROWS(WORLD)-1 PRINT #OUT, USING "## ",I; FOR J=1 TO COLUMNS(WORLD)-1 PRINT #OUT,DISPLAY$[WORLD(I,J)+1,1];" "; NEXT J PRINT #OUT NEXT I RETURN END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 146 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS PHONEBOOK EXAMPLE PROGRAM The following program uses many of the enhancements in SD BASIC to implement a "digital" telephone directory. It manages a database containing records that hold a person's name, title, company association, address and phone number. The program allows the operator to locate a phone number (or address) by looking up the name of the desired person, or the name of the desired company. Partial name specifications may be used if the operator does not know the complete name. Information about a person may be deleted or changed if necessary. Commands are given to the program by typing a keyword (like FIND) followed by the desired name. The type of name required is displayed in < >s by the HELP command (i.e., filenames, person names or company names might be specified, depending on the command). Operation of the program should be self-explanatory. The program stores only one kind of record, which has several fields (see REM PERSONRECORD below). The information fields of the record are stored as zero-padded strings so that each record is fixed size. Two special fields in each record allow that record to point to 1) another record containing an identical PERSONNAME$ field or 2) another record containing an identical PERSONCOMPANY$ field. Subroutines to read and write the entire record are used to make the rest of the program clear. The program uses the keyed file package to allow associative storage and/or retrieval of a record by person's name or company name. The records and the key indexes are both stored in the same file. Since the key package does not allow duplicate keys, the program chains records containing identical keys together using a pointer. Each record is indexed on 2 fields: the PERSONNAME$ field and the PERSONCOMPANY$ field. The function FINDANDDISPLAYPERSON shows how an associative lookup is performed using the key package and the "SAMELINK"s. The subroutines ADDRECORD and DELETERECORD add a new record/delete an existing record from both indexes, and adjust the SAMELINKs accordingly. The function KEYREPLACE is used when adding a new record to the head of a chain of SAMELINKs. The subroutines PAD, MODIFY and TRUNCATE all take advantage of the Call-by-reference parameter passing scheme to modify arguments. They are worth examining carefully. The most straightforward top-level routine is DELETE1 (the word DELETE was the desired one, but it is a BASIC keyword and so could not be used). The other routines should be easy to understand once DELETE1 is understood. The LOAD and DUMP routines are useful in any application of this sort, to provide for a backup facility, and to allow one to dump the database, so that changes in the database can be made by modifying the program and reLOADing it. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 147 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS REM "PHONEBOOK" PROGRAM REM KEEPS TRACK OF PEOPLE, THEIR ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER,... REM AND THE COMPANY FOR WHICH THEY WORK. REM USES KEY PACKAGE TO INDEX ON PEOPLE AND COMPANY NAMES. DIM CLEARSCREEN$/:C/,BACKSPACE$/:8/ DIM COMMAND$(80),PERSONKEY$(80)/""/ REM PERSONRECORD DIM PERSONNAMESAMELINK/0/,PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK/0/ DIM PERSONNAME$(25),PERSONTITLE$(20) DIM PERSONCOMPANY$(20),PERSONSTREET$(25) DIM PERSONCITY$(20),PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$(20),PERSONZIP$(9) DIM PERSONPHONE$(15) INCLUDE "KEY.BAS" SUBROUTINE READPERSONRECORD READ #1@PERSONRECORD,PERSONNAMESAMELINK,PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK,... & PERSONNAME$,PERSONTITLE$,... & PERSONCOMPANY$,PERSONSTREET$,... & PERSONCITY$,PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$,PERSONZIP$,... & PERSONPHONE$ RETURN SUBROUTINE END SUBROUTINE PAD(PAD$) FOR PADINDEX=LEN(PAD$)+1 TO MAXLEN(PAD$) DO PAD$[PADINDEX]=0 LET LEN(PAD$)=MAXLEN(PAD$) RETURN SUBROUTINE END SUBROUTINE WRITEPERSONRECORD PAD(PERSONNAME$) PAD(PERSONTITLE$) PAD(PERSONCOMPANY$) PAD(PERSONSTREET$) PAD(PERSONCITY$) PAD(PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$) PAD(PERSONZIP$) PAD(PERSONPHONE$) WRITE #1@PERSONRECORD,PERSONNAMESAMELINK,PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK,... & PERSONNAME$,PERSONTITLE$,... & PERSONCOMPANY$,PERSONSTREET$,... & PERSONCITY$,PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$,PERSONZIP$,... & PERSONPHONE$ RETURN SUBROUTINE END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 148 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS SUBROUTINE PRINTPERSONRECORD(WHERE) PRINT #WHERE,PERSONNAME$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONTITLE$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONCOMPANY$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONSTREET$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONCITY$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONZIP$ PRINT #WHERE,PERSONPHONE$ PRINT #WHERE RETURN SUBROUTINE END DEF FINDANDDISPLAYPERSON REM THIS FUNCTION RETURNS FALSE IF "PERSONKEY$" CANNOT BE FOUND REM ELSE RETURNS TRUE AFTER DISPLAYING RECORD ABOUT PERSON IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEY(1,1,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1075 THEN NOSUCHPERSON ELSE ERROR PRINT CLEARSCREEN$ READPERSONRECORD PRINTPERSONRECORD(0) RETURN TRUE NOSUCHPERSON: REM CAN'T FIND THE PERSON DESIRED, TRY KEYNEXT PERSONNAMESAMELINK=0 NEXTPERSON: REM TRY FOR NEXT PERSON IF PERSONNAMESAMELINK<>0 THEN REM MORE THAN ONE GUY WITH THE SAME NAME PERSONRECORD=PERSONNAMESAMELINK GOTO DISPLAYNEXTPERSON FI IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEYNEXT(1,1,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1001 THEN PRINT "CAN'T FIND PERSON SELECTED." PERSONRECORD=0\COMMAND$=""\RETURN FALSE ELSE ERROR Copyright (C) 1977 SD 149 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS DISPLAYNEXTPERSON: PRINT CLEARSCREEN$;"PERHAPS YOU MEANT: " PRINT READPERSONRECORD PRINTPERSONRECORD(0) INPUT 'ENTER "YES" OR "NO", MEANS "NEXT" ' COMMAND$ IF COMMAND$="" THEN NEXTPERSON ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="YES" THEN COMMAND$=""\RETURN TRUE ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="NO" THEN COMMAND$="" PERSONRECORD=0 RETURN FALSE ELSE PERSONRECORD=0\RETURN FALSE END SUBROUTINE ADDRECORD REM THIS SUBROUTINE ADDS A PERSON RECORD TO THE DATABASE REM BY INSERTING BOTH PERSONNAME$ AND PERSONCOMPANY$ AS KEYS REM IN KEY INDEXES 1 AND 2, RESPECTIVELY. REM IF A KEY ALREADY EXISTS, THE RECORD IS SIMPLY ADDED TO A CHAIN REM OF RECORDS THAT HAVE IDENTICAL KEYS. THIS WAY REM ALL PEOPLE IN THE SAME COMPANY ARE EASILY FOUND, AS REM ARE ALL PEOPLE WITH THE SAME NAME. PERSONNAMESAMELINK=0 \ REM ASSUME NO OTHER IDENTICAL NAMES PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK=0 \ REM ASSUME NO OTHER IDENTICAL COMPANIES LET PERSONRECORD=GETSPACE(1,221) REM ADD PERSON TO NAME INDEX IF ERROR WHEN KEYINSERT(1,1,PERSONNAME$,PERSONRECORD) THEN REM THAT NAME ALREADY EXISTS, PLACE PERSON RECORD ON CHAIN IF ERR=1076 THEN PERSONNAMESAMELINK=... & KEYREPLACE(1,1,PERSONNAME$,PERSONRECORD) ELSE ERROR FI REM ADD PERSON TO COMPANY INDEX IF ERROR WHEN KEYINSERT(1,2,PERSONCOMPANY$,PERSONRECORD) THEN REM THAT COMPANY ALREADY EXISTS, PLACE PERSON RECORD ON CHAIN IF ERR=1076 THEN PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK=... & KEYREPLACE(1,2,PERSONCOMPANY$,PERSONRECORD) ELSE ERROR FI WRITEPERSONRECORD RETURN SUBROUTINE END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 150 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS SUBROUTINE DELETERECORD REM DELETE THE FOUND RECORD REM THIS UNDOES WHAT ADDRECORD DOES. REM THIS MAY REQUIRE SIMPLE REMOVAL FROM A CHAIN REM IF THE CHAIN GETS EMPTY, THE KEY MUST BE DELETED! REM DELETE FROM NAME KEY CHAIN FIRST PERSONPREVIOUS=KEY(1,1,PERSONNAME$)\! ERROR CANNOT OCCUR HERE IF PERSONPREVIOUS=PERSONRECORD THEN REM THIS RECORD IS THE FIRST RECORD ON A NAME CHAIN IF PERSONNAMESAMELINK=0 THEN REM THIS RECORD IS ONLY RECORD WITH THIS PERSON NAME KEYDELETE(1,1,PERSONNAME$) \! POOF GOES THE NAME KEY ELSE REM THERE ARE OTHER RECORDS WITH THE SAME NAME REM REPLACE CHAIN HEAD WITH POINTER TO REST OF CHAIN PERSONRECORD=... & KEYREPLACE(1,1,PERSONNAME$,PERSONNAMESAMELINK) FI ELSE REM THIS RECORD IS SOMEWHERE ON A CHAIN... REM OF RECORDS WITH SAME NAME FINDPREVIOUSPERSON: REPEAT READ #1@PERSONPREVIOUS,PERSONNEXT IF PERSONNEXT=PERSONRECORD THEN EXIT FINDPREVIOUSPERSON PERSONPREVIOUS=PERSONNEXT END REM FOUND RECORD IN CHAIN WHOSE "NEXT" POINTER... REM SELECTS RECORD TO BE DELETED REM REMOVE THIS RECORD FROM THE CHAIN WRITE #1@PERSONPREVIOUS,PERSONNAMESAMELINK FI REM NOW DELETE FROM COMPANY KEY CHAIN COMPANYPREVIOUS=KEY(1,2,PERSONCOMPANY$)\! NO ERROR POSSIBLE IF COMPANYPREVIOUS=PERSONRECORD THEN REM THIS RECORD IS THE FIRST RECORD ON A COMPANY CHAIN IF PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK=0 THEN REM THIS RECORD IS THE ONLY RECORD WITH THIS COMPANY NAME KEYDELETE(1,2,PERSONCOMPANY$) \! POOF GOES THE NAME KEY ELSE REM THERE ARE OTHER RECORDS WITH THE SAME COMPANY NAME REM REPLACE CHAIN HEAD WITH POINTER TO REST OF CHAIN PERSONRECORD=... & KEYREPLACE(1,2,PERSONCOMPANY$,PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK) FI ELSE REM THIS RECORD IS SOMEWHERE ON A CHAIN... REM OF RECORDS OF SAME COMPANY Copyright (C) 1977 SD 151 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS FINDPREVIOUSCOMPANY: REPEAT READ #1@COMPANYPREVIOUS,PERSONNEXT,COMPANYNEXT IF COMPANYNEXT=PERSONRECORD THEN EXIT FINDPREVIOUSCOMPANY COMPANYPREVIOUS=COMPANYNEXT END REM FOUND RECORD IN CHAIN WHOSE "NEXT" POINTER... REM SELECTS RECORD TO BE DELETED REM REMOVE THIS RECORD FROM THE CHAIN WRITE #1@COMPANYPREVIOUS,PERSONNEXT,PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK FI RETURN SUBROUTINE END SUBROUTINE MODIFY(MODIFYTITLE$,MODIFYTARGET$) PRINT MODIFYTITLE$;MODIFYTARGET$; FOR MODIFYCOUNT=1 TO LEN(MODIFYTARGET$)... & UNTIL MODIFYTARGET$[MODIFYCOUNT]=0 DO PRINT BACKSPACE$; INPUT '' COMMAND$ IF COMMAND$="" THEN RETURN SUBROUTINE MODIFYTARGET$=UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$) RETURN SUBROUTINE END SUBROUTINE TRUNCATEBLANKS(STRINGTOBETRUNCATED$) FOR STRINGTOBETRUNCATEDINDEX=LEN(STRINGTOBETRUNCATED$) TO 1 STEP -1 ... & UNTIL STRINGTOBETRUNCATED$(STRINGTOBETRUNCATEDINDEX)<>:20 NEXT STRINGTOBETRUNCATEDINDEX LET LEN(STRINGTOBETRUNCATED$)=STRINGTOBETRUNCATEDINDEX RETURN SUBROUTINE END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 152 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS !**************************************** ! BEGIN MAIN PROGRAM !**************************************** BEGIN: PRINT "PHONEBOOK V1.0 (C) 1981 SOFTWARE DYNAMICS" LET COMMAND$="PHONEBOOK.DATA" OPENFILE: IF ERROR WHEN OPEN #1,COMMAND$ THEN IF ERR=1011 THEN PRINT "CAN'T FIND ";COMMAND$ PRINT "ENTER NAME OF PHONEBOOK FILE," PRINT 'ENTER THE WORD "CREATE" TO CREATE ';COMMAND$ INPUT "OR ENTER TO EXIT: " PERSONNAME$ IF PERSONNAME$="" THEN EXIT ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(PERSONNAME$)="CREATE" THEN CREATE #1,COMMAND$ KEYINIT(1,1,25,9) \ REM INITIALIZE "PERSON" INDEX KEYINIT(1,2,20,9) \ REM INITIALIZE "COMPANY" INDEX ELSE COMMAND$=PERSONNAME$\GOTO OPENFILE ELSE ERROR FI PRINTMENU: PRINT CLEARSCREEN$;"COMMANDS: " PRINT "DUMP -- DUMPS ENTIRE DATA BASE TO " PRINT "LOAD -- LOADS (OR ADDS) TO DATA BASE FROM " PRINT "FIND -- FIND A PARTICULAR PERSON" PRINT "NEXT -- FIND NEXT PERSON" PRINT "COMPANY -- LOCATE A COMPANY" PRINT "NPIC -- FIND NEXT PERSON IN SAME COMPANY" PRINT "FIX -- CHANGE INFORMATION ABOUT A PERSON" PRINT "ADD -- ADD A PERSON TO THE PHONEBOOK" PRINT "DELETE -- DELETE A PERSON FROM THE PHONEBOOK" PRINT "EXIT -- LEAVE THIS PROGRAM" PRINT "HELP -- PRINTS THIS MENU" PRINT " -- IMPLIED FIND ON " ASKCOMMAND: INPUT "OK> " COMMAND$ INSPECTCOMMAND: IF LEN(COMMAND$)=0 THEN ASKCOMMAND LET COMMAND$=UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$) IF FIND(COMMAND$,"DUMP ")=1 THEN DUMP IF FIND(COMMAND$,"LOAD ")=1 THEN LOAD IF FIND(COMMAND$,"FIND ")=1 THEN PERSONKEY$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,6)\GOTO FIND1 IF COMMAND$="NEXT" THEN FINDNEXTPERSON IF FIND(COMMAND$,"COMPANY ")=1 THEN COMPANY IF COMMAND$="NPIC" THEN NPIC IF FIND(COMMAND$,"FIX ")=1 THEN FIX IF FIND(COMMAND$,"ADD ")=1 THEN ADD IF FIND(COMMAND$,"DELETE ")=1 THEN DELETE1 Copyright (C) 1977 SD 153 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS IF COMMAND$="EXIT" THEN EXIT IF COMMAND$="HELP" THEN PRINTMENU OTHER: REM TRY TO FIND THE PERSON LET PERSONKEY$=COMMAND$ FIND1: IF FINDANDDISPLAYPERSON THEN ASKCOMMAND ELSE INSPECTCOMMAND DELETE1: LET PERSONKEY$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,8) IF NOT FINDANDDISPLAYPERSON THEN INSPECTCOMMAND DELETERECORD GOTO ASKCOMMAND ADD: REM ADD A NEW PERSON LET PERSONNAME$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,5) IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEY(1,1,PERSONNAME$) THEN REM THAT NAME ALREADY EXISTS! IF ERR=1076 THEN READPERSONRECORD PRINT "THAT NAME IS A DUPLICATE OF: " PRINTPERSONRECORD(0) INPUT 'ENTER COMMAND ( MEANS "ADD ANYWAY")' COMMAND$ IF COMMAND$<>"" THEN INSPECTCOMMAND FI FI INPUT "TITLE: " PERSONTITLE$ INPUT "COMPANY: " PERSONCOMPANY$ INPUT "STREET/SUITE: " PERSONSTREET$ INPUT "CITY: " PERSONCITY$ INPUT "STATE/COUNTRY: " PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$ INPUT "ZIP: " PERSONZIP$ INPUT "PHONE NUMBER: " PERSONPHONE$ LET PERSONCOMPANY$=UPPERCASE$(PERSONCOMPANY$) ADDRECORD GOTO ASKCOMMAND FIX: LET PERSONKEY$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,5) IF NOT FINDANDDISPLAYPERSON THEN INSPECTCOMMAND PRINT CLEARSCREEN$; DELETERECORD PRINT "TYPE TO LEAVE OLD VALUE ALONE" MODIFY("NAME: ",PERSONNAME$) MODIFY("TITLE: ",PERSONTITLE$) MODIFY("COMPANY: ",PERSONCOMPANY$) MODIFY("STREET/SUITE: ",PERSONSTREET$) MODIFY("CITY: ",PERSONCITY$) MODIFY("STATE/COUNTRY: ",PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$) MODIFY("ZIP: ",PERSONZIP$) MODIFY("PHONE NUMBER: ",PERSONPHONE$) ADDRECORD GOTO ASKCOMMAND Copyright (C) 1977 SD 154 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS FINDNEXTPERSON: IF PERSONRECORD=0 THEN PRINT "NOBODY SELECTED, CAN'T"\GOTO ASKCOMMAND IF PERSONNAMESAMELINK<>0 THEN REM MORE THAN ONE GUY WITH SAME NAME PERSONRECORD=PERSONNAMESAMELINK ELSE IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEYNEXT(1,1,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1001 THEN PERSONRECORD=0\PRINT "CAN'T"\GOTO ASKCOMMAND ELSE ERROR FI PRINT CLEARSCREEN$;"PERHAPS YOU MEANT: " PRINT READPERSONRECORD PRINTPERSONRECORD(0) INPUT 'ENTER "YES", "NO", FOR "NEXT" OR COMMAND: ' COMMAND$ IF LEN(COMMAND$)=0 THEN FINDNEXTPERSON ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="YES" THEN ASKCOMMAND ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="NO" THEN ASKCOMMAND ELSE INSPECTCOMMAND NPIC: REM FIND NEXT PERSON WITHIN COMPANY IF PERSONRECORD=0 THEN PRINT "NO COMPANY SELECTED"\GOTO ASKCOMMAND IF PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK<>0 THEN REM MORE THAN ONE GUY AT SAME COMPANY PERSONRECORD=PERSONCOMPANYSAMELINK GOTO COMPANYDISPLAY ELSE PRINT "NO MORE PEOPLE THERE..."\GOTO ASKCOMMAND COMPANY: LET PERSONKEY$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,9) IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEY(1,2,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1075 THEN NOSUCHCOMPANY ELSE ERROR COMPANYDISPLAY: PRINT CLEARSCREEN$; "PERHAPS YOU MEANT: " PRINT PERSONKEY$=PERSONNAME$ \ REM IN CASE "NEXT" IS INVOKED READPERSONRECORD PRINTPERSONRECORD(0) INPUT 'ENTER "YES","NO", FOR "NPIC" OR COMMAND: ' COMMAND$ IF LEN(COMMAND$)=0 THEN NPIC ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="YES" THEN ASKCOMMAND ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="NO" THEN ASKCOMMAND ELSE INSPECTCOMMAND Copyright (C) 1977 SD 155 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS NOSUCHCOMPANY: REM CAN'T FIND THE COMPANY DESIRED, TRY KEYNEXT PRINT CLEARSCREEN$;"CAN'T FIND COMPANY: ";PERSONKEY$ NEXTCOMPANY: REM TRY FOR NEXT COMPANY IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEYNEXT(1,2,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1001 THEN PRINT "CAN'T FIND SELECTED COMPANY." PERSONRECORD=0\GOTO ASKCOMMAND ELSE ERROR READPERSONRECORD PRINT "PERHAPS YOU MEANT: ";PERSONCOMPANY$ INPUT 'ENTER "YES" OR "NO"; MEANS "NEXT" ' COMMAND$ IF LEN(COMMAND$)=0 THEN NEXTCOMPANY ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="YES" THEN COMPANYDISPLAY ELSEIF UPPERCASE$(COMMAND$)="NO" THEN PERSONRECORD=0 GOTO ASKCOMMAND ELSE PERSONRECORD=0\GOTO INSPECTCOMMAND LOAD: REM LOAD CONTENTS OF SEQUENTIAL FILE INTO PHONEBOOK LET COMMAND$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,6) OPEN #2,COMMAND$ PRINT "LOADING ";COMMAND$ LOADLOOP: INPUT #2,PERSONNAME$ IF EOF(2) THEN CLOSE #2\GOTO ASKCOMMAND IF PERSONNAME$="" THEN LOADLOOP TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONNAME$) INPUT #2,PERSONTITLE$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONTITLE$) INPUT #2,PERSONCOMPANY$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONCOMPANY$) INPUT #2,PERSONSTREET$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONSTREET$) INPUT #2,PERSONCITY$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONCITY$) INPUT #2,PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONSTATECOUNTRY$) INPUT #2,PERSONZIP$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONZIP$) INPUT #2,PERSONPHONE$ TRUNCATEBLANKS(PERSONPHONE$) PRINT PERSONNAME$ ADDRECORD GOTO LOADLOOP Copyright (C) 1977 SD 156 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVI: SAMPLE PROGRAMS DUMP: REM DUMP PHONE NUMBER FILE ALPHABETICALLY BY PERSON LET COMMAND$=RIGHT$(COMMAND$,6) CREATE #2,COMMAND$ PRINT "DUMPING DATABASE..." LET PERSONKEY$="" PERSONNAMESAMELINK=0 DUMPNEXTPERSONLOOP: IF PERSONNAMESAMELINK<>0 THEN REM MORE THAN ONE GUY WITH THE SAME NAME PERSONRECORD=PERSONNAMESAMELINK ELSE IF ERROR WHEN PERSONRECORD=KEYNEXT(1,1,PERSONKEY$) THEN IF ERR=1001 THEN CLOSE #2\GOTO ASKCOMMAND ELSE ERROR FI READPERSONRECORD PRINTPERSONRECORD(2) GOTO DUMPNEXTPERSONLOOP END Copyright (C) 1977 SD 157 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 XVII: RUNTIME ERROR MESSAGES RUNTIME ERROR MESSAGES 0 - Program completed normally 1 - Operator requested Attention 2 - Not used 3 - Not used 4 - Not used 5 - Not used 6 - RETURN without GOSUB 7 - Conversion Error 8 - Input Buffer Overflow 9 - Array or Vector Subscript out of range 10 - Runtime package self-checksum failed --> Suspect damaged RTP 11 - String Subscript out of range 12 - String subscript too large 13 - Undefined Line Number encountered 14 - Arithmetic Overflow 15 - Non-Integer operand to Logical operator (& ! XOR COM **) 16 - Concatenated String exceeds CATMAX 17 - Tab count > 255 18 - Invalid FORMAT string 19 - I can't store that value into a byte 20 - Illegal Argument to SIN/COS/TAN/ATN 21 - Logarithm of 0 or negative number 22 - Square root attempted on negative number 23 - PEEK or POKE address < 0 or > 65535, or not an integer 24 - POKE value < 0 or > 255, or not an integer 25 - Attempt to POKE runtime package 26 - Version number doesn't match BASIC Runtime Package 27 - Wrong number of arguments to function/subroutine 28 - Data space for BASIC program overlaps SDOS 29 - Basic Program overlaps Runtime Package 50 - Channel number > 255 52 - File name is too long 60 - File position < 0 or >= 2^31 KEYED FILE PACKAGE ERRORS 1001 - End of File encountered 1075 - No such key 1076 - Duplicate key 1077 - Key branch Factor not large enough COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED SDOS ERRORS 1011 - No such file 1023 - Filename doesn't start with A through Z or $ 1031 - Channel is already open 1032 - Channel is closed Other error codes can be found in the SDOS Manual. Copyright (C) 1977 SD 158 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XVIII: KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The following words are reserved keywords in BASIC 1.4, and may not be used for variable, subroutine, function or parameter names, or be used as labels. Keywords are recognized regardless of whether the constituent characters are lower or upper case. DIM COMMON REM PROGRAM DATA CONCATENATION INCLUDE ON ERROR GOTO ELN GOSUB POP RETURN FOR TO STEP CYCLE NEXT LET PRINT USING FORMAT TAB INPUT READ WRITE STOP EXIT WHILE UNTIL DO END REPEAT UNLESS WHEN IF THEN ELSE FI ELSEIF POSITION RESTORE OPEN CREATE CLOSE DELETE RENAME CHAIN CALL POKE DEBUG SYSCALL SUBROUTINE DEF EXTERNAL LEN MAXLEN LEFT$ MID$ RIGHT$ ASC CHR$ COM ATN SIN COS TAN LOG EXP SQR INT ABS SGN COL VAL PEEK FIND RND ERR PI AND OR NOT EOF ROWS COLUMNS TRUE FALSE XOR CAT DATE$ TIME$ COPYRIGHT$ NUM$ NUMF$ HEX$ UPPERCASE$ LOWERCASE$ Copyright (C) 1977 SD 159 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XIX: STATEMENT SUMMARY LANGUAGE SUMMARY STATEMENTS FUNCTIONS PRINT PI PRINT USING SIN FORMAT COS LET TAN INPUT ATN GOTO LOG IF-THEN-ELSE-ELSEIF EXP FOR-NEXT/CYCLE SQR GOSUB/RETURN INT GOSUB POP ABS ON GOTO/GOSUB SGN ON ERROR WHEN/DO/GOTO ERR (error number) IF ERROR WHEN ELN (error line number) ERROR LEN REM (or "!") VAL (of string) DEF COM (logical complement) END PEEK OPEN EOF (end file test) CREATE NOT (IF cond invert) CLOSE FIND (string in string) DELETE MID$ RENAME LEFT$ PRINT # RIGHT$ PRINT # USING DATE$ INPUT # TIME$ READ # (binary) NUM$ (unformatted conversion) WRITE # (binary) NUMF$ (formatted conversion) POSITION # HEX$ (hex conversion) CHAIN ASC CALL COL (returns column position) SUBROUTINE CHR$ CALL (assembly routine) UPPERCASE$ SYSCALL (SDOS interface) LOWERCASE$ DEBUG IF-THEN-ELSE-FI function DIM/COMMON MAXLEN POKE ROWS PROGRAM ORIGIN COLUMNS DATA ORIGIN INCLUDE RND WHILE/UNTIL DO END TRUE REPEAT UNLESS/WHEN END FALSE GOTO ELN (used in error recovery) EXIT/STOP EXIT subroutine/labelname/indexvariable Copyright (C) 1977 SD 160 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 SECTION XIX: STATEMENT SUMMARY DATA TYPES OPERATORS 9 digit decimal floating point + - * / ^ 16 bit positive integers & (and) Hex numbers ! (or) Characters strings to 65534 characters XOR String arrays ** (shift) Numeric vectors - (negate) Numeric arrays CAT (string concatenation) Byte vectors [] (substrings) FORMATTED OUTPUT Money format - floating dollar / trailing minus Exponential format Formatted numbers available as strings (NUMF$) I/O Channel oriented ASCII (print/input) variable length records Binary (read/write) reads any file accessible by byte Random positioning Multi-key file access procedures MISCELLANEOUS Multiple statements per line Multiple statements in THEN/ELSE clauses Line numbers needed only as targets of GOTO/GOSUB/ON ERROR High speed execution Error reporting line # at runtime Explicit pointer to compile time errors Compiled program is ROM-able Line number tracing, single step, and breakpoint facility Screen/File position control integrated into I/O statements Structured programming constructs Error trapping Parameterized subroutines and functions Excellent documentation Copyright (C) 1977 SD 161 BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SD BASIC, A COMPILER VERSION OF BASIC . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NOTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CONSTANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 VARIABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SUBSCRIPTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PRINT USING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 LET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 INPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 GOTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 BLOCK BODIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 IF (ELSEIF AND FI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WHILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 UNTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 REPEAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 FOR AND NEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 EXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 GOSUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 RETURN (SUBROUTINE AND ) . . . . . . . 46 GOSUB POP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 STOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 REM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 ERROR HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 DEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 USER-DEFINED SUBROUTINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 UNIFORM REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 FILE I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 OPEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 CREATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 RENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 PRINT # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 INPUT # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Copyright (C) 1977 SD BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 WRITE # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 READ # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 POSITION # OR RESTORE # . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 IMPLIED POSITIONING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 CHAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 SYSCALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 KEYED FILE PACKAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 DIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 COMMON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 PROGRAM ORIGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 DATA ORIGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 CONCATENATION BUFFER SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 INCLUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SUBROUTINES . . . . . . . . . . 93 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 95 DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 POKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 SQR(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 ATN(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 SIN(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 COS(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 TAN(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 LOG(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 EXP(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 RND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 ROWS(ARRAYNAME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 COLUMNS(ARRAYNAME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LEN(STRINGNAME$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LEN(VECTORNAME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LEN(STRINGARRAYNAME$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 MAXLEN(STRINGNAME$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 MAXLEN(STRINGARRAYNAME$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 MID$(STRINGNAME$,ARG2,ARG3) . . . . . . . . . . . 101 LEFT$(STRINGNAME$,ARG2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 RIGHT$(STRINGNAME$,ARG2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 UPPERCASE$(STRINGARGUMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 LOWERCASE$(STRINGARGUMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 EOF(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 COL(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 PEEK(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 COM(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 NOT(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 INT(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ABS(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 SGN(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ERR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ELN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Copyright (C) 1977 SD BASIC 1.4 MANUAL 04/83 PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ASC(STRINGEXPRESSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 CHR$(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 FIND(ARG1$,ARG2$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 DATE$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 TIME$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 VAL(STRINGEXPRESSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 HEX$(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 NUM$(ARG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 NUMF$(STRING1$,ARG2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 TRUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 FALSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 DATA STRUCTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 FLOATING POINT PACKAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 USING SOFTWARE DYNAMICS BASIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 PASS I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 COMPILE TIME ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . 121 HINTS ON HOW TO HANDLE COMPILE-TIME ERRORS . . . . 124 PASS II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PROGRAM EXECUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 FIX, COMPILE AND FINDLABEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 PROGRAM DEBUGGING AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 DEBUGGING A COMPILED BASIC PRORAM . . . . . . . . 131 SEPARATE COMPILATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 MOVING BASIC 1.4 TO SYSTEMS OTHER THAN SDOS . . . . . . 135 CONVERTING ANOTHER BASIC PROGRAM TO SD BASIC . . . . . 136 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MINIMAL ANSII STANDARD AND SD BASIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 SAMPLE PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 THE GAME OF LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 PHONEBOOK EXAMPLE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 RUNTIME ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 KEYWORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 LANGUAGE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Copyright (C) 1977 SD