SDOSDISKBACKUP 1.0 ERRORS FROM SCRAP PAPER (1979 to 1983) Verify that these items are no longer problems! or consider as improvements 1. Should allow a default retry to be specified at command time so backup continues from error. 2. Got input error soecifing retry count. Resulted in retry count on error input over and over on same sector. 3. 7/7/80 error 1045 on read sector 14006 at DEST how many times to retry? 100 error 1045 on read sector... (INSTANTLY!) Apparently does not attempt 100 times. 4. 4/21/80 SDOSBKUP14 D0: to D1: Are you sure?.. yes (long wait, copies ? 1/2 disk) then gives error: Cluster size too small to support file that big. 5. 12/3/79 MSI SDOSDISKBACKUP D2: to D0: EXCEPT ? are you sure? yes Backup aborted <--- FIX CASE TESTS Copy RDMAST? I got a "Disk is Write Protected" Error trying to read sector 2 of the dest disk file during the verify pass (BAD MSG ALIGNMENT: TOO WIDE FOR SCREEN. BREAK APPROPRIATELY) (DURING THE VERIFY PASS? HOW??) ... How many times should I retry? 2 (or 0) Channel is closed Error 1032 at linne 41008 6. Must allow Disk Full error to get thru 7. Write Protect on disk causes error 15 @ 100 8. Can't copy O byte file correctly 9. Complains if Source disk is write protected on (MSI) 10. Print "Verifying" on disk to disk copiess on entry to verify pass 11. Backup TO vs OVER 12. Should examine bit in Directory to determine if file has been changed 13. Should allow backup D0: to filename to allow floppies to be copied onto larger disks 14. Should allow backup file to Disk: to allow reverse of 8), if file has no wildcard present 15. Case conversions everywhere throughout program 16. SPEED IT UP! Rebuild copy loop 17. I got "disk is write protected" during verify pass: REDICULOUS 18. Backup doesn't seem to recover from read errors 19. 4/19/82 D0: to D1: copied DIRECTORY.SYS! 19a. B protect? 20. Claims D0: is dismounted when D0: is full. DISMOUNT command returns non-zero I/O operation count 20a Due to SDOS problem, source file (binary written by positioning) is longer than destination ==> ERROR 21. 7/4/81 What is difference between "I got a verify error at sector xxx on write disk, do you want to rewrite?" AND "verify error @512, Rewrite?" 22. 10/10/83 BACKUP E3* EXCEPT *BIN,.... to D3:* proceeded to backup first file E3FRED.ASM. apparently next file located had same prefix as first but different extension, then asked if FIRST filename should be backed up over that name. More evidence - did same dumb thing several more times Rick sez FIXED 23. 9/28/83 When it asks new file name, is device dismounted? ((Confusion?)) Joe typed "D3:*" (new proceedure) Where did it delete from? Rick sez "all deletes are now explicit" 24. Backup E3* changed except....*.SAV OVER D2:* shouldn't backup .SAV files but it does (Ricks sez NO) BACKUP--- OVER--- DISK IS FULL--- (A, S, C) ?ABORT (STARTS COPYING SAME FILE AGAIN TO SAME DEVICE) (RICK SEZ NO) 25. 5/2/82 SDOSDISKBACKUP doesn't preserve date!!? 26. BACKUP Second drive in input string! BAD MESSAGE FORMAT 27. 5/5/81 Reported by J. Murray SDOSDISKBACKUP to D0: .DISMOUNT D0: .DELETE * EXCEPT *.SYS .SDOSDISKBACKUP .FILES .FREE .SDOSDISKVALIDATE 28. On MSI SDOSDISKBACKUP D0:BMP to D2: floppy D0: has WP notch in WP mode. WP switch is disabled, Error 1048 D2: is not up!!?? 29. Require * after 2nd disk name if wildcard copy given, ie, BACKUP D1:A*B to D2:* just to be consistent with copy. Add "continue at".... 30. Shouldn't write on files that already exist. 31. 7/7/81 Prints "LSN too small to support a file that big" and then goes to DEFAULTPROGRAM) Should simply skip the file. 2) Need way to continue Backup (perhaps AFTER FILENAME.) 32. Have Backup list all files that match and ask for block verification. 33. BACKUP no wildcard - shouldn't search DIR. 34. Joe says, S2000 SDOS11e SDOSDISKUP itself to freshly init'd disk never completes (takes >20 if computes minutes if completes) BUS loading problem? SDOSCMDS bug: RENAME D0: should use lowercase ERRORMSGS.SYS: Non-integer operand to include HEX$!! 2