SDOSDISKVALIDATE BUGS FROM SCRAP NOTES: 1. 3/24/81 SDOSDISKVAL should check BOOT.SYS for >=32 bytes Otherwise, disk ID can't be read from file BOOT.SYS 2. SDOSDISKVALIDATE V1.0 (BASIC 1.3) (MSI disk with 4 sectors/cluster) -------> string subscript error 3. Defaults in fix map in validate are not consistent and not displayed! FIXED 8/11/85 DISKVALPAS511H1 4. If "W" on Badclusters in directory of floppy, system blows off with file is write protected. However Diskmap is already updated. This causes inconsistency. 5. Validate: check BOOT.SYS data cluster=LCN 0 6. (314) LCN 0000 added to Badcluster.sys Line 117 File is Write Protected 7. 11/21/83 Scandisk hex significance when>65536 Sectors FINDBADCLUSTER / gives WP err when updating BADCLUSTERS RECOVERFILES / " " " " " " SDOSDISKVALIDATE " " " " " " BMP arithmetic significance 18*20000;S gives wrong sector 8. SDOSDISKVALIDATE - pass 2 if Directory.sys header destroyed, doesn't let you reconstruct header cluster or accept user-entered DIR:n clusters as THE correct value. 9. 9/1/81 Line 518 DIR:filesize of Diskmap.sys <> 256 Set ---- to proper size? Yes :39D8 Can't store that into byte. 10. Need to collect disk statistics, hash lookup times for files, contiguity factor, average file size, etc. See Smoke DIRSTATS.BAS 11. Deal with DIR:NLCN=0, handle DIR:NLCN<> with DIR:HCSIC=0 12. DIRLSN not printed by Noisy mode and should be 13. Pass 5 must check DIRECTORY.SYS to fix? Pass 3 of validate must ensure that... dir size = multiple of cluster count and that DIRECTORY.SYS is locatable by hashing asserts directory.sys size must be multiple of cluster count. 14. SDOSDISKVALIDATE should hate BOOT:NSPC=0, so should SDOS. 15. Validate must ensure that DIRECTORY.SYS is not sparse.