Notes on the TSC_6800_FLEX-V3-0_Adaptation_Guide.pdf 1) The version of 6800 FLEX that came with the 6800 FLEX Adaption Guide identifies itself as V3.0. 2) The 3 copyright pages at the start of the manual have been copied from the 6809 Adaptation Guide. 3) The font and font size are the closest match available to the original printed document. (Perhaps I have been a little too literal here). 4) Assembled listings have not been OCR'd but have been assembled from source using the TSC assembler on my FLEX system so they do not contain OCR errors like "O" instead of "0". 5) The source code is included in the file. 6) Note that since the listing for the MF68 NEWDISK in the manual contains only selected sections, to obtain assembly at the correct address for the sections that are published required the addition of an ORG statement. This means that some of the code is overlaid and is therefore not useable. This is why the words "with-KLUDGE" appear in the title for the source code file. Ian May December 2016.