These are the Sol-20 disk images from Larry Kramer but with CP/M on the boot boot tracks updated with the BIOS by Mike Douglas (SOLBIOS.ASM). This BIOS provides IOBYTE features as shown below and fixes keyboard/display problems with the BIOS originally on the disks: 1) The DEL performs normal destructive backspace instead of echoing the deleted character. 2) The problem with extra blank lines and the disappearing command line are both fixed. The utilties PCGET and PCPUT to exchange files with a PC via the Sol-20 serial port using XMODEM on the PC have been added to all three disks. The file CPMSOL.COM is the SYSGEN ready image of CP/M that has been installed on these disks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOBYTE values 0-3 for each device specify the Sol-20 pseudo port number to use for I/O. This assignment works out as shown here: CON device (bits 1,0): PUN device (bits 5,4): 00 - TTY on Sol-20 Keyboard/Display* 00 - TTY on Sol-20 Display 01 - CRT on Sol-20 Serial Port 01 - PTP on Sol-20 Serial Port* 10 - BAT on Sol-20 Printer Port 10 - UP1 on Sol-20 Printer Port 11 - UC1 on DJ2D Serial Port 11 - UP2 on on DJ2D Serial Port RDR device (bits 3,2): LST device (bits 7,6): 00 - TTY on Sol-20 Keyboard 00 - TTY on Sol-20 Display 01 - PTR on on Sol-20 Serial Port* 01 - CRT on on Sol-20 Serial Port 10 - UR1 on Sol-20 Printer Port 10 - LPT on Sol-20 Printer Port* 11 - UR2 on on DJ2D Serial Port 11 - UL1 on DJ2D Serial Port *Default IOBYTE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the PC2FLOP utility in the disk_image_transfer folder to write these disk images to a floppy. See the ReadMe file in the disk image transfer folder for instructions. These Sol-20 disk images are double-density with 26 sectors of 256 bytes each.