ALS-8 Command Summary

by Paul Schaper


ENTR addr Insert values into memory. Values accepted until terminated by a slash (/) or an illegal value. Value followed by colon (:) adjusts current address pointer.

DUMP addr1 (addr2) Display contents of memory. Only one location displayed if second address omitted or less than first address.


FILE (/name/ (addr))
FILE Display name and addresses of current file.
FILE /name/  Make an already existing file current.
FILE /name/ addr Create a new file at address. Make it current.
FILE /name/ 0 Delete existing file. There will be no current file when this command is finished.

FILES Display list of existing files and addresses.

FCHK Verify the internal structure of current file and update the ending address.

FMOV addr Move current file to address. FCHK is performed after moving to verify move. The address cannot be 0 and you cannot move an empty file.

FIND Find all occurrences of string in current file. Type string after colon prompt.


DELT line1 (line2) Delete a line or lines from current file.

EDIT Enter TXT-2 Extension Package. Press ctrl-F to exit.

LIST (line1 (line2)) Display current file with line numbers.

TEXT (line1 (line2)) Display current file without line numbers.

RNUM line# (incr) Renumbers the current file so that its first line is line# with an increment of incr. If increment is unspecified, it is 5. The largest increment is 25. The increment is reduced to 1 after the line numbers reach 9000. FCHK is performed after renumbering.


IODR (/name/ (in (out)))
IODR List contents of I/O Drive Table.
IODR /name/ Switch I/O driver for next command only.
IODR /name/ in out Enter I/O driver into I/O Driver Table.
IODR /name/ 0 Delete I/O driver from I/O Driver Table.

SWCH When used after IODR /name/, switch is permanent.

MODE base All addresses and memory values entered or displayed are in octal (8) or hexadecimal (16). Initially set to 16.

ASSI(x) orig (load) Assemble reading source from the current input driver with output sent to the current output driver. If load address is omitted, origin will be used.
ASSI orig (load) Produces full listing with errors.
ASSIE orig (load) Lists only those lines with errors.
ASSIS orig (load) Produces full listing with errors and assembler's symbol table.
ASSIX orig (load) Produces full listing with errors and assembler's symbol table with cross reference.

ASSM(x) orig (load) Assemble from current file with output sent to the current output driver. If load address is omitted, origin will be used.
ASSM orig (load) Produces full listing with errors.
ASSME orig (load) Lists only those lines with errors.
ASSMS orig (load) Produces full listing with errors and assembler's symbol table.
ASSMX orig (load) Produces full listing with errors and assembler's symbol table with cross reference.

EXEC addr Perform a subroutine call to address.

SIMU(x) Enter Simulator Extension Package. Type X to exit.
SIMU Enter Simulator Extension Package clearing I/O port definitions.
SIMUS Reenter Simulator Extension Package preserving I/O port definitions.

AUTO (num) Enter text into the current file. If num is omitted, ALS-8 starts with line one with increment one. Num can be from 0 to 7 with no significance placed on what the value is. If num specified, ALS-8 starts with line number one greater than last line in current file with increment one. Press ESC to exit.

SYML(x /sname/ (num))
SYML Display contents of System Symbol Table. The end address of the table is printed following the list of names and addresses.
SYMLE /sname/ num Enter a name and value into System Symbol Table.
SYMLD /sname/ Delete a name and value from System Symbol Table.

STAB addr Set start of Assembler System Symbol Table. Must be set before first assembly.

CUST(x /name/ (addr))  
CUST Print contents of Custom Command Table.
CUSTE /name/ addr Create a new Custom Command.
CUSTD /name/ Delete a Custom Command.

TERM width Set display/input width. Initially set to 80. Maximum is 119.

FORM Specifies printed listing of assembler source or files are to be formatted. ALS-8 is initialized to the non-formatted state.

NFOR Specifies printed listing of assembler source or files are not to be formatted. ALS-8 is initialized to the non-formatted state.

ESET addr EDIT uses a parameter to limit the maximum address the file may reach, but no corresponding command has been provided. Enter the command:
After this the command ESET, followed by an address, will set the parameter to the value of the address given.

VDM driver TXT-2 includes a driver to allow ALS-8 to use the VDM as an output device. For use as a standby driver, the following command is recommended:
IODR /VDM/ input address FE77
The driver may also be made the SYSTEM DRIVER by using the following command:

EXIT Enter the following command to provide a convenient way of returning to Solos: