The disk images here are standard Altair CP/M 2.2 disk images, however, the CP/M 2.2 on the boot tracks is customized for a Sol-20 computer. IOBYTE values 0-3 select Sol-20 pseudo-ports 0-3. Port 3 (user port) drives the first port on an Altair 88-2SIO serial board (I/O address 10h/11h). The default IOBYTE is: CON: is TTY: Sol-20 keyboard and video display RDR: is PTR: Sol-20 serial port PUN: is PTP: Sol-20 serial port LST: is LPT: Sol-20 parallel port On the system disk, PCGET/PCPUT uses the Sol-20 serial port for transfer. PCGETA/PCPUTA uses an Altair 88-2SIO serial port for transfer. These disk images can be written on an Altair computer using PC2FLOP. I might get around to writing a Sol-20 version someday. The disk images can also be used with the serial disk server feature of the Altair FDC+.