D056.DSK 820141 Gfid.OV 4 7 2000 2000 Pack.OV B 5 2000 2000 Emsg.OV 10 8 2000 2000 Exec.OV 18 8 2000 2000 Dfn1.OV 20 8 2000 2000 Dfn2.OV 28 7 2000 2000 Dfn3.OV 2F 7 2000 2000 Efun.OV 36 8 2000 2000 Bfun.OV 3E 8 2000 2000 Berr.OV 46 7 2000 2000 Bdir.OV 4D 7 2000 2000 Bslv.OV 54 7 2000 2000 Bfil.OV 5B 7 2000 2000 Xref.OV 62 2 2000 2000 Cache.ZO 64 5 3000 0 Prnt.OV 69 8 2000 2000 Setup.GO 71 B 3200 3200 Sio.PS 7C 2 3000 3000 Edit.GO 7E C 3200 3200 BASIC.GO 8A 2B 3200 3200 CHECKSUM.GO B5 6 3200 330E DUP.GO BB 4 3200 3200 MIRROR.GO BF 5 3200 3200 FTP.GO C4 9 3200 3200 INITIAL.BS CD 1D 0 C00 PRT.BS EA 8 0 C00 GEN.BS F2 15 0 C00 ADD.DT 107 1 0 0 SUB.DT 108 1 0 0 MUL.DT 109 1 0 0 DIV.DT 10A 1 0 0 MUL-C.DT 10B 1 0 0 DIV-C.DT 10C 1 0 0 CRS.DT 10D 1 0 0 FIL.DT 10E 1 0 0 GRO.DT 10F 1 0 0 EXT.DT 110 1 0 0 INT.DT 111 1 0 0 DAT.DT 112 1 0 20 PROBLEM-SIZE.DT 113 1 0 0 CALC-RULES-ROOT.BS 114 1 0 C00 PROFORMA.PS 115 2 0 0 PROFORMA.PV 117 B 0 0 PROFORMA.BS 122 3 0 C00 FORECAST.PS 125 3 0 0 FORECAST.PV 128 B 0 0 FORECAST.BS 133 7 0 C00 0 TO TEXTFILE 4 7 TransFile temp\Gfid.OV B 5 TransFile temp\Pack.OV 10 8 TransFile temp\Emsg.OV 18 8 TransFile temp\Exec.OV 20 8 TransFile temp\Dfn1.OV 28 7 TransFile temp\Dfn2.OV 2F 7 TransFile temp\Dfn3.OV 36 8 TransFile temp\Efun.OV 3E 8 TransFile temp\Bfun.OV 46 7 TransFile temp\Berr.OV 4D 7 TransFile temp\Bdir.OV 54 7 TransFile temp\Bslv.OV 5B 7 TransFile temp\Bfil.OV 62 2 TransFile temp\Xref.OV 64 5 TransFile temp\Cache.ZO 69 8 TransFile temp\Prnt.OV 71 B TransFile temp\Setup.GO 7C 2 TransFile temp\Sio.PS 7E C TransFile temp\Edit.GO 8A 2B TransFile temp\BASIC.GO B5 6 TransFile temp\CHECKSUM.GO BB 4 TransFile temp\DUP.GO BF 5 TransFile temp\MIRROR.GO EA 8 TransFile temp\PRT.BS F2 15 TransFile temp\GEN.BS C4 9 TransFile temp\FTP.GO CD 1D TransFile temp\INITIAL.BS 114 1 TransFile temp\CALC-RULES-ROOT.BS 122 3 TransFile temp\PROFORMA.BS 133 7 TransFile temp\FORECAST.BS -1 TO TEXTFILE 107 1 TransFile temp\ADD.DT 108 1 TransFile temp\SUB.DT 109 1 TransFile temp\MUL.DT 10A 1 TransFile temp\DIV.DT 10B 1 TransFile temp\MUL-C.DT 10C 1 TransFile temp\DIV-C.DT 10D 1 TransFile temp\CRS.DT 10E 1 TransFile temp\FIL.DT 10F 1 TransFile temp\GRO.DT 110 1 TransFile temp\EXT.DT 111 1 TransFile temp\INT.DT 112 1 TransFile temp\DAT.DT 113 1 TransFile temp\PROBLEM-SIZE.DT 115 2 TransFile temp\PROFORMA.PS 117 B TransFile temp\PROFORMA.PV 125 3 TransFile temp\FORECAST.PS 128 B TransFile temp\FORECAST.PV