TOPIC: WYSE 30, WYSE 30+, and WYSE 35 ACCESSING 16 FUNCTION KEYS. DATE: 12/16/94 PRODUCT: WYSE 30, WYSE 30+ and WYSE 35 THE ISSUE: Accessing 16 function keys from the numeric keypad area. RESOLUTION: Use F1 - F4 to access the first four function keys. Use control F1 - F4 to access the F5 - F8 function keys Use shift F1 - F4 to access first four shifted function keys. Use control & shift F1 - F4 to access the shifted F5 - F8 function keys. Default Values: Key Unshifted Shifted F1 @ ` F2 A a F3 B b F4 C c F5 (control F1) D d F6 (control F2) E e F7 (control F3) F f F8 (control F4) G g =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DISCLAIMER =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This information is intended to inform WYSE personnel and WYSE customers of certain issues in a timely fashion. The information has not been extensively verified or tested. WYSE does not warrant the information to be correct, although reasonable effort has been taken to prevent gross inaccuracies. WYSE publishes formal technical communiques in the form of Product Bulletins and warrants the data in Product Bulletins to be accurate at the time of the release.