; ADM3A ; ; ; ESC = row col cursor position ; ^H cursor left ; ^L cursor right ; ^J cursor down ; ^K cursor up ; ^Z home and clear screen ; ^M carrage return ; ^G bell ; ; ADM31 ; ; ; ESC = row col cursor position ; ESC T clear to end of line ; ESC t clear to end of line ; ESC Y clear to end of screen ; ESC y clear to end of screen ; ESC : home & clear screen ; ESC * home & clear screen ; ESC ) Half intensity on ; ESC ( Half intensity off ; ESC G 4 Reverse video on ; ESC G 2 Blinking on ; ESC G 0 Rev. video and blinking off ; ESC E Insert line ; ESC Q Insert Character ; ESC R Delete Line ; ESC W Delete Character ; ^H cursor left ; ^L cursor right ; ^J cursor down ; ^K cursor up ; ^Z home and clear screen ; ^M carriage return ; ^G bell ;