SPD3D.DOC DIGITAL Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 DISCLAIMER This document file was created by scanning the original document and then editing the scanned text. As much as possible, the original text format was restored. Some format changes were made to insure this document would print on current laser printers using 60 lines per page. The original spelling and grammar has been preserved. 1-Nov-1996 DIGITAL Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 DESCRIPTION: The OS/8 Combined Kit is a comprehensive executive supporting PDP-8 computer systems. The OS/8 Combined Kit includes a number of programming languages, an assortment of device support options, and the capability to extend your system to 128K words. Programs stored on disk can be accessed for loading, modification, or execution by simple keyboard commands. The OS/8 Combined Kit allows program chaining, so that large programs can be coded into small segments that can be serially overlaid during execution to con serve memory storage. Program I/O is performed by standard calls to the system device handlers and the I/O supervisor User Service Routines. Programs can be coded for device in dependence. This feature permits programs to be written without regard for the characteristics of a par tackler I/O device. When a device-independent program is executed, the user can enter a run-time I/O specification command selecting the I/O devices to be employed during pro gram execution. As the system configuration grows, device-independent programs can use the new I/O capabilities with no rewriting or reassembly. Every OS/8 Combined Kit system is easily extended to include additional peripheral devices. Fully supported I/O device options include high- or low-speed paper tape equipment, card readers, line printers, a selection of hard-copy or CRT console terminals, and a variety of disk and magnetic tape mass storage devices. Device independence can be maintained even for nonstandard devices. Nonstandard devices are added to the system by coding a 1- or 2-page device handler and appending it to the standard device handlers supplied with the system. The OS/8 Combined Kit Programs include: Concise Command Language (CCL)‹provides you with a set of easy-to-use terminal commands. Typical commands available in CCL include: COPY, DIRECT TORY, HELP, RENAME, LIST, and DELETE. EDIT - incorporates all features of the stand-alone package and provides I/O device independence. February 1980 AE-H995C-TA OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 -2- PAL8 - is an extended assembler. It includes some of February 1980 the features of both PAL III and MACRO-8, plus additional features such as conditional assembly, expanded symbol table (allowing over 1500 entries on a 12K word system), hash symbol table search, extended pseudo-operations, and paginated listings with page headings and number pages. Absolute Loader (ABSLDR) - is an Absolute Loader program which reads a relocatable binary program into specified memory locations and creates a resident memory image suitable for addition to the system library or for immediate execution. Octal Debugging Technique (ODT) - allows you to run protype programs under carefully controlled conditions, modify code during execution, or modify the state of main memory and the major registers. ODT does not require any memory other than certain areas of the 256-location resident monitor and, at most, 3 additional words in each field. It is swapped into memory from the system device whenever required, while overlaid portions of the running program are saved on the device for later restoration. File-Oriented Transfer Program (FOTP) - allows you to transfer groups of files between two file-structured devices with minimum terminal interaction and device overhead. For example, all ASCII files can be transferred between a DECtape and disk with one command. FORTRAN II - is a complete FORTRAN II programming system consisting of: FORT: The FORTRAN compiler SABR: A symbolic assembler for binary relocatable programs LOADER: The linking loader that accepts an open ended list of relocatable binary files and generates a memory image suitable for saving or execution. The FORTRAN II system includes such features as Hollerith constants, implied DO loops, program chaining and mixed FORTRAN and assembly statements. FORTRAN IV - is a language compiler. FORTRAN IV permits generalized array subscription and 1- to 12 dimensional arrays. Large amounts of data can be stored and accessed easily. FORTRAN IV also offers direct access I/O. Direct access I/O provides virtual array capability and decreases processing time. FORTRAN IV supports mixed-mode arithmetic, octal constants, logical IF statements, and general integer expressions in IF statements. FORTRAN IV also provides a tree-structured dynamic overlay mechanism that automatically loads overlays on call without the need for explicit call overlay, call link, or call chain statements. OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 -3- BUILD - a system generation program that allows convenient generation or reconfiguration of any OS/8 Combined Kit system. BUILD can be used to insert or delete system I/O device handlers to permit the system I/O structure to be tailored to a particular application. Cross Reference Utility Program (CREF) - aids the development programmer in writing, debugging, and maintaining assembly language programs by providing the ability to locate all references to a particular symbol. Input is supplied to CREF in the form of an ASCII listing file produced by either PAL8, RALF, or the SABR assembler. Source Compare (SRCCOM) - compares two source files line by line and creates a third file listing all differences between the two sources. Peripheral Interchange Program (PIP10) - allows you to transfer ASCII files between DECsystem-10 DECtapes and the OS/8 Combined Kit devices. This utility runs only on a PDP-8/I, /L, /E, /M, or /A equipped with either TC08 or TD8E DECtape. BATCH - BATCH processing is used to monitor and execute frequently run production jobs, large and long-running programs, and programs that require little or no interaction. Output is generated in the form of a line-printer and/or console-terminal listing that includes program output as well as a summary of all action taken by your program, the monitor system, and the computer operator. Almost any program that runs interactively under the OS/8 Combined Kit can also be run under BATCH. (Since BATCH is initiated from the keyboard in the same manner as any other system program, interactive users can use BATCH to execute multiple utility routines, even when continuous batch processing is not desired. BASIC - BASIC is a language compiler and run-time system. It can be used to create programs interactively, or compile, load, and execute ASCII input files in response to a single monitor command. Alternatively, a program and data files can be prepared under the interactive monitor for subsequent stand-alone processing under BATCH. BASIC permits interfacing with functions written in assembly language. TECO - TECO is a command language made up of easy mnemonics that provide full editing capabilities to the programmer. The commands are very similar to corresponding Symbolic Editor commands. The I/O device independence of system programs permits TECO to create or modify ASCII files on any medium. TECO commands can be combined in sophistiated command strings that are essentially editing "programs." TECO commands provide capabilities for conditional execution, branching, program control, and multiple processing. OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 -4- RESORC - RESORC is a program that allows access to the list of all I/O handlers in the system, including special handler called VXA0. The VXA0 handler allows you to use the memory extension option as though it were a separate pseudo device. KT8A - KT8A software is provided to support the KT8A extended memory hardware, which allows you to address up to 128K words of contiguous main memory (not supported on DECstation 78). MINIMUM HARDWARE REQUIRED: o PDP-8/A, /E, or /M with 12K words of memory, or DECstation-88/80, /90, /92, or /97. o RK8J or RL8A disk o VT52, LA36, or equivalent console terminal OPTIONAL HARDWARE: o RX28 dual density diskette system o LS8-E, LE8-E, LQP78, LV8 or equivalent parallel line printer o RX8 single density diskette system o KE8-E extended arithmetic element o KT8A extended memory hardware (for greater than 32K words of memory systems) o FPP8-A Floating-point processor PREREQUISITE SOFTWARE: None OPTIONAL SOFTWARE: None TRAINING CREDITS: None OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 -5- SUPPORT CATEGORY: DIGITAL SUPPORTED OS/8 Combined Kit is a DIGITAL Supported Software Product. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION: CUSTOMER INSTALLED OS/8 Combined Kit is a software product engineered to be installed by the customer and includes other Software Product Support services listed below. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SUPPORT: OS/8 Combined Kit includes standard services as defined in the Software Support Categories Addendum of this SPD. ORDERING INFORMATION: Source and/or listing options are only available after the purchase of at least one supported license and after a source license agreement is in effect. The following key (C, E, O, Y, Z) represents the distribution media for the product and must be specified at (the end of the order number, e.g., QF024-AE = on RK05 Disk Cartridge OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D C = DECtape E = RK05 Disk Cartridge Q = RL01 Disk Cartridge Y = RX01 Floppy Diskette Z = No hardware dependency QF024 -A - Single-use license, binaries, documentation, support services (media: C, E, Q, Y) Source/Listing Options QF024 -E - All sources (media: E, Q) OS/8 Combined Kit, Version 3D SPD 4.4.2 -6- Update Options Users of OS/8, Version 3C, OS/8 FORTRAN IV, OS/8 Extension Kit, Version 3C whose specified Support Category warranty has expired may order under license the following software update at the then current charge for such update. The update is distributed in binary form on the appropriate medium and includes no installation or other services unless specifically stated. QF024 -H - Binaries, documentation (media: C, E, Q, X, Y) SPD 4.4.2 -3 Users of OS/8, Version 3C, OS/8 FORTRAN IV, OS/8 Extension Kit, Version 3C whose specified Support Category warranty has not expired may order under license the following software update for the then current media charge. The update is distributed in binary form on the appropriate medium and includes no installation or other services unless specifically stated. QF024 -W - Binaries, documentation (media: C, E, Q, X, Y) Source/Listing Update Options The following options are available to license users as updates to source/listing options. The update is distributed in source form on the appropriate medium and includes no installation or other services unless specifically stated. QF024 -N - Sources update (media: E, Q) Miscellaneous Options QF024 -G - Documentation only kit (media: Z) ADDITIONAL SERVICES: None