OS8CKTIG.DOC OS/8 Combined Kit Information Guide DISCLAIMER This document file was created by scanning the original document and then editing the scanned text. As much as possible, the original text format was restored. Some format changes were made to insure this document would print on current laser printers using 60 lines per page. The original spelling and grammar has been preserved. 1-Nov-1996 OS/8 COMBINED KIT INFORMATION GUIDE Order No. AA-J016B-TA January 1980 This Guide describes the contents of the OS/8 Combined Kit and how to get the system on line. SUPERSESSION/UPDATE INFORMATION: This manual supersedes the previous edition, Order No. AA-J016A-TA. OPERATING SYSTEM AND VERSION: OS/8 V3D --------------------------------------------------------------------- | To order additional copies of this document, contact the Software | | Distribution Center, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, | | Massachusetts 01754 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- digital equipment corporation - maynard. massachusetts First Printing, August 1979 Revised: January 1980 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL or its affiliated companies. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980 by Digital Equipment Corporation The postage-prepaid READER'S COMMENTS form on the last page of this document requests the user's critical evaluation to assist us in pre- paring future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DIGITAL DECsystem-10 MASSBUS DEC DECtape OMNIBUS PDP DIBOL OS/8 DECUS EDUSYSTEM PHA UNIBUS FLIP CHIP RSTS COMPUTER LABS FOCAL RSX COMTEX INDAC TYPESET-8 DDT LAB-8 TYPESET-11 DECCOMM DECSYSTEM-20 TMS-11 ASSIST-MM RTS-8 ITPS-10 VAX VMS SBI DECnet IAS PDT DATATRIEVE TRAX CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 OVERVIEW 1 3.0 DOCUMENTATION 1 4.0 DISTRIBUTION 3 5.0 GETTING ON LINE 3 5.1 General Bootstrap Procedures 3 5.1.1 Operating a Hardware Bootstrap 3 5.1.2 Entering a Bootstrap Manually 4 5.2 RK05 Cartridge Disk Pack 6 5.2.1 Loading Procedure 6 5.2.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure 6 5.2.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure 6 5.3 RL01 Cartridge Disk Pack 7 5.3.1 Loading Procedure 7 5.3.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure 8 5.3.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure 8 5.4 RX01 and RX02 Diskettes 9 5.4.1 Loading Procedure 9 5.4.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure 10 5.4.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure 11 5.5 DECtape (12K TD8E) 12 5.5.1 Loading Procedure 13 5.5.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure 13 5.5.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure 13 5.6 Running the System 14 6.0 VERSION CODES 15 7.0 OBTAINING VERSION CODES FROM OS/8 MODULES 17 FIGURES Figure 1 Loading the RK05 Disk 6 2 Loading the RL01 Disk Pack 7 3 Loading the RX01 and RX02 Diskette 10 TABLES Table 1 Manual Bootstrap Procedure 5 2 RK8E (RK05) Bootstrap Program 6 3 RL01 Bootstrap Program 9 4 RX01 Bootstrap Program 11 5 RX02 Bootstrap Program 12 iii CONTENTS (Cont.) TABLES (Cont.) Page Table 6 TD8E DECtape Bootstrap Program 14 7 File and Media Duplication Utility Programs 15 8 OS/8 Combined Kit Modules and Version Codes 15 9 Obtaining OS/8 Module Version Codes 17 iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document briefly describes the OS/8 Combined Kit, lists the manuals and software contained in the kit, and provides instructions for getting the system on line. 2.0 OVERVIEW The OS/8 Combined Kit is an operating system/software development package for PDP-8 computers. As the name implies, the kit is a combination of OS/8 software products. It includes the software and documentation contained in the following kits: o OS/8, Version 3D, Operating System (described in Software Product Description (S.P.D. 4.1.11) o OS/8, Version 3D, Extension (S.P.D. 4.5.8) o OS/8, Version 3D, Device Extensions for RL01, RX02, and KT8A (S.P.D. 4.12.0) o OS/8, Version 3D, FORTRAN IV (S.P.D. 4.10.7) In addition, the kit's modules have been updated with the binary patches described in the OS/8 Device Extensions User's Guide and in ___________________________________ the issues of the Digital Software News (through June 1979). _____________________ 3.0 DOCUMENTATION The documents contained in the OS/8 Combined Kit are as follows. The titles are presented in alphabetical order. OS/8 COMBINED KIT INFORMATION GUIDE - AA-J016B-TA Describes the kit's contents and how to get the system on line. OS/8 COMBINED KIT - V3D SPD 4.4.2 Describes the OS/8 Combined Kit, its options, licenses, support category and other pertinent information. OS/8 DEVICE EXTENSION RELEASE NOTES - AA-H565A-TA Contains supplemental information on the features of the OS/8 Device Extensions Kit not discussed in the DEVICE EXTENSIONS USER'S GUIDE. OS/8 DEVICE EXTENSIONS USER'S GUIDE - AA-D319A-TA Describes the RL01 and RX02 disks, their bootstrap procedures, and the software support for the KT8A (128K) Memory Management option. 1 OS/8 ERROR MESSAGES - AA-H610A-TA Describes the error messages generated by the OS/8 Monitor and its system programs. OS/8 FORTRAN IV SOFTWARE SUPPORT MANUAL - DEC-S8-LFSSA-A-D Describes internal features of OS/8 FORTRAN IV that may be useful to the advanced user. OS/8 LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL - AA-H609A-TA Describes the languages supported by OS/8: BASIC, FORTRAN IV, PAL8, FORTRAN II, FLAP/RALF, and SABR. OS/8 MARK SENSE BATCH USER'S MANUAL - DEC-S8-OBUGA-A-D Describes the use and operation of the Mark Sense Batch (MSBATCH) OS/8 system program. It includes step-by-step procedures for preparing programs for submission to MSBATCH. OS/8 SOFTWARE SUPPORT MANUAL - DEC-S8-OSSMB-A-D Describes internal system features that may be useful to the advanced user. OS/8 SYSTEM GENERATION NOTES - AA-H606A-TA Describes PDP-8/E bootstrap procedures for LINCtape, DECtape (TC08 and TD8E), and disk (DF32, RF08, RK08, RK8E, and RX01), as well as procedures for building the system from paper tape and DECassette (TA8E). OS/8 SYSTEM REFERENCE MANUAL - AA-H607A-TA Describes the OS/8 system conventions, keyboard commands and utility programs. OS/8 TECO REFERENCE MANUAL - AA-H608A-TA Describes the Text Editing and Correcting program for OS/8 users. OS/8 V3D SYSTEM RELEASE NOTES - DEC-S8-OSRNA-B-D Describes the differences between version V3D of OS/8 and previous versions, as well as corrections to known software problems. TECO POCKET GUIDE - AV-D530A-TK Contains a guick-reference summary of OS/8 TECO commands. 2 4.0 DISTRIBUTION The Combined Kit is distributed on the following media: o One RK05 cartridge disk o One RL01 cartridge disk pack o Six RX01 (single density) diskettes o Three RX02 (double density) diskettes o Three DECtapes (12K TD8E system) 5.0 GETTING ON LINE To use OS/8, you must load a bootstrap program into memory and run it. The bootstrap program loads the OS/8 monitor from its distribution medium and initializes its operation. Each type of storage device (for example, RL01 disk, DECtape, etc.) has a separate bootstrap program. Your system may have either an internal hardware bootstrap loader or a programmer's console. (Some hardware configurations have both.) The hardware bootstrap loader loads and starts an internally stored bootstrap program under the control of a switch located on the front of the processor. The programmer's console has switches that let you manually enter the bootstrap program into memory and start it. The following paragraphs tell you how to load the system medium and to initialize (bootstrap) it. You will also find these bootstrap procedures in the OS/8 System Generation Manual and in the OS/8 Device _____________________________ ___________ Extensions User's Guide. _______________________ 5.1 General Bootstrap Procedures This section tells you how to use the hardware bootstrap loader and how to manually enter and initialize a bootstrap from the programmer's console. The remaining sections of this document provide loading and bootstrap procedures for the OS/8 Combined Kit distribution media. 5.1.1 Operating a Hardware Bootstrap - If your system has a hardware bootstrap loader and the processor is a: PDP-8/A 1. Load the distribution medium into its device (see Sections 5.2 through 5.5). 3 2. Run the bootstrap loader: o Press the BOOT button twice on the programmer's console. or o Raise and lower the BOOT switch on the operator's panel. PDP-8/E 1. Load the distribution medium into its device (see Sections 5.2 through 5.5). 2. Lower and raise the HALT switch. 3. Lower and raise the SW switch. This procedure will have no effect if there is no hardware bootstrap loader in the system for the device that runs your OS/8 distribution medium. 5.1.2 Entering a Bootstrap Manually - If your system has no hardware bootstrap loader for your distribution medium, you must load and start the bootstrap, using the programmer's console as follows: 1. Load the distribution medium into its device (see Sections 5.2 through 5.5). 2. Use the steps in Table 1 to manually load and initiate the appropriate bootstrap program (see Sections 5.2 through 5.5). 4 Table 1 Manual Bootstrap Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Processor | | Step | Function |-----------------------------------------------| | | | PDP-8/A | PDP-8/E | |------|-------------|-------------------|---------------------------| | 1 | Halt the | Press HLT/SS | Lower and raise the HALT | | | processor | | switch | | | | | | | 2 | Display | a. Press MD | Rotate selector switch | | | program | | to MD | | | data to be | b. Press DISP | | | | entered | | | | | | | | | 3 | Select mem- | a. Press 0 | a. Lower switches 6, 7, 8 | | | ory field 0 | | | | | | b. Press LXA | b. Press EXTD ADDR LOAD | | | | | | | 4 | Select | Using the numeric | Using the numeric | | | bootstrap | keys: | switches: | | | loading | | | | | address | a. Enter the | a. Enter the binary equiv-| | | | first (lowest) | alent of the first | | | | bootstrap | (lowest) address | | | | address | | | | | | b. Press ADDR LOAD | | | | b. Press LA | | | | | | | | 5 | Enter each | Using the numeric | Using the numeric | | | instruction | keys: | switches: | | | in the pro- | | | | | gram into | a. Enter the | a. Enter the binary equiv-| | | memory | first | alent of the first | | | | instruction | instruction | | | | | | | | | b. Press D NEXT | b. Raise and lower DEP | | | | | | | | | Repeat above for | Repeat 1 & 2 for suc- | | | | succeeding | ceeding instructions | | | | instructions | | | | | | | | 6 | Select | Using the numeric | Using the numeric | | | bootstrap | keys: | switches: | | | starting | | | | | address | a. Enter the | a. Enter the binary equiv-| | | | starting | alent of the starting | | | | address | address | | | | | | | | | b. Press LA | b. Press ADDR LOAD | | | | | | | 7 | Begin | a. Press INIT | a. Press CLEAR | | | bootstrap | | | | | operation | b. Press RUN | b. Press CONT | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 5.2 RK05 Cartridge Disk Pack 5.2.1 Loading Procedure - If your OS/8 Combined Kit medium is the RK05 disk cartridge, insert the disk into the drive as shown in Figure 1. DIGITAL suggests that you write-protect the distribution medium by pressing the WTPROT switch. If there is more than one RK05 disk drive on your system, insert the disk pack into the drive marked "0". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | RK05 picture not included here. | | | | | | 1. Switch power on. | | | | 2. Set RUN/LOAD switch (3) to LOAD;LOAD indicator light (4) will | | be lit. | | | | 3. Open access door (1), insert RK05 disk cartridge (2); close | | access door. | | | | 4. Set RUN/LOAD switch to RUN; the LOAD indicator light will go | | out. | | | | 5. READY indicator light (5) will go on when it is ready for | | access. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 1 Loading the RK05 Disk 5.2.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a hardware bootstrap loader for the RK05 (RK8E controller) disk, perform the steps in Section 5.1.1. This procedure will have no effect if there is no hardware bootstrap loader for the RK8E on your system. 5.2.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a programmer's console, use its switches as described in Section 5.1.2 to enter and initialize the RK8E bootstrap program listed in Table 2. Table 2 RK8E (RK05) Bootstrap Program Address Instruction _______ ___________ Loading and starting address -------> 30 6743 31 5031 6 5.3 RL01 Cartridge Disk Pack 5.3.1 Loading Procedure - If your OS/8 Combined Kit medium is the RL01 Cartridge Disk Pack, load the disk into its drive as shown in Figure 2. DIGITAL suggests that you protect the distribution medium by pressing the WRITE PROTECT button (when illuminated, protect is in effect). If there is more than one RL01 drive on your system, load the pack into the drive marked "0". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | TO READY DRIVE: | | | | Raise cartridge access door, and load RL01K disk cartridge. | | | | Depress load switch. Note that spindle motor starts turning. | | | | After 30 seconds, UNIT SELECT/READY indicator should light, | | indicating drive is ready to read or write. | | | | If write protection is desired, depress WRITE PROTECT switch | | (WRITE PROTECT indicator). | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | RL01 picture not included here | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) Figure 2 Loading the RL01 Disk Pack 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | DRIVE INDICATORS: | TO LOAD RL01K CARTRIDGE: | | | | | LOAD: | Support cartridge "A" with left | | When lit, indicates that | hand holding protection cover | | cartridge may be loaded or that | "B". | | spindle is stopped. | | | | Push handle slide "C" to left | | UNIT SELECT/READY: | with thumb of right hand. | | Indicates logical drive address. | | | When lit, indicates drive is | Raise cover handle "D" to full | | ready to read, write or receive | upright position, releasing | | controller commands. | protection cover "B". | | | | | FAULT: | Lift cartridge "A" from | | When lit, indicates a drive | protection cover "B" and | | error condition. If this | carefully seat it on drive | | condition persists, seek | spindle with handle recess | | assistance. | facing rear of drive. | | | | | WRITE PROTECT: | Carefully rotate top cover | | When lit, indicates that | handle "D" a few degrees | | cartridge currently mounted is | clockwise and counterclockwise | | write protected. | to ensure firm seating. | | | | | | Gently lower top cover handle | | | "D" to horizontal position to | | | engage cartridge on drive | | | spindle. | | | | | | Place protection cover "B" on | | | top of cartridge | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2 Loading the RL01 Disk Pack (cont.) 5.3.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a hardware bootstrap loader for the RL01 disk, perform the steps in Section 5.1.1. This procedure will have no effect if there is no hardware bootstrap loader for the RL01 on your system. 5.3.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a programmer's console, use its switches as described in Section 5.1.2 to enter and initialize the RL01 bootstrap program listed in Table 3. 8 Table 3 RL01 Bootstrap Program Address Instruction _______ ___________ Loading and starting address--->0001 6600 0002 7201 0003 4027 0004 1004 0005 4027 0006 6615 0007 7002 0010 7012 0011 6615 0012 0025 0013 7004 0014 6603 0015 7325 0016 4027 0017 7332 0020 6605 0021 1026 0022 6607 0023 7327 0024 4027 0025 0377 0026 7600 0027 0000 0030 6604 0031 6601 0032 5031 0033 6617 0034 5427 0035 5001 5.4 RX01 and RX02 Diskettes 5.4.1 Loading Procedure - If your OS/8 Combined Kit medium is a single-density (RX01) diskette or a double-density (RX02) diskette, refer to Figure 3 and perform the procedures listed below to load the diskette into the drive. CAUTION You can insert a single-density diskette into either an RX01 or an RX02 drive. You can insert a double-density diskette into an RX02 drive only. 9 RX02 picture not included here Figure 3 Loading the RX01 and RX02 Diskette Ordinarily you should load the diskette that contains the monitor and system programs (system diskette) into drive 0, which is the left-hand slot. You can use drive 1 (right-hand slot), if necessary, as long as there is no diskette in drive 0 when you start the bootstrap program. 1. Select a diskette from the kit. If you have an RX01 kit, use diskette 1, 2, or 3. If you have an RX02 kit, use diskette 1 or 2. (The other diskette(s) in the kit contain the remaining OS/8 modules.) 2. Open the drive's door: a. Notice that the door latch is embedded in the horizontal bar that is part of the door assembly. b. Compress the latch between the thumb and index finger. The door is spring-loaded and will open when the latch disengages. 3. Grasping the diskette by its top (label) edge, remove it from its protective storage jacket. (This is not the black protective cover in which the diskette is permanently sealed.) CAUTION Do not touch the exposed portions of the diskette that show through the slots in the protective cover. 4. Insert the diskette label-side up (the seams of the protective cover are down) into the horizontal slot in the drive. 5. Close the door. (It will automatically lock when you push it down.) 5.4.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a hardware bootstrap loader for the RX01 or RX02 diskette, perform the steps in Section 5.1.1. This procedure will have no effect if there is no hardware bootstrap loader for the RX01 or RX02 on your system. 10 5.4.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a programmer's console, use its switches as described in Section 5.1.2 to enter and initialize the RX01 or RX02 bootstrap program listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Table 4 RX01 Bootstrap Program Address Instruction _______ ___________ Loading address---->0024 7126 0025 1060 0026 6751 0027 7201 0030 4053 0031 4053 0032 7104 Starting address--->0033 6755 0034 5054 0035 6754 0036 7450 0037 7610 0040 5046 0041 1060 0042 7041 0043 1061 0044 3060 0045 5024 0046 6751 0047 4053 0050 3002 0051 2050 0052 5047 0053 0000 0054 6753 0055 5033 0056 6752 0057 5453 0060 7024 0061 6030 11 Table 5 RX02 Bootstrap Program Address Instruction _______ ___________ Loading address --->0020 1061 0021 1046 0022 0060 0023 3061 0024 7327 0025 1061 0026 6751 0027 7301 0030 4053 0031 4053 0032 7004 Starting address---->0033 6755 0034 5054 0035 6754 0036 7450 0037 5020 0040 1061 0041 6751 0042 1061 0043 0046 0044 1032 0045 3060 0046 0360 0047 4053 0050 3002 0051 2050 0052 5047 0053 0000 0054 6753 0055 5033 0056 6752 0057 5453 0060 0420 0061 0020 5.5 DECtape (12K TD8E) The DECtape bootstrap procedures described below apply to CPUs that have a TD8E Simple DECtape control and at least 12K words of memory. The system on the DECtape distribution medium cannot be bootstrapped in an 8K TD8E ROM environment. 12 5.5.1 Loading Procedure - If your OS/8 Combined Kit medium is DECtape, mount the tape as follows: 1. Select either tape 1 or tape 2 from the kit. (Tape 3 contains the remaining OS/8 modules.) 2. Remove the tape from its protective canister. 3. Remove the plastic seal from the end of the tape. 4. Mount the tape (label-side out) on one of the left-hand hubs of the DECtape transport. You can use either the right or the left drive. (If your system has more than one DECtape transport, you must use the transport that is wired for TD8E units 0 and 1.) 5. Unwrap a few turns of tape, pass it over the drive's read/write head (dull side toward the head), and wind it onto the takeup reel on the right-hand hub. 6. Wind several more turns of tape onto the takeup reel so that the tape is not slack. 7. Press the REMOTE/LOCAL switch to LOCAL. 8. Wind more tape onto the takeup reel by momentarily pressing the forward/reverse switch (marked with left and right arrows) toward the right arrow. 9. Rotate the numbered thumbwheel switch to 0. 10. Press the REMOTE/LOCAL switch to REMOTE. 11. Press the WRITE ENABLE/WRITE LOCK switch to WRITE LOCK to protect the distribution medium. 5.5.2 Hardware Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a hardware bootstrap loader for the TD8E, perform the steps in Section 5.1.1. This procedure will have no effect if there is no hardware bootstrap loader for the TD8E on your system. 5.5.3 Manual Bootstrap Procedure - If your system has a programmer's console, use its switches as described in Section 5.1.2 to enter and initialize the TD8E bootstrap program listed in Table 6. 13 Table 6 TD8E DECtape Bootstrap Program Address Instruction _______ ___________ Loading and starting address--->7300 1312 7301 4312 7302 4312 7303 6773 7304 5303 7305 6777 7306 3726 7307 2326 7310 5303 7311 5732 7312 2000 7313 1300 7314 6774 7315 6771 7316 5315 7317 6776 7320 0331 7321 1327 7322 7640 7323 5315 7324 2321 7325 5712 7326 7354 7327 7756 7330 7747 7331 0077 7332 7400 5.6 Running the System After you load and run a bootstrap, the Keyboard Monitor should identify itself by displaying its prompting symbol, a period (.). The system is waiting for you to enter one of the OS/8 commands described in the OS/8 System Reference Manual. If there is no response from the ____________________________ system, repeat the bootstrap procedure. If there is still no response from the system, call your local DIGITAL sales office for assistance. When you have determined that OS/8 is running, DIGITAL suggests that you make one or more working copies of the distribution medium for daily use. You can make copies by using one of the file manipulation utility programs listed in Table 7 and described in the OS/8 System ___________ Reference Manual. ________________ 14 Table 7 File and Media Duplication Utility Programs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Program | CCL Command | Use | |---------|-------------|--------------------------------------------| | FOTP | COPY | Copies files between file-structured | | | | devices. (You must use PIP with /Z/Y | | | | first to create a new directory and put a | | | | system head on the new media.) | | | | | | PIP | ZERO | Copies files between file-structured | | | | devices, formats a directory area on a | | | | device (/Z option), copies system heads | | | | between file-structured devices (/Y | | | | option). (You must use /Z/Y first before | | | | copying the system files to the new | | | | media.) | | | | | | RKCOPY | None | Duplicates RK05 cartridge disks | | | | | | RXCOPY | DUPLICATE | Duplicates RX01 and RX02 floppy diskettes | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 VERSION CODES Many of the version codes for the OS/8 system modules have changed because of the binary patches that have been added (see Section 2.0). Table 8 lists the version code for each module in the kit. Table 8 OS/8 Combined Kit Modules and Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Version || Module | Version | |-----------------------|---------||-----------------------|---------| | Keyboard Monitor | 3T || FORTRAN II | | | CCL overlay | 3A || RWTAPE.RL | 2 | | CD | 5A || SQRT.RL | 4 | | ODT | 6 || TRIG.RL | 6 | | USR | 4A || UTILITY.RL | 10 | | | || | | | Utilities | || FORTRAN IV | | | ABSLDR.SV | 6B || FRTS.SV | 5A | | BATCH.SV | 8A || F4.SV | 4B | | BITMAP.SV | 4A || PASS2.SV | 4A | | BOOT.SV | 5A || PASS2O.SV | 4A | | BUILD.SV | 7A || PASS3.SV | 4A | | CAMP.SV | 5A || LIBRA.SV | 24A | | CCL.SV | 3A || LOAD.SV | 24A | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) 15 Table 8 (Cont.) OS/8 Combined Kit Modules and Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Version || Module | Version | |-----------------------|---------||-----------------------|---------| | Utilities (cont.) | || FORTRAN IV (cont.) | | | CREF.SV | 5B || RALF.SV | 62A | | DIRECT.SV | 6A || | | | EDIT.SV | 12D || Handlers | | | EPIC.SV | 5A || ASR33.BN | A | | FUTIL.SV | 8B || BAT.BN | B | | FOTP.SV | 9B || CR8E.BN | C | | FOTP.SV | 9B || CR8E.BN | C | | HELP.SV | 2A || CSA.BN | A | | MCPIP.SV | 6B || CSB.BN | A | | MSBAT.SV | 3B || CSC.BN | A | | GENIOX.S | 7A || CSD.BN | A | | PAL8.SV | 13A || DF32NS.BN | A | | PIP.SV | 14A || DF32SY.BN | B | | PIP10.SV | 3B || DUMP.BN | C | | RESORC.SV | 5A || KL8E.BN | E | | SET.SV | 2A || LINCNS.BN | A | | SRCCOM.SV | 4A || LINCSY.BN | B | | TECO.SV | 5.08 || LPSV.BN | C | | TDINIT.SV | 7A || LQP.BN | A | | | || LSPT.BN | A | | Formatters and Copiers| || L645.BN | A | | DTCOPY.SV | 10A || PT8E.BN | A | | DTFRMT.SV | 4A || RF08NS.BN | A | | RKLFMT.SV | D || RF08SY.BN | B | | RLFRMT.SV | 1A || RK08NS.BN | A | | RXCOPY.SV | 4B || RK08SY.BN | D | | TDCOPY.SV | 4A || RK8ENS.BN | A | | TDFRMT.SV | 4A || RK8ESY.BN | C | | | || RLSY.BN | A | | Languages | || RL0.BN | A | | BASIC | || RL1.BN | A | | BASIC.SV | 5B || RL2.BN | A | | BCOMP.SV | 5A || RL3.BN | A | | BLOAD.SV | 5B || RLC.BN | A | | BRTS.SV | 5C || ROMSY.BN | A | | EABRTS.SV | 5A || RXNS.BN | N | | | || RXSY1.BN | M | | FORTRAN II | || RXSY2.BN | M | | FORT.SV | 5A || RX78C.BN | N | | LOADER.SV | 4A || TC08NS.BN | A | | LIBSET.SV | 3A || TC08SY.BN | B | | SABR.SV | 18A || TD8EA.BN | D | | LIB8.RL | || TD8EB.BN | D | | ATAN.RL | 11 || TD8EC.BN | D | | FLOAT.RL | 5 || TD8ED.BN | D | | INTEGR.RL | 5 || TD8ESY.BN | A | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) 16 Table 8 (Cont.) OS/8 Combined Kit Modules and Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Version || Module | Version | |-----------------------|---------||-----------------------|---------| | FORTRAN II (cont.) | || Handlers (cont.) | | | IOH.RL | 10 || TM8E.BN | F | | IOPEN.RL | 21 || VR12.BN | A | | IPOWER.RL | 2 || VT50.BN | A | | POWERS.RL | 5 || VXNS.BN | A | | | || VXSY.BN | A | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.0 OBTAINING VERSION CODES FROM OS/8 MODULES You can obtain version codes from OS/8 system modules in several ways. Many of the programs allow you to enter an option to the Command Decoder. Other programs display their version codes when they begin operation. To get the version codes of device handlers, you can use either the BUILD or ODT programs. Table 9 lists the modules and the methods for obtaining their version codes. Additional information about some of the methods is given in the notes that follow. Table 9 Obtaining OS/8 Module Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Method | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------| | ABSLDR | Examine location 12200 with ODT (Note 1) | | | | | BASIC.SV | Type .EXECUT prog.BA/V | | BAT | Type .RESORC/E (Note 2) | | BATCH | Type /V after BATCH's * | | BCOMP | Type .EXECUT prog.BA/V | | BITMAP | See heading in output listing | | BLOAD | Type .EXECUTE prog.BA/V | | BOOT | Type VERS after Boot's / | | BRTS | Type .EXECUT prog.BA/V | | BUILD | Type VE after BUILD's $ | | | | | CAMP | Type VE after CAMP.s # | | CCL | Type VER after Monitor's . | | CD | FUTIL 51.0 (Note 3) | | CREF | See heading in output listing | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) 17 Table 9 (Cont.) Obtaining OS/8 Module Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Method | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------| | DIRECT | Type /W after DIRECT's * | | DTCOPY | See heading in output listing | | DTFRMT | See heading in output listing | | | | | EABRTS | Examine locations 1115 and 1116 with ODT | | | (Note 1) | | EDIT | Type # after EDIT's # | | EPIC | ODT locations 352 and 353 (Note 1) | | | | | FORT | Type /V after FORT's * or examine location | | | 0342 with ODT (Note 1) | | FOTP | Type /W after FOTP's * | | FRTS | Type /V after FRTS's * or examine locations| | | 5533 and 5534 with ODT (Note 1) | | F4 | See heading in output listing or examine | | | location 0113 with ODT (Note 1) | | FUTIL | Type SH VERS after FUTIL's * | | | | | KBM (Keyboard Monitor)| Type VER after Monitor's prompt. | | KL8E | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | | | | LIBRA | Examine locations 4404 and 4405 with ODT | | | (Note 1) | | LIBSET | Examine location 12753 with ODT (Note 1) | | LOADER | Examine location 17374 with ODT (Note 1) | | LOAD | Examine location 12073 and 17074 with ODT | | | (Note 1) | | LPSV | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | LQP | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | LINCSY | Examine location 207 with ODT (Note 4) | | | | | MCPIP | Type /V after MCPIP | | MSBAT | Type /V after MSBAT' | | | | | ODT | FUTIL 60.0 (Note 3) | | PAL8 | See heading in output listing | | PASS2 | See heading in F4 output listing | | PASS2O | See heading in F4 output listing | | PASS3 | See heading in F4 output listing | | PIP | Type /V after PIP's * | | PIP10 | See directory listing or examine location | | | 4320 with ODT (Note 1) | | | | | RALF | See heading in F4 output listing | | RESORC | Type RESORC/V | | RF08NS | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RF08SY | Examine location 207 with ODT (Note 4) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) 18 Table 9 (Cont.) Obtaining OS/8 Module Version Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module | Method | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------| | RK08NS | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RK08SY | Examine location 207 with ODT (Note 4) | | RK8ENS | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RK8ESY | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RKLFMT | Examine location 0000 with ODT (Note 1) | | RLFRMT | See startup dialog | | RLSY | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RL0 | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RL1 | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RL2 | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RL3 | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RLC | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | ROMMSY | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | RXNS | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 4) | | RXSY1 | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 4) | | RXSY2 | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 4) | | RX28C | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 4) | | RX78C | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) or examine location | | | 0572 with ODT (Note 4) | | RXCOPY | Type /V after RXCOPY's * | | | | | SABR | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 1) | | SET | Type VERS after SET's # | | SRCCOM | See output listing | | | | | TC08SY | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 4) | | TD8ESY | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) or examine location | | | 0207 with ODT (Note 4) | | TDCOPY | See startup dialog or examine locations | | | 0074 and 0075 with ODT (Note 1) | | TDFRMT | Examine location 206 with ODT (Note 1) | | TDINIT | See startup dialog or examine locations | | | 1420 and 1421 with ODT (Note 1) | | TDROM | None | | TD12K | None | | TD8EA | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | TECO | Type EO= after TECO's $ | | | | | VXNS | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | | VXSY | Type RESORC/E (Note 2) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 NOTES: 1. Load the program with the GET command, then use ODT to examine the contents of the specified location. .GET SYS:prog.ex .ODT aaaaa/cccc where: prog.ex is the name of the program aaaaa is the memory location that contains the version code nnnn is an octal number that is the 6-bit ASCII equivalent of the version code. The left two digits represent the first character, and the right two digits represent the second character. Example: To obtain the version code for the ABSLDR program, type: .GET SYS: ABSLDR .ODT 12200/6602 The value 6602 is the version code in 6-bit ASCII. It translates into the characters 6B as follows: 66 02 __ __ | | V V 6 B 2. Use the RESORC CCL command with the /E option to list the active handlers in the current system head. If the handler is not in the system head, you must: a. Run the BUILD program (see OS/8 System Reference Manual). o Load it into BUILD with the LOAD command. o Make it active with the INSERT command o Insert it into the system head with the BOOT command. b. Use the RESORC/E command to get a listing of the system's handlers. 20 3. To obtain some program version codes, you must run the FUTIL program as follows: .R FUTIL bbbb.ddd/nnnn where: bbbb is the block number on the system device ddd is the displacement into the block where the version code resides. nnnn is an octal number that is the 6-bit ASCII equivalent of the version code. The left two digits represent the first character, and the right two digits represent the second character. (See the example in Note 1.) 4. To obtain some handler version codes, you must use ODT as follows: .LOAD filnam.BN .ODT aaaaa/nnnn where: filnam.BN is the filename of the handler aaaaa is the memory location that contains the version code nnnn is an octal number that is the 6-bit ASCII equivalent of the version code. The left two digits represent the first character, and the right two digits represent the second character. (See the example in Note 1.) 21 OS/8 Combined Kit Information Guide DEC-S8-OSRNA-B-D READER'S COMMENTS NOTE: This form is for document comments only. DIGITAL will use comments submitted on this form at the company's discretion. If you require a written reply and are eligible to receive one under Software Performance Report (SPR) service, submit your comments on an SPR form. Did you find this manual understandable, usable, and well-organized? 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