This zip file contains the source code from the "Proteus 1" disk. Below is the file "CONTENTS" from that disk. The archive contains only source code, no executables. There are three copies of source code for the editor program, ED. ED#S - modified for PTDOS, like EDagain#S EDagain#S - modified for PTDOS, like ED#S ED1#S, ED2#S, ED3#S, ED4#S - closer to original? $PR CONTENTS OF THIS DISKETTE $PR (TYPE C/R FOR NEW PAGE) $PR ED:S Source, Object, and List for Greeb's editor. $PR ED:O DDJ Vol.1,#6, P. 161. Minus the tape & teletype $PR ED:L routines. Doubt that anyone will want to use $PR it. I don't. It does have a lot of useful sub- $PR routines. See DDJ for instructions. $PR $PR CH1:S Sanger's game from DDJ Vol.2,#5,P. 10. I assembled $PR CH2:S this by hand when I had no memory - thus the $PR CHE:S three part source. Reassemble where you will. $PR CHASE:O Compass rose changed to numeric key-pad. $PR $PR DIS31:O Disassembler by Van Dyke. DDJ Vol.3,#1,P.38. $PR DIS31:S As is. See DDJ for instructions. $WAIT $PR DIS37:O Disassembler by Greenlaw. DDJ Vol.3,#7,P.4. $PR DIS37:S Modified by me to read from and write to disk $PR files. Minus the command to set up a symbol table. $PR Reassemble if you need a larger table. Between DDJ $PR and the instructions in my part of the program, $PR you should be able to use it. $PR $PR CPM2H:D Doc. file, Object, and Source. This converts $PR CPM2H:O CPM text files so that EDIT likes them. Instructions $PR CPM2H:S in the documentation file. $PR $PR H2CPM:O Reverse of above. Both of these will convert disk $PR H2CPM:S files of any length, as long as both files will $PR fit on the disk. To change formats, the program $PR must fit in memory. See doc. file. $WAIT $PR SCONV The trouble with VAL in EDBASIC is that whenever $PR there is an error, all FOR-NEXT loops are reset. $PR Therefore, VAL in a FOR-NEXT loop is exciting. $PR This happens even if you use ERRSET. SCONV will $PR let you do whatever you want if there is an error. SETIN #0