(the descriptions below come from the contained file, SERVICE, except only descriptions of programs who's source appears in the archive is kept here) ========================= ====>> SERVICE TESTS USERS GUIDE <<==== ========================= The service test disk contains 10 programs intended to aid the service technician test Sols, memories and Helios systems. The tests are all "Image type" files and may be loaded into memory by simply typing the desired test name and a cariage return. The following is a brief summary of the available tests: 16KRA: not used Tests a 16K block of contiguous memory be- ------ ginning at 1000 to 4FFF continuously until the escape key is depressed. The program loads at 0000 and is approximately 256 bytes long. When executed, the program will not display anything on screen until first pass has completed. Details of this test are at the end of the 16KRA manual. 32KRA: Tests a 32K block of contiguous memory at ------ location 0000 - 7FFF in either a single pass or a continuous loop mode. The test loads at memory location C900 (system RAM) and is approximately 256 bytes long. The test begins by allowing the option of con- tinuous or single pass and prints out a pat tern of "G" and/or "X" as in the 16KRA test 48K: This test will check 48K of contiguous mem- ---- ory beginning at 0000 - BFFF in either the continuous or single pass mode. The test loads at C900 and is approximately 256 bytes long. Typing "C" in the beginning sets the continuous mode which will run un- til the "escape" key is depressed. The test will print a pattern of "G" or "X" as in all the other memory tests. DMARD: This test will do DMA reads from the mem- ------ ory onto the disk and uses PTDOS. The program loads at BCC0 and is approximately 400 bytes long. The memory from which the test reads is determined by the first and second parameters when typing the test name from PTDOS. For example: DMARD 0,7 will do a DMA read from 0000 to 7FFF in 4K blocks to the disk. Each 4K block of mem- ory is read 9 times. A bad read will be indicated by an error message and the user has the option in the beginning to either stop on an error or continue on an error. The test will terminate when the "Mode Se- lect" key is depressed. -1- DMAWR: This test will do DMA writes into memory ------ from the disk using PTDOS. The program loads at BCC0 and is approximately 400 bytes long. The memory which will be test ed is specified by the parameters used when typing the file name from PTDOS. For example: DMAWR 0, 7 will do a DMA write into memory locations 0000 - 7FFF in 4K increments writing to each block a total of 9 times. The test will either stop on eroors or continue on errors but in either case will report the failure. Pressing the "Mode Select" key will return the user to PTDOS. SOLT: This test loads at memory location E000 ----- and is approximately 5K long. With this test it is possible to verify the correct operation of the Sol ports. Various tests are available from the menu which comes up when the test is executed by typing the ap propriate letter.