SYSTEM.PM - bootable This is the default system disk for PM. It's equal to Poly's Exec/96 system disk, except for the printer driver which has been modified so that PM's printer output can be captured to a PC device or file. ADVENT.PM - bootable This is an old, possibly incomplete version of the mainframe game called Adventure. It accepts English commands like "open mailbox" and "go east." EXEC961.PM and EXEC962.PM - bootable These are the system disks for Exec/96, the last released version of Poly's Exec operating system. EXECWPS.PM - bootable This is the system disk for the WordMaster word processing system. It added a menu-driven front-end to the editor and formatter programs which had been in the Poly system for some time. GAMES.PM - not bootable Several games written for the Poly: Chess, Battleship, etc. Some rely on Poly graphics characters which aren't reproduced perfectly on the PC. Still, most of them are usable. GAMES4D1.PM - bootable, older Exec/4D Contains a number of Games for the Poly. To run these games properly you need to boot from this disk. LASA.PM - not bootable Source and executable for a utility which can set the Load Address (La) and Start Address (Sa) of a file in a Poly disk directory. SPG.PM - bootable vdisk This is the System Programmer's Guide disk. It has a TRIX subdirectory with useful utilities. WORM.PM - bootable vdisk This contains the source and executable for a "worm" game, derived from a similar Unix game. Start it by typing: WORM You will see a worm (ooooo@) and a number. Use the arrow keys to direct the worm toward the number. Touch the number and you earn that number of points. Touch the edge of the screen, or the worm itself, and the game is over. The worm grows with each number you touch, and it starts moving faster too, so it eventually becomes more difficult (like most video games). The source code is included, as is a MAKE file which will assemble the source to create the executable.