This is a copy of PROMs that I had in my Poly88. The Author is unknown. It is an adaptation of the original Tiny Basic modified for the Poly88 S-100 system. It is intended to run on the CPU card in the two sockets next to the Poly88 monitor. The PROM type is 2708. The one immediately left of the monitor is in the file TB400.HEX. The next left socket is for TB800.HEX. TBASIC.LST is a disassembly that has comments added from a listing of Tiny Basic found in one of the books. Tiny Basic on the Poly88, requires that there be RAM starting at 2000H. This RAM is not the RAM that is found on the CPU card. It is user supplied RAM. A maximum of 8K is used for program space. To start Tiny Basic, one can enter control C or use the monitor to start at 400H. Here is a list of the commands that I know of: LIST NEW RUN NEXT IF GOTO GOSUB RETURN REM FOR INPUT PRINT STOP RND ABS SIZE TO STEP 0>= # ( NOT = ) or field size for print > = <= < * + - / , ; All math is integer. There variables are single letter. There is one array called @. Example: LET @(1) = 5 The command LET is understood so the sequence @(1)=5 is also valid. All commands can be abreviated. Example: P.@(1) will print the value in the array location 1. This version had a way of connecting user functions. I have figured this out and have make extensions to be able to save a program and added the functions PEEK and POKE. Once a program is saved with the SAVE command, one can load using the monitor loader and it will auto- start Tiny Basic with that program loaded. One can then type RUN to execute it. STARTRK is just such a program. You can clear this with NEW and write another and still use the SAVE. You must first load a program that has SAVE before entering a program that you will expect to save. This is because these extensions are not a perminent part of the ROM Tiny Basic. See the *.PRN list file for how to use these new commands. Dwight