revised June 2011 Dwight Elvey POLYWR.COM This program is used to transfer raw information to the Poly-88. It is typically used with SERLOAD on the Poly side. It can be used to transfer binary or ascii. As usual with my files, type the command without parameters for the command line help. There is a 'chicken and egg' problem here. If you are starting with a new system with no tapes, you'll need to bootstrap the system up. To do this, you should enter SERLOAD by hand with the monitor. I have the HEX at the end of this file. I will assume that you have entered this by hand and this is the first file you are loading from the PC to the POLY-88. Connect the serial wire between the PC and the POLY-88's serial adapter. Start SERLOAD at 0C6A. There will be no immediate indication that it is running. Start POLYWR on the PC with: POLYWR 2000 SERLOAD.IMG The progress will be indicated by ...'s. When done, the Poly-88 will have a displayed. The image of the TPERR and SERLOAD are now in memory. You can use TPERR to write out the SERLOAD to the tape by starting at 2102h and entering P or B to select tape record type. Make sure to have the tapes input connected to the proper lead of the tape interface and start the record. Enter a will now write out the file to the tape. It would be a good idea to read the tape back now, using the monitor. You can now use this tape to recover the rest of the image files from the PC. SERLOAD @ 0C6A 0C6A CD AD 02 1B AA 40 CE 00 0C72 3E 36 D3 01 21 54 0C 0E 0C7A 09 36 41 23 0D C2 7B 0C 0C82 36 20 21 FF FF 22 0A 0C 0C8A CD 28 0C CD FE 02 C3 8A 0C92 0C 00 -- -- -- -- -- --