POLYUP is a logging file for use with the programs, SERDUMP or LISTR ( Used with ASM ). Type POLYUP without parameters to get command line help. Once POLYUP has started, it will automatically close the output file when the last record is received. Have SERDUMP loaded on the Poly-88 by using the monitor. Have the serial line of the Poly88 connected to the PC serial COM port. To use SERDUMP do the following: SPJ0C6A GP FileName StartAddr EndAddr The FileName is not used so any name is OK. The StartAddr will usually be 2000 if saving with TPERR ( recommended if intending to restore to a tape later ) The EndAddr must be calulated if saving as a tape image, since one need the tape image plus TPERR saved ( see below ). Make sure to start the program on the PC before typing the enter after EndAddr. Entering the EndAddr starts the serial out at the Poly88 side. Here is how to use TPERR and SERDUMP to save a tape image: First load each tape into memory with the monitors loader from tape. Next we must read the tape we using TPERR instead of the monitor since we want aan image with the headers as well as the data in RAM. Run TPERR by: SPJ2000 G P ( or B for byte ) FileName The P or B must match recorded type of the tape and the FileName must match the records you wish to save. Once it is read, the program will step to the tape writing routine. Break the program here and then start SERDUMP and POLYUP as described above, with the calculated address( see example below ). As an example, I want to save the tape file CRAPS to the PC disk. I first load SERDUMP from tape, using the monitor. I then load TPERR using the monitor again. I start TPERR at 2000H. I use it to read the tape containing CRAPS. On the last record of CRAPS, TPERR will do two 's. Write down the information on the last line. For CRAPS it looked like: CRAPS 0012 ED 1200 05 0012 is the number of 100h records ED is the length of the last record. 1200 would be the start address if it were a binary type 05 is the record type Record these numbers down and stop TPERR and go back to the monitor by ^Z. We need to calculate the size of TPERR plus the data from CRAPS. We know that each record has a 0Eh overhead and that there is one last record of zero data lengths not displayed ( the end record ). We multiply the number 0012h times 010Eh to get the first part. To this we add the EDh for the last record and 0Eh for its overhead. We add another 0Eh for the end record with no data field. We then add 2300h for the location in memory that TPERR placed these records. 12h * 10E = 12FCh size of all full data records 12FC + 0ED = 13E9h Plus last partial data record 13E9 + 0E = 13F7 plus its header 13F7 + 0E = 1405 plus the end record 1405 + 2300 = 3705h EndAddr If your math was correct, the number should be 3705h, for this tape. Connect the serial cable from the serial interface to the PC. Using the monitor start SERDUMP at 0C6Ah. Type P and any letter as a dummy file name ( I used a hand modified SMD for this program ). On the next line, type 2000 ( TPERR's start ) then 3705h ( the number we just calculated. Example: SPJ0C6A G P 2000 3705 Before typing a CR on this last line, type POLYUP CRAPS.IMG on the PC to start the program. Now type the CR on the poly-88. If all is working well, you should see a series of ... showing progress. On the PC, the default is COM1. If you use COM4, you should have typed POLYUP CRAPS.IMG 4 . Dwight Elvey 6/18/2011