M84 - Altair Monitor ==================== A 2K monitor for the Altair 8800 designed to be run from ROM @ F000h Free for non-commercial hobbyist use. Command Summary: ---------------- Deposit (supports both hex and ascii entry) Examine (more like a DUMP it displays a range in hex and ascii) Block move Jump 4K BASIC loader (loads via serial line simulating a papertape load) Memory tester (handy for checking out your latest ebay purchase) Xmodem protocol serial loader (works with Windows Hyperterm) Zero Run utility (similar to LZE2), Help screen via "?" The Monitor uses some ram in page zero, so if you need to run something there, Xmodem it in to a location above 00FFh, then use the Zero Run utility to execute it. Note there are 2 files: M84_2SIO.BIN is for the MITS 2-SIO card M84_SIOA.BIN is for the MITS SIO-A Rev 0 card Have Fun, John Garza March 2009 john_crane_59@yahoo.com