A>type read-me.txt asm.com 8K assembler banner.com 2K program to print large letters on paper cbios.asm 3K cdoscpm.com 2K public domain - CDOS simulator for running some CDOS programs under cp/m see help file cdoscpm.hlp 3K compare.com 2K compares two files - binary or text ex. A> compare 1 2 or A> compare a:1 b:1 convert5.com 8K used to convert older ITC cpm disks to new format convert8.com 8K see ITC manual--- copyfdc.com 2K fast disk copy progam (sector by sector) cpm3355.spr 2K used in generating a new system cpm64.com 9K used in generating a new system cpmcrt.asm 16K used in generating a new system cpmcrt.prn 38K used in generating a new system cpmcrt.spr 2K used in generating a new system cpmfdc.spr 3K used in generating a new system cpmgen.com 21K new system generating program cpmhard.spr 5K used in generating a new system cpmload.com 6K used in generating a new system ddt.com 5K digital research's debugger (not as good as debug.com from Cromemco below debug.com 10K debugger from Cromemco del.com 1K same as eraq.com (renamed to be like 'del' or 'delete' in cromix) queries operator before erasing a file dump.com 5K ed.com 7K a text editor I never use eraq.com 1K see del.com above l.com 4K same as sd.com below (renamed to be like 'l' or 'list' from cromix) alphabeticly list files as well as size and disk space (SEE HELP FILE) link.com 16K load.com 2K mac.com 12K macro assembler movcpm.com 10K used in generating a new system pip.com 8K pipx.com 8K pip with reset feature to allow disk change after pip is loaded (see ITC manual) printer.com 1K selects any of 4 printers or displays current printer selected ex. A> PRINTER (to list current printer) A> PRINTER 2 (to change to printer 2) read.com 7K a good way to read a file a page at a time see help file below for all the bells and whistles read.hlp 4K sd.com 4K same as l.com and sd48a.com -GOOD directory pgm.!! sd.hlp 11K help file for sd71 (similar to above) sd48a.nte 5K note on modification for sd48a.com sq.com 14K file squeezer (used by many bulletin boards to save space) stat.com 6K submit.com 2K sysgen.com 2K to transfer system tracks form disk to disk unera.com 1K a program to UNerase a file accidentally erased see help file unera.hlp 3K usq.com 13K file unsqueezer (used by many bulletin boards to save space) verify.com 1K to set verify on or off in pip.com or to view current state of toggle ex. A> VERIFY (to view current state) verify set to on A> VERIFY OFF (to change to not verifying each file coppied) verify set to off see ITC manual for further info xdir.com 3K another alphabetical directory program - not as good as sd.com xsub.com 1K a public domain submit batch processing program