List off ; ; ******************* ; * General equates * ; ******************* ; wstart equ 0 ;Warm start vector. iobyte equ 3 ;I/O byte. cdos equ 5 ;Cdos entry point. cbuff equ 80h ;Command line buffer. dfcb1 equ 5ch ;Default fcb 1. dfcb2 equ 6ch ;Default fcb 2. tbase equ 100h ;Transient prog base. version equ 253h ;Current version. ; ; **************************** ; * Cdos System call Equates * ; **************************** ; .abort equ 0 .conine equ 1 .conout equ 2 .rdrin equ 3 .punout equ 4 .lstout equ 5 .conio equ 6 .getiob equ 7 .setiob equ 8 .wrline equ 9 .rdline equ 0ah .constat equ 0bh .deselold equ 0ch .reset equ 0dh .select equ 0eh .open equ 0fh .close equ 10h .search equ 11h .findnxt equ 12h .delete equ 13h .rdnext equ 14h .wrnext equ 15h .create equ 16h .rename equ 17h .getdiskv equ 18h .getcurr equ 19h .setbuff equ 1ah .getallo equ 1bh .setwpv equ 1ch .getwpv equ 1dh .setatrib equ 1eh .getdpar equ 1fh .usrcode equ 20h .rdrand equ 21h .wrrand equ 22h .filsize equ 23h .setrnd equ 24h ; .conin equ 80h .getusr equ 81h .setabort equ 82h .rdlogic equ 83h .wrlogic equ 84h ; .format equ 86h .dirupd equ 87h .linkpgm equ 88h .mult equ 89h .divd equ 8ah .home equ 8bh .eject equ 8ch .version equ 8dh .setspec equ 8eh .setdate equ 8fh .getdate equ 90h .settime equ 91h .gettime equ 92h .setretur equ 93h .setattr equ 94h .rdlabel equ 95h .mtroff equ 96h .setram equ 97h .rdcurr equ 98h .wrcurr equ 99h .chkallo equ 9ah ; .dir equ 9ch .setopt equ 9dh .delext equ 9eh .getmastr equ 9fh .rdtrk equ 0a0h .wrtrk equ 0a1h .deselect equ 0a2h ; ; ****************************** ; * File Control Block offsets * ; ****************************** ; struct 0 f.dsk ds 1 ;Disk specifier. f.fn ds 8 ;Filename. f.fne ds 3 ;File extension. f.ent ds 1 ;Dir entry count. f.res1 ds 1 ;Reserved. f.res2 ds 1 ;Reserved. f.rcnt ds 1 ;Record count. f.cmap ds 10h ;Cluster map. f.nxtrec ds 1 ;Next record. f.size ds 0 ;Size of fcb. mend ; ; ***************** ; * Label offsets * ; ***************** ; equ 81h ;Label identifier. struct 0 l.flg1 ds 1 ;Label flags ( l.nam ds 8 ;Label name. l.mon ds 1 ;Month. ds 1 ;Day. l.yr ds 1 ;Year. l.r.clust ds 1 ;Records / cluster. l.flg2 ds 1 ;Flags. ; Bit 7 set = 2 byte cluster ptr. ; Bit 6 set = Extended file (hard). ; Bit 5 set = Bitmap on disk (hard). l.res ds 1 ;Not used. l.r.dir ds 1 ;Records in directory. l.cmap ds 10h ;Cluster map of dir. l.size ds 0 ;Size of label. mend ; ; *************************** ; * Directory entry offsets * ; *************************** ; equ 0e5h ;Empty entry flag. struct 0 e.attr ds 1 ;Attribute flags. e.fn ds 8 ;Filename. e.fne ds 3 ;Filename extension. e.ext ds 1 ;Extent number. ds 1 e.r.hext ds 1 ;Recs in last extent. ;(hard only). e.r.ext ds 1 ;Recs in last extent. e.cmap ds 10h ;Cluster map. e.size ds 0 ;Size of entry mend ; ; *************************** ; * Disk Data table offsets * ; *************************** ; struct 0 d.config ds 1 ;Drive configuration. ; Bit Set Reset ; 0 ; 1 Dual Drive Single Drive ; 2 ; 3 Fast seek Slow seek ; 4 Hard Floppy ; 5 DD drive SD drive ; 6 DS drive SS drive ; 7 Rd after Wr No Rd after Wr ; d.dconfig ds 1 ;Disk & drive config. ; Bit Set Reset ; 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 DT disk ST disk ; 4 DT drive ST drive ; 5 LG drive SM drive ; 6 DD disk SD disk ; 7 DS disk SS disk ; d.lun ds 1 ;Logical unit number. d.lsttrk ds 1 ;Last track accessed. ds 1 d.r.clust ds 1 ;Records / Cluster. d.fn$ ds 2 ;$ of function table. d.fblk ds 2 ;1st blk of file area. d.dirent ds 2 ;No. of dir entries. ds 1 d.attr ds 1 ;Disk attributes. d.label ds 8 ;Disk label. ds 4 d.nclust ds 2 ;clusters on disk ? ds 2 ds 1 ;sd records / track. ds 2 ;Tracks / surface. d.nsurf ds 1 ;Number of surfaces. d.ddat$ ds 2 ;$ of table for other ;half of dual drives. d.alt$ ds 2 ;$ of alt. track table. d.nalt ds 1 ;Number of alt. tracks. ds 3 d.bblk ds 3 ;Block no. of bitmap. d.veloc ds 1 ;Drive seek speed. ds 1 d.dr.trk ds 1 ;dd records / track. d.month ds 1 ;Month on label. ds 1 ;Day on label. d.year ds 1 ;Year on label. d.r.sect ds 1 ;Records / sector. d.size ds 0 ;Disk table size. mend ; ; ********************** ; * User Table offsets * ; ********************** ; u.rl equ 0 ;User L. u.rh equ 1 ;User H. equ 2 ;User E. u.rd equ 3 ;User D. u.rc equ 4 ;User C. u.rb equ 5 ;User B. u.rf equ 6 ;User Flags. u.ra equ 7 ;User A. u.rspl equ 8 ;User stack pointer. u.rsph equ 9 u.riff equ 0ah ;User interrupt stat. u.curdsk equ 0bh ;Current disk. u.diskb equ 0ch ;Current disk buffer. ; u.trap$ equ 11h ;^C trap address. ; u.prgret equ 14h ;Program return code. u.opts equ 15h ;User options. u.lcnt equ 16h ;Console char count. ; u.ddat$ equ 23h ;$ of disk entry table. u.mstdk equ 25h ;Master drive. u.lstbdrv equ 26h ;Last drive used in @. u.ddiskb equ 27h u.sdiskb equ 29h ; u.pgmnam equ 2dh ;Current Program name. ; list on ; *** Cdos Equates inserted ***