MTR90H.MAC (updated version of MTR90.ASM) This is the MTR-90 PROM with an "H" (Hex Load) command added to allow loading of Intel hex files via a serial port. The serial port to use can be selected at assembly time by setting the SIOBASE equate. The serial port is forced to 9600 baud for the transfer. This source file also includes minor syntax updates to allow assembly with the Microsoft M80 assembler under CP/M. Assemble with M80 under CP/M (MTR90.INC must be present) A>M80 MTR90H=MTR90H (for no listing file) or A>M80 MTR90H,MTR90H=MTR90H (to generate a listing file) Link to Intel hex with L80 under CP/M A>L80 MTR90H,MTR90H /N/X/E During the link, respond "N" to the "Origin below loader memory, move anyway(Y or N)?" prompt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also in this directory is code for the original MTR-90 PROM updated to assemble with the Microsoft M80 assembler. Use files MTR90.MAC and MTR90.INC.