CP/M 2.2 for the FDC+3712 (IBM 8" SSSD) in an Altair Computer The file "CPM22v1.0-FDC+3712-48K" is a bootable version of CP/M 2.2 for the FDC+3712 (iCOM/Pertec 3712) sized for 48K of RAM. The console defaults to an Altair 88-2SIO serial port. Use PC2FLOP in the "Disk Image Transfer" folder to write a disk image to a pre-formatted 8" single-sided floppy disk. To boot the CP/M disk, jump to the FDC+3712 boot PROM (or image of the PROM loaded into RAM) at F400h. Run MOVCPM to size for a different amount of RAM, e.g., "MOVCPM 56" to size for 56K or "MOVCPM" to let CP/M size the RAM. Then run SYSGEN to write the image already in RAM to the boot disk.