; Jump to the boot PROM at FC00 and then reset to abort. This initializes the UIO board. L (send CP68.S19) L (send DSKDRV.S19) J 0100 starts CP/68 EXIT back to monitor L (send INIT.S19) going to init the floppy disk L (send BOOT.S18) M 0028 xx 00 force drive 0 J 2100 execute INIT INIT. DISK IN DRIVE 0 ? .Y let init complete J 07C4 CP68 warm start SAVE CP68.SYS,$0010,$1E4F,$0100 SAVE INIT.CMD,$2100,$24EF,$2100 SAVE BOOT.CMD,$2400,$24EF,$2400 EXIT back to monitor L (send LINK.S19) J 07C4 CP68 warm start SAVE LINK.CMD,$2000,$21F0,$20AA LINK SYSTEM FILE NAME? .CP68.SYS BOOT try BOOT program (should reboot CP68) reset computer J FC00 try cold boot EXIT back to monitor after boot L (send ASSIGN.S19) J 07C4 SAVE ASSIGN.CMD,$2000,$2121,$2000 EXIT L (send DELETE.S19) J 07C4 SAVE DELETE.CMD,$2000,$2243,$20B8 EXIT L (send SECURITY.S19) J 07C4 SAVE SECURITY.CMD,$2000,$21B0,$20AA EXIT L (send SET.S19) J 07C4 SAVE SET.CMD,$2000,$2100,$2000 EXIT L (send PIP.S19) J 07C4 SAVE PIP.CMD,$2000,$2E40,$2458 EXIT L (send STATUS.S19) J 07C4 SAVE STATUS.CMD,$2000,$2070,$2000 ; set operating system commands as non delete-able, ; and non rename-able SEC CP68.SYS,2 SEC INIT.CMD,2 SEC BOOT.CMD,2 SEC LINK.CMD,2 SEC ASSIGN.CMD,2 SEC DELETE.CMD,2 SEC SECURITY.CMD,2 SEC SET.CMD,2 SEC PIP.CMD,2 SEC STATUS.CMD,2