WordStar Disk The wordstar.dsk image file contains WordStar version 3.00 along with the SpellStar overlay and the INSTALL program for WordStar to allow modification of the WordStar installation. WS.COM is configured for an ADDS Viewpoint terminal which works with HyperTerm and the AUTO or VT52 emulation setting in HyperTerm. Tera-Term does not have an emulation setting that supports the VT52 or any other terminal option present in WordStar. WS.COM can be reconfigured using the INSTALL program on the disk. Run INSTALL and choose "N" at the very first prompt. In the "Installation Options Menu" choose option "D" to modify the existing WS.COM file. You can then configure the terminal type, printer type, communication parameters, apply patches, etc., as desired. The wordstar.dsk image file boots Burcon 56K CP/M 2.2, but it can be used as a drive B: with CP/M 1.4 if desired. WordStar manuals can be found in the Altair->Software->Manuals folder.