Documentation of various original programs written by Ward Christensen ----LIFE8.ASM---- OVERVIEW: LIFE program for the VDM. Makes use of the high bit rev-video for some function, so not quite as "nice" on a VTI or other tube. Stores chars with the hi bit off so an unmodified VTI would be a real problem. Overview: has commands to run; randomly fill the screen; save/restore screens in memory; clear; input (using h,j,k,l like wordmaster, but not control keys); movers (little guys who randomly, "undyingly" bounce about the screen; 0 to 99 random "mutation" hits per generation (either "toggle" mutations, or "only on"); variable speed; side wrap around or not; a "post" which, in run mode, is an undying cell which is movable under keyboard control without stopping running; and exit to CP/M. USAGE: Totally documented within itself. "?" is a help command which gives a menu of functions, then typing a function key (such as / to randomly mutate generations) causes help information on the exact command format. DEPENDENCIES: VDM. Written for CC00H. .ASM supplied for others to change.